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JPLeBreton /
Last active April 5, 2024 19:38 - converts given image into emoji color blocks
import sys, os
from PIL import Image
MAX_SIZE = 16 # max output dimension in characters
RESAMPLE_TYPE = Image.NEAREST # alternately, Image.BICUBIC
DITHER_TYPE = Image.NONE # alternately, Image.FLOYDSTEINBERG
TRANSP = (0, 0, 0, 0)
JPLeBreton / nms_next_community_missions.txt
Created May 25, 2020 18:21
No Man's Sky Historical Record - NEXT era community research mission locations
/ start date / system / coordinates / mission / planet
Week 1 / 2018-08-30 / Keituhype / 084E:009D:07F8:003B / Dig / Oezen Gamma
Week 2 / 2018-09-06 / Achepzi / 0BC6:005E:0D19:00C3 / Feed / Kathaxt Major
Week 3 / 2018-09-20 / Godars / 0497:00F6:0AB6:0063 / Kill / Suzu 25/G7
Week 4 / 2018-09-27 / Oitsaha / 010F:007F:0925:01DF / Boundaries / Etch VIII
Week 5 / 2018-10-12 / Inkixig-Garac / 0A61:00CF:0AB8:017A / Find / Elorence E28
Week 6 / 2018-10-19 / Lusalkai / 0E35:0087:0AD2:00FA / Relive / Rikasu XIII
Week 7 / 2018-11-02 / Volandro / 0022:00A2:09C0:00B8 / Picture / Kofu 31/J2
Week 8 / 2018-11-22 / Hekhac-Kikar / 00FE:007D:0851:01FB / Scan Flora / Nitan III
JPLeBreton / gist:ee0a1a2816fbca923889fd4c06a32346
Last active June 8, 2019 16:30
Update on GZDoom client/server branch from Rachael on ZDoom Discord
So I see it getting asked a lot, the state of the client/server branch.
Unfortunately there are no new "updates" on it, but it is not abandoned. The
idea is very much alive and there's still interest in it (personally, I
believe it is a vital part of modernizing GZDoom's core, and not just for
multiplayer purposes).
However, obviously, there have not been any updates on it in a while. We've
had other things to do, other projects, this is just on the back burner for
now. There's a lot going on with GZDoom right now and this just doesn't rank
very high on the priority list. We'll get there - eventually.
JPLeBreton / fishing.zsc
Created March 5, 2018 05:06
Fishing Rod (multi-phase fire state weapon)
class MFFishingRod : Weapon
SAWG C -1;
JPLeBreton / playscii_pi3_crash.log
Created January 2, 2018 06:27
playscii raspberry pi3 PyOpenGL crash
pi@emulord:~/playscii $ python3
Playscii v0.9.9
Loading config from /home/pi/.config/Playscii/playscii.cfg...
Config loaded.
MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
MESA-LOADER: failed to retrieve device information
Detecting hardware...
CPU: armv7l
OS: Linux-4.9.35-v7+-armv7l-with-debian-8.0
JPLeBreton / wadbot3_log.txt
Created August 7, 2017 06:01
wadbot3 level index dump
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Updating level index...
13585 new ZIP files indexed
41467 new levels indexed in 611.6325542926788 seconds
Level list:
combos/ | altaunts.WAD | MAP84
combos/ | alandogunx.WAD | MAP84
combos/ | alandogunx.WAD | TITLEMAP
combos/ | reallight.WAD | MAP87
JPLeBreton /
Last active February 5, 2025 03:58
wadls - list all map files within a WAD/PK3/ZIP
import os, sys, zipfile, tempfile
# wadls (pronounced "waddles", thx joshthenesnerd) - list all maps in a wad/zip/pk3
# requires omgifol module, set path to it here or in env variable
OMG_PATH = os.environ.get('OMG_PATH', None) or '/home/jpl/projects/wadsmoosh'
import omg
JPLeBreton / binds.cfg
Created August 8, 2016 20:42
Photoshop-style keybinds for Playscii
# user keybinds file
# accepted modifiers: ctrl, alt, shift
# keys must be equivalent to output of sdl2.SDL_GetKeyName(),
# eg return, tab, backspace
self.edit_bind_src = {
'ctrl q' : 'quit',
'`' : 'toggle_console',
'ctrl m' : 'convert_image',
'ctrl e' : ('export_image', 'edit_art_for_selected_objects'),
JPLeBreton /
Last active October 17, 2015 20:15
ROT-N variable-offset substitution encipher for Python3 (to decipher, enter negative offset)
from string import ascii_lowercase
def rot_n(in_string, n=13):
"returns copy of in_string shifted alphabetically by given offset N"
n %= len(ascii_lowercase)
char_shifts = ascii_lowercase[n:] + ascii_lowercase[:n]
out_string = ''
for char in in_string:
if not char.isalpha():
JPLeBreton /
Created September 1, 2015 23:52
First bit of Python code I wrote, December 2nd 2004: calculate "steal chance" in Phantom Brave
charsteal = 93.0
charlev = 260.0
tarsteal = 70.0
tarlev = 477.0
if __name__ == "__main__":
newlev = raw_input("Character Level? ") # raw_input doesn't squawk at empty strings!
if newlev != "":
charlev = float(newlev)