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Last active August 8, 2021 03:20
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Hello world with SDL2 and Common Lisp. Somewhat explanatory blog post here
#|Public domain. Does not unwind-protect errors like it should.|#
(in-package #:cl-user)
(defpackage #:sdl-intro
(:use #:common-lisp))
(in-package #:sdl-intro)
(ql:quickload "sdl2")
(defun null-ptr? (alien-val)
(cffi:null-pointer-p (autowrap:ptr alien-val)))
(defun render-then-quit (&aux (w 800) (h 600) sz screen renderer texture buffer buffer-ptr)
(setf sz (* w h))
(unless (zerop (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-init sdl2-ffi:+sdl-init-video+))
(error "Could not init"))
(setf screen (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-create-window
"Tiny Renderer"
sdl2-ffi:+sdl-windowpos-undefined+ sdl2-ffi:+sdl-windowpos-undefined+ ; let the OS position window
w h
(if (null-ptr? screen)
(error "Could not make window screen"))
(setf renderer (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-create-renderer
screen -1 0)) ; default monitor, no flags like vsync
(if (null-ptr? renderer)
(error "Could not make renderer"))
(setf texture (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-create-texture
w h))
(if (null-ptr? texture)
(error "Could not make texture"))
(setf buffer (make-array sz :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
(loop for x from (* w 150) to (* w 250) do
(setf (aref buffer x) #xFFFF0000)) ; red
(loop for x from (* w 250) to (* w 350) do
(setf (aref buffer x) #xFF00FF00)) ; green
(loop for x from (* w 350) to (* w 450) do
(setf (aref buffer x) #xFF0000FF)) ; blue
(setf buffer-ptr (cffi:foreign-array-alloc buffer `(:array :uint32 ,sz)))
;(cffi:lisp-array-to-foreign buffer buffer-ptr `(:array :uint32 ,sz)) ; if ptr allocated separately
(unless (zerop (sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-update-texture texture nil buffer-ptr (* w (cffi:foreign-type-size :uint32))))
(error "Could not update texture"))
(cffi:foreign-array-free buffer-ptr)
; technically clearing is not needed since the texture is the size of the screen, but
; if another program drew over the display (like steam overlay) this would make sure
; it doesn't hang around.
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-set-render-draw-color renderer 0 0 0 255)
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-render-clear renderer)
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-render-copy renderer texture nil nil) ; copy the whole thing
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-render-present renderer)
(sleep 5)
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-destroy-texture texture)
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-destroy-renderer renderer)
(sdl2-ffi.functions:sdl-destroy-window screen)
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