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Created February 5, 2023 18:02
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  • Save JDJGInc/4c2d09bc9e6d3b1b68e1ad83e522c858 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JDJGInc/4c2d09bc9e6d3b1b68e1ad83e522c858 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#"driver": "imoog.database.mongo", #
#"config": {
#"connection_uri": "mongodb cluster connection uri",
#"database_name": "database name",
#"collection_name": "collection name"
###### Postgres Driver example
"driver": "imoog.database.postgres", #
"config": {
"connection_uri": "postgres://(censored)",
"max_size": 100, # the maximum amount of connections to create for the PostgreSQL connection pool
"min_size": 1, # the minimum amount of connections to create for the PostgreSQL connection pool
"table_name": "my_images"
"driver": "imoog.cache.memorycache", # basic in memory cache. Cleared everytime your node shutsdown.
"config": {} # leave this empty as memory caches have no config
# apart from the MAX_CACHE_SIZE which is inferred from the setting automatically.
##### Redis Cache Driver example
# ==============================
# "driver": "imoog.cache.rediscache",
# "config": {
# "connection_uri": "redis connection uri",
# "username": "username for auth",
# "password": "password for auth"
# # please REMOVE the username and password keys if your redis instance
# # does not require username and password authentication
# # OR if your connection uri includes these details.
# }
# }
COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 6 # this is the optimal level for speed and compression.
# the higher the number, the better the compression, but it takes longer.
# the smaller the number, the worse the compression, but its much faster.
MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 100 # set a maximum cache size. If you want a cache with no limit -
# simply set this value to 'inf'. This setting is useful if you have a limited amount
SECRET_KEY = "private" # a secret key that will be checked in the 'Authorization' header
# whenever a POST request is made to /upload endpoint.
NOT_FOUND_STATUS_CODE = 404 # the status code to return when a file is not found.
# this can be custsomised to your liking. A good use case to customise this is if
# you are requesting files off your network programatically.
FILE_NAME_LENGTH = 9 # the length that the generated unique file names should be.
# usually reducing this value will not change how large your keys are inside in your database.
# 9 is a nice value, as it makes it quite unique, while still being a manageable size to remember.
DELIVER_ENDPOINT_METHODS = ["GET"] # the HTTP methods that your deliver endpoint will allow.
# this is really just something to customise.
DELIVER_ENDPOINT = "/image/" # the path for your deliver endpoint. the default is '/image/'.
# an example would be:<DELIVER_ENDPOINT>/<UNQIUE_FILE_ID>
# this MUST end with a trailing slash.
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["*"] # set a list of allowed hosts.
# by default, this is set to ALL hosts, as indicated through the '*'
# this internally uses Starlette's Trusted Host middleware (starlette.middleware.trustedhost.TrustedHostMiddleware)
ENFORCE_SECURE_SCHEME = False # any incoming requests must be from,
# the https or wss protocols. Any other protcol will be redirected to their secure variant.
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS = ["*"] # a list of allowed origins
# that browsers are allowed to use in a Cross-Domain context.
# by default, this is set to all domains.
FALLBACK_FILE_EXT = "png" # the file extension that imoog will fallback on
# if a file extension was unable to be parsed from the mime type.
FILE_DELETED_STATUS_CODE = 204 # the status code to return when
# a file deletion has succeeded
DELETE_ENDPOINT_METHODS = ["DELETE", "POST", "GET"] # the allowed methods
# for the delete endpoint
REQUIRE_AUTH_FOR_DELETE = True # whether authorization is needed via the secret key
# to delete the file
USE_OPENGRAPH = True # tells imoog whether to use the set open graph properties
# allows you to easily turn on and off open graph usage
"title": "JDJG's CDN(Thank you Imoog)",
"description": "A CDN powered by imoog :)",
"type": "website",
"site_name": "JDJG's CDN"
} # these follow the opengraph specification. Say you add a property called "netflix", imoog will render it as
# og:netflix. Be careful to not add invalid properties. DO NOT add the image or video properties. This will override
# imoog's handling, and could break something internally.
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="theme-color" content="#eb6d15">
""" # don't change this unless you actually know what you're doing.
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