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Jake Gillberg Jake-Gillberg

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We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 10 should actually have 10 columns, instead of 8 in line 9.
38003563,Hispanic or Latino,race/ethnicity,CDC_Race_Ethnicity_v1.2,Ethnicity,S,2135-2,1/1/1970,12/31/2099,[NULL]
,Belearic Islander,race/ethnicity,CDC_Race_Ethnicity_v1.2,Ethnicity,S,2142-8,03/31/2000,12/31/2099,[NULL]
Defined by Kenny:
"Identification and selection of directors, officers, and other important roles in the Cooperative, subject to Board approval.
Oversee selection of Executive Committee general membership."
The primary purposes of the Committee are to (i) assist the Board of Directors in identifying
individuals qualified to become members of the Board; (ii) recommend nominees for election to the
Board at each annual meeting; (iii) recommend nominees for the appointed Director positions
Jake-Gillberg / Rho.scala
Created June 20, 2018 20:28
rho calculus equivalences and reductions
import collection.immutable.Map
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Rho {
// Inputs is the type that defines all of our "listeners" in a process.
// They are uniquely identified by the Name being listened on, and a following process.
// There is no need to store the bound name here, as the bound name will be replaced by an identifier
// based on its position in a process. (Similar to a De Bruijn Index). Two inputs will be regarded as equivalent
// if they only differ in the bound names (are alpha equivalent).
Jake-Gillberg / pi.k
Created June 15, 2018 16:36
pi calculus in kframework
module PI-SYNTAX
imports ID
syntax Name ::= Id
syntax Process ::= NormalProcess
| Process "|" Process [klabel(Par), left]
| "!" Process [klabel(Replication)]
| "(" "nu" Name ")" Process [klabel(New)]
| "(" Process ")" [bracket]
Jake-Gillberg / Rho.scala
Last active June 21, 2018 14:26
Rho Calc Grammar in Scala
object Rho {
// Grammar Definition
sealed trait P
case class zero() extends P // 0
case class input( y: X, x: X, p: P ) extends P // for(y <- x) { p }
case class lift( x: X, q: P ) extends P // x!(q)
case class drop( x: X ) extends P // *x
case class parallel( p: P, q: P ) extends P // p | q
import LinkedList in {
contract makeGameBoard(return) {
new players in {
players!([]) |
contract registerPlayer(endorse) {
new friends, getFriends in {
Jake-Gillberg /
Created April 7, 2018 15:39
Use eth-dev-image
  1. Install docker
  2. Install docker-compose
  3. Create a new directory, and put docker-compose.yml inside
  4. Start the container docker-compose up -d
  5. Enter the container docker exec -it -u dev eth-dev /bin/bash --init-file /home/dev/.profile
"url": "",
"repository_url": "",
"labels_url": "{/name}",
"comments_url": "",
"events_url": "",
"html_url": "",
"id": 274385192,
"number": 175,
* Retrieves all the rows in the active spreadsheet that contain data and logs the
* values for each row.
* For more information on using the Spreadsheet API, see
function readRows() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rows = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = rows.getNumRows();