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Created August 26, 2013 17:07
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Save JJ/6343935 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Git post-commit hook for modifying .md files to work with gh-pages and just copy other files, like .png, .css and so on.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14;
use Git::Hooks;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file);
my $layout_preffix=<<EOT;
layout: index
my ($git) = @_;
my $branch = $git->command(qw/rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD/);
if ( $branch =~ /master/ ) {
my $changed = $git->command(qw/show --name-status/);
my @changed_files = ($changed =~ /\s\w\s+(\S+)/g);
my @mds = grep ( /\.md/, @changed_files );
my @copies = grep( /(\.png|\.jpg)/, @changed_files );
#Now change branch and process
#Inspired by
$git->command(qw/checkout gh-pages/);
for my $f ( @mds ) {
$git->command( 'checkout', 'master', '--', $f );
my $file_content = read_file( $f );
$file_content =~ s/\.md\)/\)/g; # Change links
$file_content = $layout_preffix.$file_content;
if ( $f ne '' ) {
write_file($f, $file_content);
$git->command('add', $f );
} else {
write_file('', $file_content );
$git->command('add', '' );
say "Processing $f";
for my $c (@copies ) {
$git->command( 'checkout', 'master', '--', $c );
$git->command('add', $c );
say "Copying $c";
$git->command('commit','-a', '-m', "Sync ".
join( " ", @mds)." and ".
join( " ", @copies)." from master to gh-pages");
$git->command(qw/checkout master/); #back to original
run_hook($0, @ARGV);
=head1 NAME - post-commit hooks to sync markdown pages with GitHub pages
First you need to install C<Git::Hooks> and C<File::Slurp>. I use say,
so you will need perl > 5.10. Besides, you need to locate and
copy it where the file can find it. That depends on the OS and perl
installation you're using (I use perlbrew), In my case it was:
bash% cp /usr/share/perl5/ ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.1/lib/site_perl/5.16.1/
Then copy to .git/hooks, make it runnable (chmod +x
git-hooks) and then
bash% ln -s post-commit
Any trouble, just check the L<Git::Hooks> manual.
=head1 LICENSE
This is released under the Artistic
License. See L<perlartistic>.
=head2 AUTHOR
JJ Merelo, L<[email protected]>
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