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Created March 10, 2023 00:07
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package com.github.jsh32.paradoxia.commons
import net.minestom.server.MinecraftServer
import net.minestom.server.command.builder.Command
import net.minestom.server.event.EventNode
import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent
import org.koin.core.context.loadKoinModules
import org.koin.core.context.unloadKoinModules
import org.koin.core.definition.Definition
import org.koin.core.module.Module
import org.koin.core.qualifier.qualifier
import org.koin.dsl.module
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
internal typealias FeatureDefinition = Pair<KClass<out Feature>, Definition<out Feature>>
* Builder for initializing features
class FeatureBuilder {
* Features that will be added later
internal val features = mutableListOf<FeatureDefinition>()
fun addFeature(qualifier: KClass<out Feature>, definition: Definition<out Feature>) { features.add(Pair(qualifier, definition)) }
inline fun <reified T: Feature> feature(noinline definition: Definition<T>) { addFeature(T::class, definition) }
* Feature manager.
internal class FeatureManager {
private data class FeatureBox(val ctx: FeatureContext, val module: Module)
private val features = IdentityHashMap<KClass<*>, FeatureBox>()
* Initialize all features. This will inject them into Koin.
suspend fun initialize(toAdd: List<FeatureDefinition>) {
// This should create and inject everything in proper order
val modules = { (type, feature) ->
// Inject with class name and with qualifier.
Pair(type, module { single(qualifier(type.qualifiedName!!), definition = feature) })
// Load all modules.
loadKoinModules( { it.second })
// Initialize the modules after injection.
modules.forEach { (type, module) ->
if (features[type] != null) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Feature ${type.simpleName} already loaded.")
val context = FeatureContext(type)
KoinJavaComponent.getKoin().get<Feature>(qualifier(type.qualifiedName!!)).initialize(context)"${type.simpleName} initialized.")
features[type] = FeatureBox(context, module)
* De-initialize all features.
suspend fun deInitialize() {
val koin = KoinJavaComponent.getKoin()
features.forEach { (type, box) ->
val feature = koin.get<Feature>(qualifier(type.qualifiedName!!))
// Remove from the DI system.
class FeatureContext internal constructor(type: KClass<out Feature>) {
private val commands = mutableSetOf<Command>()
* Logger for the
val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(type.simpleName!!)
val eventNode = run {
val eventNode = EventNode.all(type.simpleName!!)
fun registerCommand(command: Command) {
internal fun destroy() {
commands.forEach { MinecraftServer.getCommandManager().unregister(it) }
* A concept for loading modules of the server, similar-ish to extensions.
* Common registration functions are provided on [FeatureContext]. These should be used over accessing the
* server directly, because they can be transparently extended to support unloading facets if this ever
* becomes a desired behavior.
abstract class Feature : KoinComponent {
abstract suspend fun initialize(context: FeatureContext)
abstract suspend fun deInitialize(context: FeatureContext)
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