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Joseph Henzi JHenzi

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JHenzi / prompts.txt
Last active March 23, 2023 15:50
Writing Prompts for our AI/ML writing tool: Fate
You didn't expect to find yourself in a situation like this one but escape was your primary objective. How you got there and what to do about it would have to come later. Looking around you notice something interestig.
What was to become of you? You had no idea. You were just minding about when you saw the first one.
Once in a galaxy where the sun was a giant ball of fire and the moon was a giant ball of cheese, there had to be two people who were destined to be together. They were the not yet together or even met.
Varied chemicals were giving them different reactions but little did they know that they were all part of a larger experiment. The doors were locked and they could hear the sounds of those outside.
The sky was a deep shade of orange as the sun set over the horizon. I stood on the edge of the cliff, looking out at the vast ocean in front of me. I had no idea how I had ended up here, but escape was my only priority. As I turned to look for a way down, I saw something glinting in the grass at my feet

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