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Created November 15, 2021 15:44
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Demonstration of using functions that return commands as a possible replacement for Message(s) and large reducer blocks.
-- Demonstrates
-- * Dispatching a function Model -> (Model, Msg) rather than a message subsequently pattern matching in the reducer.
-- * Benefits include
-- * Module Oriented Programming. Grouping related operations with the type. Improved transparency. Better organization.
-- * Good ergonomics for composing larger states from smaller througn the use of Lenses.
-- * Slightly more succinct.
-- * Drawbacks
-- * The need to aggregate Cmd's (effects) adds a bit of overhead, but then when have effects ever been elegant?
-- * Replay is lost because messages cannot be serialized.
-- * Logic cannot run in a web worker because functions will not serialize across boundary.
-- NOTE: The logic for the application starts on line 54. Everything before that point consists of
-- definitions that would be found in a library but which are implemented here for a self-contained example.
-- Paste this code into:
module Main exposing (..)
import Browser
import Html exposing (Html, a, button, div, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Random
{-| Updater (would belong to a library)
type EffectUpdater a
= EffectUpdater (a -> ( a, Cmd (EffectUpdater a) ))
type alias Updater a =
a -> a
liftEffectUpdater : (a -> a) -> EffectUpdater a
liftEffectUpdater fn =
EffectUpdater (\a -> ( fn a, Cmd.none ))
updateWithEffect : EffectUpdater a -> a -> ( a, Cmd (EffectUpdater a) )
updateWithEffect (EffectUpdater fn) a =
fn a
{-| Simple Lens (would belong to a library)
type alias Lens a b =
{ get : a -> b
, set : a -> b -> a
lens : (a -> b) -> (( a, b ) -> a) -> Lens a b
lens get tupleSet =
{ get = get
, set = \a -> \b -> tupleSet ( a, b )
over : Lens a b -> Updater b -> Updater a
over abL bUpdater a =
abL.set a (bUpdater <| abL.get a)
overEffect : Lens a b -> EffectUpdater b -> EffectUpdater a
overEffect abL (EffectUpdater bUpdater) =
(\a ->
( x, y ) =
bUpdater <| abL.get a
( abL.set a x, (overEffect abL) y )
{-| Html Utility (would belong to a library)
viewThroughLens : (b -> Html (EffectUpdater b)) -> a -> Lens a b -> Html (EffectUpdater a)
viewThroughLens bView a abLens =
bView (abLens.get a) |> (overEffect abLens)
main : Program () App (EffectUpdater App)
main =
{ init =
\() ->
( { left = Adder 0, right = Adder 10 }, Cmd.none )
, update = updateWithEffect
, view = view
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
{-| Adder Module
type Adder
= Adder Int
inc : Adder -> Adder
inc (Adder n) =
Adder (n + 1)
incRandom : EffectUpdater Adder
incRandom =
(\m ->
( m, Random.generate (\v -> liftEffectUpdater (\(Adder n) -> Adder (n + v))) ( 1 10) )
show : Adder -> String
show (Adder n) =
String.fromInt n
reset : Adder -> Adder
reset _ =
Adder 0
viewAdder : Adder -> Html (EffectUpdater Adder)
viewAdder model =
div []
[ div [ style "display" "inline-block", style "width" "40px" ] [ text (show model) ]
, button [ onClick (liftEffectUpdater inc) ] [ text "+" ]
, button [ onClick incRandom ] [ text "+Random" ]
, button [ onClick (liftEffectUpdater reset) ] [ text "Reset" ]
{-| App
type alias App =
{ left : Adder
, right : Adder
leftL : Lens App Adder
leftL =
lens .left (\( a, b ) -> { a | left = b })
rightL : Lens App Adder
rightL =
lens .right (\( a, b ) -> { a | right = b })
incBoth : App -> App
incBoth { left, right } =
{ left = inc left
, right = inc right
incBothRandom : EffectUpdater App
incBothRandom =
(\{ left, right } ->
( newLeft, cmdLeft ) =
updateWithEffect incRandom left
( newRight, cmdRight ) =
updateWithEffect incRandom right
( { left = newLeft, right = newRight }, Cmd.batch [ cmdLeft |> (overEffect leftL), cmdRight |> (overEffect rightL) ] )
view : App -> Html (EffectUpdater App)
view app =
div []
[ div [] <| (viewThroughLens viewAdder app) [ leftL, rightL ]
, button [ onClick (liftEffectUpdater incBoth) ] [ text "+ Both" ]
, button [ onClick incBothRandom ] [ text "+ Both Random" ]
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