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Created September 12, 2021 14:34
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a simple coroutine implementation using ucontext
#include <ucontext.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define handle_error(msg) \
do { perror(msg); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (0)
#define CO_STACK_SIZE 2048
typedef struct {
char stack[CO_STACK_SIZE];
ucontext_t context;
ucontext_t from;
int yield_value;
} coroutine_t;
coroutine_t* coro_new(void(*fp)(coroutine_t*))
/* printf("%lu\n", sizeof(coroutine_t)); */
coroutine_t *coro = malloc(sizeof(coroutine_t));
printf("%p\n", &coro->stack[0]);
if (!coro)
handle_error("failed to allocate");
if (getcontext(&coro->context) == -1)
coro->context.uc_stack.ss_sp = coro->stack;
coro->context.uc_stack.ss_size = CO_STACK_SIZE;
makecontext(&coro->context, (void (*)()) fp, 1, coro);
return coro;
int coro_resume(coroutine_t *coro)
if (swapcontext(&coro->from, &coro->context) == -1)
return coro->yield_value;
void coro_yield(coroutine_t *coro, int value)
coro->yield_value = value;
if (swapcontext(&coro->context, &coro->from) == -1)
static void func2(coroutine_t *coro)
printf("func2: started\n");
coro_yield(coro, 2);
coro_yield(coro, 4);
printf("func2: exited\n");
static void func1(coroutine_t *coro)
printf("func1: started\n");
coroutine_t *coro2 = coro_new(func2);
printf("func1: func2 yielded %d\n", coro_resume(coro2));
printf("func1: func2 yielded %d\n", coro_resume(coro2));
coro_yield(coro, 1);
coro_yield(coro, 3);
coro_yield(coro, 5);
printf("func1: exited\n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
coroutine_t *coro1 = coro_new(func1);
printf("main: func1 yielded %d\n", coro_resume(coro1));
printf("main: func1 yielded %d\n", coro_resume(coro1));
printf("main: func1 yielded %d\n", coro_resume(coro1));
printf("main: exiting\n");
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