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Created March 9, 2017 20:07
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var styleJSON = JSON.stringify(",");
for(var i = 0; i < styleJSON.length; i++) {
styleJSON[i] = styleJSON[i].split(":");
var innerLength = styleJSON[i].length;
for(var j = 0; j < innerLength; j++) {
if(styleJSON[i][j].indexOf("[{") > -1) {
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].split("{");
styleJSON[i][j][0] = "<span style='color: #660000;'>" + "[" + "</span>" + "<br>" +
"<span style='color: #660000;'>" + "{" + "</span>" + "<br>";
styleJSON[i][j][1] = "<span style='color: #006699;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][1] + "</span>" + ": ";
var moreInnerLength = styleJSON[i][j].length;
for (var k = 2; k < moreInnerLength; k++) {
styleJSON[i][j][k] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][k] + "</span>" +
"<span style='color:#88F;'>, </span>";
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].join("");
if(styleJSON[i][j].indexOf("{") > -1) {
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].split("{");
styleJSON[i][j][0] = "<span style='color: #660000;'>" + "{" + "</span>" + "<br>";
styleJSON[i][j][1] = "<span style='color: #006699;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][1] + "</span>" + ": ";
var moreInnerLength = styleJSON[i][j].length;
for (var k = 2; k < moreInnerLength; k++) {
styleJSON[i][j][k] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][k] + "</span>" +
"<span style='color:#88F;'>, </span>";
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].join("");
if(styleJSON[i][j].indexOf("}]") > -1) {
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].split("}");
styleJSON[i][j][styleJSON[i][j].length-1] = "<br>" + "<span style='color: #660000;'>" + "}" + "</span>" +
"<br>" + "<span style='color: #660000'>" + "]" + "</span>" + "<br>";
styleJSON[i][j][styleJSON[i][j].length-2] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][styleJSON[i][j].length-2] + "</span>";
moreInnerLength = styleJSON[i][j].length-2;
for (k = 0; k < moreInnerLength; k++) {
styleJSON[i][j][k] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][k] + "</span>" +
"<span style='color: #660000;'>, </span>"
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].join("");
if(styleJSON[i][j].indexOf("}") > -1) {
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].split("}");
styleJSON[i][j][styleJSON[i][j].length-1] = "<br>" + "<span style='color: #660000;'>" + "}" + "</span>" + "<br>";
styleJSON[i][j][styleJSON[i][j].length-2] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][styleJSON[i][j].length-2] + "</span>";
moreInnerLength = styleJSON[i][j].length-2;
for (k = 0; k < moreInnerLength; k++) {
styleJSON[i][j][k] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j][k] + "</span>" +
"<span style='color: #660000;'>, </span>"
styleJSON[i][j] = styleJSON[i][j].join("");
if (styleJSON[i][j].indexOf("{") == -1 && styleJSON[i][j].indexOf("}") == -1) {
if (j == 0) {
styleJSON[i][j] = "<span style='color: #006699;'>" + styleJSON[i][j] + "</span>" + ": ";
else {
styleJSON[i][j] = "<span style='color: #88F;'>" + styleJSON[i][j] + "</span>" +
"<span style='color:#88F;'>, </span>";
styleJSON[i] = styleJSON[i].join("");
styleJSON = styleJSON.join("");
console.log(JSON.stringify(styleJSON).replace(/\\"/g, '"'));
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