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Last active December 27, 2016 06:11
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  • Save JakeConway/9b18cf1e77c17d666a5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JakeConway/9b18cf1e77c17d666a5b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pull mutation data from projects via the ICGC Rest API
#An example of the function input.
#Specify the project name, fields, and number of entries(size) to pull in each list
data <- list(list(project = "THCA-US", fields = c("id", "mutation", "chromosome", "start", "end"), size = 6659),
list(project = "THCA-SA", fields = c("id", "mutation", "chromosome", "start", "end"), size = 45126),
list(project = "LUSC-US", fields = c("id", "mutation", "chromosome", "start", "end"), size = 65063),
list(project = "LUSC-KR", fields = c("id", "mutation", "chromosome", "start", "end"), size = 64671),
list(project = "LUSC-CN", fields = c("id", "mutation", "chromosome", "start", "end"), size = 419),
list(project = "LAML-KR", fields = c("id", "mutation", "chromosome", "start", "end"), size = 42977))
#Function to pull data from ICGC Rest API and convert to UpSetR data frame
icgcData <- function(data){
aggregateData <- data.frame()
projectNameCol <- data.frame()
IDs <- list()
for(i in 1:length(data)){
IDs[[i]] <- c(0)
size <- data[[i]]$size
remainder <- size%%100
size <- floor(size/100)
if(remainder != 0){
size <- size + 1
for(j in seq(size)){
if(j == size && remainder != 0){
count <- remainder
count <- 100
from <- ((j-1)*100)+1
partURL <- ""
for(k in 1:length(data[[i]]$fields)){
field <- data[[i]]$fields[k]
if(k != 1){
field <- paste0("%2C", field)
partURL <- paste0(partURL, field)
url <- paste0("",
data[[i]]$project, "/mutations?field=",
partURL, "&&&from=", as.character(from),
temp <- fromJSON(url)$hits
aggregateData <- rbind(aggregateData, temp)
IDs[[i]] <- c(IDs[[i]], as.vector(temp$id))
print(paste("On page", as.character(j), "of project", data[[i]]$project))
addcolumn <- = rep(data[[i]]$project, data[[i]]$size), nrow = data[[i]]$size, ncol = 1))
names(addcolumn) <- "project"
projectNameCol <- rbind(projectNameCol, addcolumn)
aggregateData <- cbind(aggregateData, projectNameCol)
num <- nrow(aggregateData)
projects <- c()
for(i in 1:length(data)){
name <- data[[i]]$project
setCol <- rep(0, num)
setCol <-
names(setCol) <- name
aggregateData <- cbind(aggregateData, setCol)
projects[i] <- name
aggregateData <- aggregateData[-which(duplicated(aggregateData$id)), ]
for(i in 1:length(data)){
IDs[[i]] <- IDs[[i]][-1]
aggregateData[which(aggregateData$id %in% IDs[[i]]), projects[i]] <- 1
projects <- apply(aggregateData, 1, function(x){x <- x[-c(1:6)]; x <- names(x[which(x == "1")]); x <- paste(unlist(x), collapse = " + ")})
projects <- as.character(projects)
aggregateData$project <- projects
names(aggregateData$project) <- "project"
#Run the function to generate a data frame compatible with UpSetR
myData <- icgcData(data)
setdata <- data.frame(
projects= c("THCA-US", "THCA-SA", "ORCA-IN", "BLCA-US",
Donors = c(507, 15, 119, 412, 103, 10, 504, 36, 537, 291, 171),
Site = c("Head & Neck", "Head & Neck", "Head & Neck",
"Bladder", "Bladder", "Lung", "Lung", "Lung", "Kidney",
"Kidney", "Blood"),
Country = c("United States", "Saudi Arabia", "India", "United States",
"China", "China", "United States", "South Korea",
"United States", "United States", "South Korea")
setdata$Country <- as.character(setdata$Country)
setdata$Site <- as.character(setdata$Site)
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This requires jsonlite and curl packages, maybe include


at the top of the icgcData function.

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