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Created February 2, 2012 16:57
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N queens Scheme
#lang racket
(define (iqueens L a d) ;; gives all of the queen solutions
(if (null? L)
(list a)
(append-map (λ(x)
(if(diagonal? x a 1)
(iqueens (remove x L) (cons x a) 1))
(define (enumerate-interval l h) ;; produces a list from l to h
(if (> l h)
(cons l (enumerate-interval (+ l 1) h))))
(define (diagonal? col a d)
(if (null? a) ;; base case 1 no queens can be attacked
(if (=(abs(- col (car a)))d) ;; base case 2 queens can be attacked
(diagonal? col (cdr a) (+ d 1) ;; recursive callto diagonal
(define (q n)
(define initialsize (enumerate-interval 1 n)) ;;determines the size of the board to pass into iqueens
(define resultsofq (iqueens initialsize '() 1));; calling iqueens
(define (test n)
(define boardsize (enumerate-interval 0 n))
(define finallist (map q boardsize)) ;; run the function q on all of the various boardsizes
(define testresults (map length finallist)) ;;determine length of all the results
(test 12) ;; lists the number of solutions from sizes 0 to 12
;; '(1 1 0 0 2) corresponds to 1 solution for size 0, 1 solution for size 1, etc...
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