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Last active September 23, 2022 19:14
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Example of overriding BIOS interrupts in i386 assembly.
[org 0x7c00]
[bits 16]
[map all]
;Stack init
mov bp, 0xffff
mov sp, bp
;Display initial interrupt address
mov bx, [intnum*4+2]
mov cx, [intnum*4]
mov si, mesg_origs
call puts
mov ax, bx
call puthexw
mov si, mesg_nl
call puts
mov si, mesg_origo
call puts
mov ax, cx
call puthexw
mov si, mesg_nl
call puts
mov cx, [intnum*4+2]
mov bx, [intnum*4]
mov es, cx
mov ax, 0
inc bx
inc ax
cmp [es:bx], byte 0xcf
je loop_end
jmp loop
mov si, mesg_intlen
call puts
call putdec
mov al, 'b'
call putc
mov si, mesg_nl
call puts
intnum equ 0x13
mov ax, 0x07c0
mov word [intnum*4+2], ax
mov word [intnum*4], ( myint - $$ )
int 0x13
mov si, mesg_hello
call puts
jmp $
mov si, mesg_nl
push ax
mov al, 'a'
call putc
pop ax
call puthexw
call puts
mov al, 'b'
call putc
mov ax, bx
call puthexw
call puts
mov al, 'c'
call putc
mov ax, cx
call puthexw
call puts
mov al, 'd'
call putc
mov ax, dx
call puthexw
call puts
%include "stdio.asm"
mesg_origs: db "org int cs: ", 0
mesg_origo: db "org int ip: ", 0
mesg_intlen: db "org int len: ", 0
mesg_hello: db "hello!", 10, 13, 0
mesg_nl: db 10, 13, 0
times 510 - ( $ - $$ ) db 0
dw 0xaa55
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