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Last active May 1, 2020 12:06
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카카오 2020겨울인턴 코딩테스트 해답 코드
import Foundation
func solution(_ board:[[Int]], _ moves:[Int]) -> Int {
var b = board
var st: [Int] = []
var result = 0
for m in moves {
var index = 0
while index < b.count,b[index][m-1] == 0 {
index += 1
if index == b.count {
b[index][m-1] = 0
while st.canDeleteDolls() {
result += 2
return result
extension Array where Element == Int {
func canDeleteDolls() -> Bool {
guard self.count > 1 else {
return false
let top = self[self.count-1]
let topUnder = self[self.count-2]
return top == topUnder
import Foundation
func solution(_ s:String) -> [Int] {
var result: [Set<Int>] = []
let secondIndex = s.index(after: s.startIndex)
let lastIndex = s.index(before: s.endIndex)
var num = 0
var temp: Set<Int> = Set()
var isInSet: Bool = false
for c in s[secondIndex..<lastIndex] {
if c.isNumber {
num *= 10
num += Int(String(c))!
} else if c == Character(",") {
if isInSet {
num = 0
} else if c == Character("}") {
if num != 0 {
} else if c == Character("{") {
isInSet = true
num = 0
temp = Set()
let sorted = result.sorted { $0.count < $1.count }
var prev: Set<Int> = Set()
var r: [Int] = []
for s in sorted {
prev = s
return r
import Foundation
func solution(_ user_id:[String], _ banned_id:[String]) -> Int {
var candidate: [[String]] = []
var s: Set<Set<String>> = Set()
for id in banned_id {
let c = user_id.getCandidate(id)
getProjections(candidate, 0, []) {
var t: Set<String> = Set()
for a in $0 {
if t.count != $0.count {
return s.count
func getProjections(_ s: [[String]], _ i: Int,
_ result: [String],
_ c: ([String]) -> Void) {
if i == s.count {
var result = result
for t in s[i] {
if !result.contains(t) {
getProjections(s, i+1, result, c)
extension Array where Element == String {
func getCandidate(_ id: String) -> [String] {
var candidate: [String] = []
for s in self {
guard id.count == s.count else {
var isMatched = true
for (c1,c2) in zip(s,id) {
if c2 == Character("*") {
if c1 != c2 {
isMatched = false
if isMatched {
return candidate
solution(["123","456","789"], ["*23"])
import Foundation
func solution(_ k:Int64, _ room_number:[Int64]) -> [Int64] {
var result: [Int64] = []
var dic: [Int64:Int64] = [:]
for number in room_number {
let n = dic.getRoomNumber(number)
return result
extension Dictionary where Key == Int64, Value == Int64 {
mutating func getRoomNumber(_ n: Int64) -> Int64{
guard let s = self[n] else {
self[n] = n + 1
return n
let newRoom = getRoomNumber(s)
self[n] = newRoom
return newRoom
import Foundation
func solution(_ stones:[Int], _ k:Int) -> Int {
var arr: [Range<Int>] = []
let ordered = stones.enumerated().sorted { $0.element < $1.element }
var total = 0
var index = 0
var prevCount = 0
while index < stones.count {
let toBeHovered = ordered[index].element - prevCount // 이 돌이 가라앉기 까지 건넌 사람
prevCount = ordered[index].element
total += toBeHovered
let sinked = ordered[index].offset
if !arr.insertAndMerge(sinked..<sinked+1, k) {
index += 1
return total
extension Array where Element == Range<Int> {
func binarySearch(_ r: Range<Int>) -> Int {
if self.isEmpty {
return 0
var lower = 0
var upper = self.count-1
while lower <= upper {
let mid = (lower + upper) / 2
let founded = self[mid]
if founded.lowerBound < r.lowerBound {
lower = mid + 1
} else {
upper = mid - 1
return lower
mutating func insertAndMerge(_ r: Range<Int>, _ limit: Int) -> Bool {
var i = self.binarySearch(r)
var current = r
if i>0, self[i-1].upperBound == current.lowerBound {
let d = self.remove(at: i-1)
current = d.lowerBound..<current.upperBound
i -= 1
if i<self.count, self[i].lowerBound == current.upperBound {
let d = self.remove(at: i)
current = current.lowerBound..<d.upperBound
self.insert(current, at: i)
if current.upperBound - current.lowerBound >= limit {
return false
return true
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