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Created July 13, 2011 07:48
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Pretty-print XML files with user-specified colors and indents
?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="tienda0.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<jugador posicion='portero'>Araña</jugador>
<jugador posicion='delantero'>Cazagoles</jugador>
use YAML qw(LoadFile);
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
my $conf = shift || die "Falta fichero de configuracion\n\tUso: $0 configuracion.yaml fichero.xml\n";
my $fichero_xml = shift || die "Falta fichero\n\tUso: $0 configuracion.yaml fichero.xml\n";
my $defs = LoadFile($conf) || die "No puedo cargar $conf: $!\n";
my @colors = @{$defs->{'colors'}};
my %indents = %{$defs->{'indents'}};
my $page = read_file( $fichero_xml) || die "No puedo leer $fichero_xml: $!\n";
$page =~ s{<\?}{<font color='$colors[0]'>\&lt;\?}g;
$page =~ s{\?>}{\?\&gt;</font><br />}g;
for ( keys %indents ) {
my $indent = "&nbsp;"x$indents{$_}->[0];
my $color = $colors[$indents{$_}->[1]];
my $post = $indents{$_}->[2];
$page =~ s{<($_[^>]*)>}{$indent<font color="$color">\&lt;$1\&gt;</font>$post}g;
$page =~ s{</$_>}{$indent<font color="$color">\&lt;/$_\&gt;</font><br />}g;
print $page;
- red
- #993300
- blue
- 0
- 1
- '<br />'
- 2
- 2
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JJ commented Jul 13, 2011

If you need to pretty-print XML files for tutorials or presentations, this file can do the trick. It specifies first the colors you are going to use for every level from the root (red in this case) down, and then some specifics for each tag you might find: level of indentation, tree level (0 and 1 in the case of equipo) and suffix after start tag. To apply it, ./ format.yaml file.xml

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