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Created January 14, 2014 22:35
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A sample Angular app that fetches data from an API through a Poller service, caches it on another Service, then shows the latest data in the UI
# data resource
angular.module('resources').factory 'DataResource', ['$resource', (resource) ->
resource '/api/v1/data/:id',
{ id: '@id' },
get: { method: 'GET', isArray: false },
query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true }
# data service
angular.module('services').factory 'DataService', ['DataResource', (DataResource) ->
currentData = []
class DataService
# simple wrapper to fetch data via the resource, which calls the API
@query: (data, success, failure) =>
DataResource.query(data, success, failure)
@currentData: =>
@setCurrentData: (data) =>
currentData = data
return new DataService()
# poller
angular.module('services').factory 'Poller', [ ->
class Poller
beginPolling: (someService) ->
intervalId = setInterval(->
(response) ->
(response) -> #failure
, 3000)
return new Poller()
# controller
angular.module('controllers').factory 'DataController', ['$scope', 'DataService', 'Poller', (scope, DataService, Poller) ->
# runs when the controller is initialized
scope.init = ->
# If you don't make this a function, it will only ever have the data that was
# returned from the service at the time of initialization = -> DataService.currentData()
# Example: (this is will only ever be set to whatever your service returned
# the first time your controller was initialized. = DataService.currentData()
# Alternatively, you can expose the entire service to your scope and access it
# directly.
scope.service = DataService
# view (using a controller method that wraps the service)
div ng-controller="DataController" ng-init="init()"
h1 My Data
li ng-repeat="item in data()"
# view (using the service directly exposed to the scope)
div ng-controller="DataController" ng-init="init()"
h1 My Data
li ng-repeat="item in service.currentData()"
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