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Created June 15, 2016 22:53
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Applescript 2x2 finder
property pWindowWidth : 975
property pWindowHeight : 440
property pWindowChromeHeight : 23
property pDockPadding : 1
on run
tell application "Finder"
close every window
my positionWindow(my makeWindow("/Users/mjt/"), 2)
my positionWindow(my makeWindow("/Users/mjt/Downloads/"), 1)
end tell
end run
on makeWindow(_path)
set _file to POSIX file _path
tell application "Finder"
set _window to make new Finder window
set _container to container file
set _window's target to _container
set _window's bounds to {0, 0, pWindowWidth, pWindowHeight}
set _window's current view to column view
set _window's toolbar visible to true
set _window's sidebar width to 160
set _window's statusbar visible to true
set _window's statusbar visible to false
set _window's statusbar visible to true
return _window
end tell
end makeWindow
on positionWindow(_window, _levelFromBottom)
tell application "Finder"
set {_left, _top, _right, _bottom} to bounds of desktop's window
set _x to _right - pWindowWidth - pDockPadding - (my dockWidth())
set _fullWindowHeight to pWindowHeight + pWindowChromeHeight
set _y to _bottom - _fullWindowHeight * _levelFromBottom + pWindowChromeHeight
if (system attribute "sys2") ≥ 11 then -- In El Capitan, Finder now counts title bar in window size
set _fullWindowHeight to _fullWindowHeight - pWindowChromeHeight
set _y to _y + (_levelFromBottom - 1) * pWindowChromeHeight
end if
set _window's position to {_x, _y}
end tell
end positionWindow
on dockWidth()
tell application "System Events"
tell application process "Dock"
set {_width, _height} to size of list 1
return _width
end tell
end tell
end dockWidth
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