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JVital2013 / BulkAWS2SatDump.ps1
Last active December 24, 2024 19:50
Bulk NOAA AWS to SatDump Processor
# BulkAWS2SatDump.ps1
# See the param() block for all supported parameters
# Supported Satellite/Region Parameters:
# -Satellite goes16, -Satellite goes17, -Satellite goes18, or -Satellite goes19
# -Region FD, -Region CONUS, -Region PACUS, -Region M1, or -Region M2
# -Satellite gk2a
# -Region FD or -Region LA
# PowerShell implementation of nanomsg inspired by sam210723
# Logs all VCIDs and their packet counters to troubleshoot drops
# Edit the 3 lines below to match your goesrecv host, port, and location to save log file
$ip = ""
$port = "5004"
$logfile = "allpackets.csv"
JVital2013 /
Last active July 28, 2023 19:01
How to test goesrecv on multiple machines

How to test goesrecv on multiple machines

An SDR can only be connected to one program at a time, and goesrecv typically must be connected directly to an SDR. However, it is possible for one instance of goesrecv to piggypack on another goesrecv instance's SDR. Here's how to set that up.

This tutorial assumes that all secondary goesrecv instances are using Goestools for Windows, but it will work on Goestools for Linux as well with manual configuration

You must have a stable network connection between machines running goesrecv, and they must be able to push a consistent 40 Mbps between each other with low latency/jitter. Any latency and jitter will result in packet loss. As such, this is recommended for testing only. If you want to run goesproc on a second machine, it's recommended that you connect it to goesrecv on the primary machine directly, as this only required 400 Kbps.

Preparing the primary instance

Before you start, make sure your primary goesrecv's goesrecv.conf has a `rtlsdr.sample_publ

JVital2013 /
Last active December 31, 2024 19:29
How to Hand-Track Polar-orbiting satellites

How to Hand-Track Polar-Orbiting Weather Satellites

This is how I hand-track polar-orbiting weather satellites using an old equatorial mount telescope tripod and a 1.7 GHz grid dish. This may not be the best way to do it, and other ideas are welcome!

If you're unfamiliar with HRPT reception, this is not the right place to learn about it. Head over to for that. This write-up only focuses on hand-tracking to record a baseband.

Hardware Required

The crux of the "tracking" design is the equatorial mount. These are not cheap to buy new, it's destructive to mount a dish to it, and the mount is not used the way it's designed - but for my needs, it works! I had an old one from the early 1990s lying around, so it was convenient and essentially free. Of course, you can use another mount - but you'll need to ask for someone else's opinion on how that works since equatorial is all I know 😄.