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Created November 25, 2018 20:59
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Code from "Typing the technical interview" by Kyle "Aphyr" Kingsbury -

Typing the technical interview

Originally written by Kyle "Aphyr" Kingsbury

Definitely check out the awesome blog post where this code originated. It's well worth the read!

To run:

$ ghci Solution.hs

*Main> :type solution (nil :: N6)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-methods #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-simplifiable-class-constraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
nil = undefined
data Nil
data Cons x xs
class First list x | list -> x
instance First Nil Nil
instance First (Cons x more) x
class ListConcat a b c | a b -> c
instance ListConcat Nil x x
instance (ListConcat as bs cs) => ListConcat (Cons a as) bs (Cons a cs)
-- Concatenate all lists in a list
class ListConcatAll ls l | ls -> l
instance ListConcatAll Nil Nil
instance (ListConcat chunk acc result, ListConcatAll rest acc) =>
ListConcatAll (Cons chunk rest) result
-- Is any element of this list True?
class AnyTrue list t | list -> t
instance AnyTrue Nil False
instance AnyTrue (Cons True more) True
instance (AnyTrue list t) => AnyTrue (Cons False list) t
data True
data False
class Not b1 b | b1 -> b
instance Not False True
instance Not True False
class Or b1 b2 b | b1 b2 -> b
instance Or True True True
instance Or True False True
instance Or False True True
instance Or False False False
data Z
data S n
type N0 = Z
type N1 = S N0
type N2 = S N1
type N3 = S N2
type N4 = S N3
type N5 = S N4
type N6 = S N5
type N7 = S N6
type N8 = S N7
-- Equality
class PeanoEqual a b t | a b -> t
instance PeanoEqual Z Z True
instance PeanoEqual (S a) Z False
instance PeanoEqual Z (S b) False
instance (PeanoEqual a b t) => PeanoEqual (S a) (S b) t
-- Comparison (<)
class PeanoLT a b t | a b -> t
instance PeanoLT Z Z False
instance PeanoLT (S x) Z False
instance PeanoLT Z (S x) True
instance (PeanoLT a b t) => PeanoLT (S a) (S b) t
-- Absolute difference
class PeanoAbsDiff a b c | a b -> c
instance PeanoAbsDiff Z Z Z
instance PeanoAbsDiff Z (S b) (S b)
instance PeanoAbsDiff (S a) Z (S a)
instance (PeanoAbsDiff a b c) => PeanoAbsDiff (S a) (S b) c
-- Integers from n to 0
class Range n xs | n -> xs
instance Range Z Nil
instance (Range n xs) => Range (S n) (Cons n xs)
class Apply f a r | f a -> r
data Conj1 list
instance Apply (Conj1 list) x (Cons x list)
-- Map f over a list
class Map f xs ys | f xs -> ys
instance Map f Nil Nil
instance (Apply f x y, Map f xs ys) => Map f (Cons x xs) (Cons y ys)
-- Map f over list and concatenate results together
class MapCat f xs zs | f xs -> zs
instance MapCat f Nil Nil
instance (Map f xs chunks, ListConcatAll chunks ys) => MapCat f xs ys
-- Filter a list with an Apply-able predicate function
class AppendIf pred x ys zs | pred x ys -> zs
instance AppendIf True x ys (Cons x ys)
instance AppendIf False x ys ys
class Filter f xs ys | f xs -> ys
instance Filter f Nil Nil
instance (Apply f x t, Filter f xs ys, AppendIf t x ys zs) =>
Filter f (Cons x xs) zs
data Queen x y
data Queen1 x
instance Apply (Queen1 x) y (Queen x y)
-- A list of queens in row x with y from 0 to n.
class QueensInRow n x queens | n x -> queens
instance (Range n ys, Map (Queen1 x) ys queens) => QueensInRow n x queens
-- Does queen a threaten queen b?
class Threatens a b t | a b -> t
instance ( PeanoEqual ax bx xeq
, PeanoEqual ay by yeq
, Or xeq yeq xyeq
, PeanoAbsDiff ax bx dx
, PeanoAbsDiff ay by dy
, PeanoEqual dx dy deq
, Or xyeq deq res
) =>
Threatens (Queen ax ay) (Queen bx by) res
-- Partial application of Threatens
data Threatens1 a
instance (Threatens a b t) => Apply (Threatens1 a) b t
-- Is queen b compatible with all queen as?
class Safe config queen t | config queen -> t
instance (Map (Threatens1 queen) config m1, AnyTrue m1 t1, Not t1 t2) =>
Safe config queen t2
data Safe1 config
instance (Safe config queen t) => Apply (Safe1 config) queen t
-- Add a queen with the given x coordinate to a legal configuration, returning
-- a set of legal configurations.
class AddQueen n x c cs | n x c -> cs
instance ( QueensInRow n x candidates
, Filter (Safe1 c) candidates filtered
, Map (Conj1 c) filtered cs
) =>
AddQueen n x c cs
data AddQueen2 n x
instance (AddQueen n x c cs) => Apply (AddQueen2 n x) c cs
-- Add a queen at x to every configuration, returning a set of legal
-- configurations.
class AddQueenToAll n x cs cs' | n x cs -> cs'
instance (MapCat (AddQueen2 n x) cs cs') => AddQueenToAll n x cs cs'
-- Add queens recursively
class AddQueensIf pred n x cs cs' | pred n x cs -> cs'
instance AddQueensIf False n x cs cs
instance (AddQueenToAll n x cs cs2, AddQueens n (S x) cs2 cs') =>
AddQueensIf True n x cs cs'
class AddQueens n x cs cs' | n x cs -> cs'
instance (PeanoLT x n pred, AddQueensIf pred n x cs cs') =>
AddQueens n x cs cs'
-- Solve
class Solution n c | n -> c where
solution :: n -> c
instance (AddQueens n Z (Cons Nil Nil) cs, First cs c) => Solution n c where
solution = nil
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