- How to use:
- Use s3-swap driver and use minio for local development
- Use Storage fake for tests
- when to use:
- backups
- uploaded files or documents storage (images, pdfs)
- generated files or documents storage
- How to use:
- Use s3 driver and use minio for local development
- Use Storage fake for tests
- When to use:
- Other internal, non-PHP processes need to be able to write to location
- Convenient to access with Windows file explorer UI
- Files will only be used internally
- How to use:
- use local driver
- Use Storage fake for tests.
- When to use:
- Files are present that we want in version control
- Files that will change infrequently enough to justify being part of the repo
- NON user uploaded files
- Think "fixtures"
Each application should have a single set of credentials per driver. The only exception to this would be if you were using multiple minio drives.