IMPORTANT: The content of this gist has been moved to
How to get to a working setup of the video_transcoding scripts on windows 10's subsystem for linux
With the upcoming (aka Spring win 10 update), this process will get a lot easier as some things like patchelf and other things are getting fixed, obleviating the need for some workarounds still present in this gist
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
brew update && brew upgrade
sudo gem update video_transcoding
I wanted a way I could provide my father on his windows 10 machine to sort of easily transcode the videos and I was never able to work with Cygwin (and also didn't research deeply into it). Coincidentally, Microsoft announced and shipped the linux subsystem for windows, so I thought, let's use this.
We essentially want just the dependencies to work, that are listed on the video_transcoding github page. Those are:
- Ruby 2.x
- HandBrake-CLI
- ffmpeg
- mkvtoolnix
- mp4v2
- mplayer
- some dependencies installed via apt-get
- some installed dependencies installed via linuxbrew (As it often has current versions compared to repos)
- video_transcoding installed via ruby gem (comparable to original manual)
To begin, go to security&updates -> for developers -> and change your computer to "developer mode".
Head into your search bar in windows and look for "windows-features" and you should find a control panel link getting you to a nice window where you can activate the "Windows-Subsystem for Linux (Beta)". When this is done, start your ubuntu shell (if you don't immediatly see a link, search for "ubuntu" in the search bar) and follow the instructions. When you're done, you should run
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
to get your system up to date.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby2.4
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9
and select ruby version 2.4 with
sudo update-alternatives --config ruby
get the dependencies right:
sudo apt-get install build-essential curl git python-setuptools m4
and then actually install, as documented on the linuxbrew website in the "Install Linuxbrew (tl;dr)" section.
Proceed, when you have a partially working brew system. Note: You may have to insert a
. .bash_profile
inside your .bashrc, because on lxss, right now, .bash_profiles seem to be ignored.
You also will want to have your .bash_profile to look something alike:
export PATH="/home/justin/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"
export MANPATH="/home/justin/.linuxbrew/share/man:$MANPATH"
export INFOPATH="/home/justin/.linuxbrew/share/info:$INFOPATH"
export EDITOR="/usr/bin/nano"
I set the verbosity
and build_from_source
, because bottles currently don't work on lxss and installing something without verbose when compiling often makes it seem stuck when in reality, it is just still compiling.
Before you start, we need to trick a little:
sudo update-alternatives --config ruby
select the 1.9 version now. Now enter brew config
- a lot of text from portable ruby should scroll through. We thereby force homebrew to use the portable ruby version isntead of the system one. After you've done that, issue sudo update-alternatives --config ruby
again and change back to 2.4.
Now you should be able to run
brew update && brew upgrade
Some build dependencies depend on some other tools, that aren't marked as dependencies in them and you also need some things to get the ball rolling on lxss:
brew install m4 xz gettext gcc ffmpeg mkvtoolnix mp4v2 mplayer
Now grab a cup of coffee or tee or go in the Biergarten and drink a Maß and come back later the next day, it'll take some LONG time. ;-)
The easiest way to obtain handbrake is from their ppa page, this means:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install handbrake-cli
Nothing special here, just run:
sudo gem install video_transcoding
If you have your movie files in the windows file system (so NOT in ~userfolder/AppData/Local/lxss/home...), for example on your desktop, you have to provide the path to it via /mnt/[drive letter]/path/to/your/file/location
. It then should work.
I hope this works. If it doesn't, feel free to contact me on twitter @JMoVS or comment below. Don't comment below, I won't get a notification for it. Please rely on Twitter or write me an email at video_transcoding [AT] .
The error I get on
brew install xz gettext
Having only minimal experience with homebrew limits my ability to debug this, but if you have any insight I'd welcome it :-D