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Forked from zanona/sentry-serverless-firebase.ts
Created December 29, 2023 14:26
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Missing Sentry's firebase serverless wrappers
* Temporary wrapper for firebase functions until @sentry/serverless support is implemented
* It currently supports wrapping https, pubsub and firestore handlers.
* usage: https.onRequest(wrap((req, res) => {...}))
* Updated by JFGHT 29/12/2023
* Taken from
import type { Event } from '@sentry/types';
import type { https } from 'firebase-functions';
import type { onRequest, onCall } from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/https';
import type { ScheduleBuilder } from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/pubsub';
import type { DocumentBuilder } from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/firestore';
type httpsOnRequestHandler = Parameters<typeof onRequest>[0];
type httpsOnCallHandler = Parameters<typeof onCall>[0];
type pubsubOnRunHandler = Parameters<ScheduleBuilder['onRun']>[0];
type firestoreOnWriteHandler = Parameters<DocumentBuilder['onWrite']>[0];
type firestoreOnUpdateHandler = Parameters<DocumentBuilder['onUpdate']>[0];
type firestoreOnCreateHandler = Parameters<DocumentBuilder['onCreate']>[0];
type firestoreOnDeleteHandler = Parameters<DocumentBuilder['onDelete']>[0];
type FunctionType = 'http' | 'callable' | 'document' | 'schedule';
export function getLocationHeaders(req: https.Request): { country?: string; ip?: string } {
* Checking order:
* Cloudflare: in case user is proxying functions through it
* Fastly: in case user is service functions through firebase hosting (Fastly is the default Firebase CDN)
* App Engine: in case user is serving functions directly through
const ip =
req.header('Cf-Connecting-Ip') ||
req.header('Fastly-Client-Ip') ||
req.header('X-Appengine-User-Ip') ||
req.header('X-Forwarded-For')?.split(',')[0] ||
req.connection.remoteAddress ||
const country =
req.header('Cf-Ipcountry') ||
req.header('X-Country-Code') ||
return { ip: ip?.toString(), country: country?.toString() };
function wrap<A, C>(type: FunctionType, name: string, fn: (a: A) => C | Promise<C>): typeof fn;
function wrap<A, B, C>(
type: FunctionType,
name: string,
fn: (a: A, b: B) => C | Promise<C>
): typeof fn;
function wrap<A, B, C>(
type: FunctionType,
name: string,
fn: (a: A, b: B) => C | Promise<C>,
): typeof fn {
// Don't wrap functions when running locally
if (process.env.FUNCTIONS_EMULATOR) {
return fn;
return async (a: A, b: B): Promise<C> => {
const {
startTransaction, captureException, flush, addRequestDataToEvent,
getCurrentScope, extractTraceparentData,
} = await import('@sentry/node');
let req: https.Request | undefined;
let ctx: Record<string, unknown> | undefined;
if (type === 'http') {
req = (a as unknown) as https.Request;
if (type === 'callable') {
const ctxLocal = (b as unknown) as https.CallableContext;
req = ctxLocal.rawRequest;
if (type === 'document') {
ctx = (b as unknown) as Record<string, unknown>;
if (type === 'schedule') {
ctx = (a as unknown) as Record<string, unknown>;
const traceparentData = extractTraceparentData(req?.header('sentry-trace') || '');
const transaction = startTransaction({
op: 'transaction',
const scope = getCurrentScope();
scope.addEventProcessor((event): Event => {
let ev: Event = event;
if (req) {
ev = addRequestDataToEvent(event, req);
const loc = getLocationHeaders(req);
if (loc.ip) {
ev.user = { ...ev.user, ip_address: loc.ip };
if ( {
ev.user = { ...ev.user, country: };
if (ctx) {
ev = addRequestDataToEvent(event, ctx);
ev.extra = ctx;
delete ev.request;
ev.transaction =;
// force catpuring uncaughtError as not handled
const mechanism = ev.exception?.values?.[0].mechanism;
if (mechanism && ev.tags?.handled === false) {
mechanism.handled = false;
return ev;
return Promise.resolve(fn(a, b))
.catch((err): void => {
captureException(err, { tags: { handled: false } });
throw err;
.finally((): Promise<boolean> => {
return flush(2000);
}) as Promise<C | undefined>;
export function wrapHttpsOnRequestHandler(name: string, fn: httpsOnRequestHandler): typeof fn {
return wrap('http', name, fn);
export function wrapHttpsOnCallHandler(name: string, fn: httpsOnCallHandler): typeof fn {
return wrap('callable', name, fn);
export function wrapPubsubOnRunHandler(name: string, fn: pubsubOnRunHandler): typeof fn {
return wrap('schedule', name, fn);
export function wrapFirestoreOnWriteHandler(name: string, fn: firestoreOnWriteHandler): typeof fn {
return wrap('document', name, fn);
export function wrapFirestoreOnUpdateHandler(
name: string,
fn: firestoreOnUpdateHandler,
): typeof fn {
return wrap('document', name, fn);
export function wrapFirestoreOnCreateHandler(
name: string,
fn: firestoreOnCreateHandler,
): typeof fn {
return wrap('document', name, fn);
export function wrapFirestoreOnDeleteHandler(
name: string,
fn: firestoreOnDeleteHandler,
): typeof fn {
return wrap('document', name, fn);
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