Fix Formatting and figure out startup script.
Setup a bitcoin wallet. You can find a list of available wallets at I decided to to start.
Sign up for a bitcoin pool. A comparison of mining pools can be found at I found this a bit overwhelming so I decide to start with Slush's pool, (, as a few tutorials were using it. This video contains some info on setting it up.
ssh into your raspberry pi
Pull down any updates to any packages you have currently installed,
$ sudo apt-get update
Install the updates you just downloaded,
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
Install our depencies
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev tmux
If not already there go to your home directory/
$ cd
Clone cgminer from github.
Go to the cgminer directory you just cloned.
$ cd cgminer
We first need to do some configuration before compiling cgminer. There seems to be a number of options to set. I wasn't 100% sure what needed to be set for using the U2, so I decided to keep following for this step.
$ sudo ./
$ export LIBCURL_CFLAGS=’-I/usr/include/curl’
$ ./configure --enable-icarus
Note: Running autogen and configure may take a bit to start after running the command, so be patient.
Now it's time to compile.
$ make
. -
$ sudo make install
Time for a snack break. You are now on your way to this.
or this
Time to start up our miner. Open a tmux session so we can detach without closing the program.
$ tmux
$ cd cgminer
Changes working directory to cgminer directory. Assumes you are in your home directory.$ cd
if you are unsure. -
Start up cgminger. This setup is for Antminer U2's your setup may differ.
$ sudo ./cgminer --bmsc-options 115200:20 -o POOL -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD --bmsc-freq 0981
Since I am using slush's pool, I replaced "POOL" with stratum+tcp://
. Yours will be different if you are using a pool other than Slush. Some tutorials say you need to add your devices, but since I am running 2 U2's only, cgminer automatically detects and runs both. If I was running different miners, say a U2 and a U3 I would need to specify the correct device to apply the correct settings.
Reference:(Clean Me!),,, []( ntminer-u1-fun/),,,,,,,,
- Deciphering the interface
AntMiner U3
Multidevice Resources
Additional Info:
has anyone tried building this on a raspberry pi recently? I can't get this to build on my pi2B 3B or 4. with the most recent Raspberry PI OS's. Tried on both 32 and 64 bit and I get an epic crap-ton of errors in the compile. The first error is that CIRL is not located in '/usr/include/curl'
I would be interested in some help with this as I try to build cgminer for asic USB miners like the U2 and the NEWPAC miners