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Last active April 6, 2017 07:32
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An assembler for a custom CPU
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ViewPatterns, LambdaCase, MultiWayIf #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Either
import Data.Monoid
import System.Environment
import Data.Word
import Numeric
-- TODO: add support for labels
data CPUState = CPUState { lastIns :: Maybe Instruction
, leftInss :: [Instruction]
, rightInss :: [Instruction]
, flags :: (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool)
, cpuRegs :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
, output :: Word8
} deriving (Show)
data Result = Result { resultIns :: Maybe Instruction
, resultRegs :: [Word8]
, leds :: Word8
} deriving (Show)
data Option = Option { switch :: Char
, desc :: String
, action :: String -> IO ()
type CPURegs = (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
newtype Constant = Constant Word8 deriving (Show, Enum, Real, Num, Ord, Eq, Integral)
data Register = RegA | RegB | RegC | RegD deriving (Show)
newtype Address = Address Word8 deriving (Show, Enum, Real, Num, Ord, Eq, Integral)
data Flag = Greater | Equal | Less | Carry | OrFlag Flag Flag | NotFlag Flag
deriving (Show)
data Alu1Ins = Negate | Not deriving (Show)
data Alu2Ins = Add | ShiftLeft | ShiftRight | And | Or | Xor deriving (Show)
data Instruction = ConstTo Register Constant
| Output Register
| Jump Address
| JumpIf Flag Address
| CopyFromRegA Register
| Alu1 Alu1Ins Register
| Alu2 Alu2Ins Register
| Halt
deriving (Show)
stringsToIns :: [String] -> Either String Instruction
stringsToIns [['c', 't', r], c] | isReg = Right . ConstTo (head reg) =<< readC
where isReg = not $ null reg
reg = rights . pure . stringToReg $ pure r
readC = case c of
['0', 'x', a, b] | [(x,"")] <- readHex [a,b] -> Right $ Constant x
(reads -> [(x, "")]) | x < 256 && x >= -128 -> Right $ Constant (fromIntegral x)
| otherwise -> Left $ c ++
" is outside the valid constant range of -128..255"
_ -> Left $ show c ++ " is not a valid constant"
stringsToIns ["out", reg] = Right . Output =<< stringToReg reg
stringsToIns ['j' : cs, a] | isJump = Right . fromJust jump =<< readA
where isJump = isJust jump
jumpIfs = [ ("e", JumpIf Equal)
, ("z", JumpIf Equal)
, ("g", JumpIf Greater)
, ("l", JumpIf Less)
, ("c", JumpIf Carry)
jump | cs == "mp" = Just Jump
| otherwise = lookup cs jumpIfs
readA = case reads a of
[(x, "")] | x < 128 && x >= -128 -> Right $ Address (fromIntegral x)
| otherwise -> Left $ a ++
" is outside the valid address range of -128..127"
_ -> Left $ show a ++ " is not a valid address"
stringsToIns [ins, reg] | ins `elem` ["mov", "cpy"] = Right . CopyFromRegA =<< stringToReg reg
stringsToIns [ins, reg] | isAlu = Right . fromJust alu =<< stringToReg reg
where isAlu = isJust alu
alu1s = [ ("neg", Negate)
, ("not", Not)
alu2s = [ ("add", Add)
, ("shl", ShiftLeft)
, ("shr", ShiftRight)
, ("and", And)
, ("or" , Or )
, ("xor", Xor)
aluLU a as = a <$> lookup ins as
alu = aluLU Alu1 alu1s <|> aluLU Alu2 alu2s
stringsToIns ["halt"] = Right Halt
stringsToIns s = Left $ show (unwords s) ++ " is not a valid Instruction"
stringToReg :: String -> Either String Register
stringToReg "a" = Right RegA
stringToReg "b" = Right RegB
stringToReg "c" = Right RegC
stringToReg "d" = Right RegD
stringToReg s = Left $ "No register named " ++ show s
linesToInss :: [String] -> Either String [Maybe Instruction]
linesToInss =
mapM (sequenceA . fmap (stringsToIns . words) . empty . takeWhile (/= ';'))
where empty l | all isSpace l = Nothing
| otherwise = Just l
regToHex :: Register -> String
regToHex RegA = "0"
regToHex RegB = "1"
regToHex RegC = "2"
regToHex RegD = "3"
regToInt :: Register -> Int
regToInt RegA = 0
regToInt RegB = 1
regToInt RegC = 2
regToInt RegD = 3
insToHex :: Instruction -> String
insToHex (ConstTo r c) = "1" ++ regToHex r ++ nChar '0' 2 (showHex (fromIntegral c) "")
insToHex (Output r) = "1" ++ showHex (regToInt r + 8) "00"
insToHex (Jump a) = "20" ++ nChar '0' 2 (showHex (fromIntegral a) "")
insToHex (JumpIf f a) = "2" ++ flagToHex f ++ nChar '0' 2 (showHex (fromIntegral a) "")
insToHex (CopyFromRegA r) = "3" ++ showHex (regToInt r) "00"
insToHex (Alu1 i r) = "4" ++ alu1InsToHex i ++ "0" ++ regToHex r
insToHex (Alu2 i r) = "8" ++ alu2InsToHex i ++ "0" ++ regToHex r
insToHex Halt = "0000"
alu1InsToHex :: Alu1Ins -> String
alu1InsToHex Negate = nChar '0' 2 "6"
alu1InsToHex Not = nChar '0' 2 "7"
alu2InsToHex :: Alu2Ins -> String
alu2InsToHex Add = "0"
alu2InsToHex ShiftLeft = "1"
alu2InsToHex ShiftRight = "2"
alu2InsToHex And = "3"
alu2InsToHex Or = "4"
alu2InsToHex Xor = "5"
flagToHex :: Flag -> String
flagToHex Greater = "2"
flagToHex Equal = "1"
flagToHex Less = "3"
flagToHex Carry = "8"
flagToHex (OrFlag _ _) = error
"jumps that depend on more than one flag are currently not available"
flagToHex (NotFlag _) = error
"jumps that negate flags are currently not available"
appendOriginal :: [String] -> [Maybe Instruction] -> [String]
appendOriginal ls ms = zipWith ((++) . (++ " ") . fromMaybe " ") hexs ls
where hexs = map (fmap insToHex) ms
printHexAndOrig :: String -> IO ()
printHexAndOrig file = do
content <- lines <$> readFile file
mapM_ putStrLn . either pure (appendOriginal content) $ linesToInss content
printHex :: String -> IO ()
printHex file = do
content <- lines <$> readFile file
mapM_ putStrLn . either pure (map insToHex . catMaybes) $ linesToInss content
-- TODO: maybe group two adjacent lines together and separate them with a space
-- instead. Logisim doesn't seem to care about what kind of whitespace
-- separates the bytes, and it will make the text file nicer to look at.
printLogisim :: String -> IO ()
printLogisim file = do
content <- lines <$> readFile file
let pairs :: [String] -> [String]
pairs ([a,b,c,d] : rest) = [a,b] : [c,d] : pairs rest
pairs [] = []
putStrLn . ("v2.0 raw\n" ++) . unlines . pairs . either pure (map insToHex . catMaybes) $
linesToInss content
simulate :: State CPUState [Result]
simulate = do
cur <- get
case rightInss cur of
[] -> return []
(Halt : _) -> return []
(i : is) ->
incIns >> eval i >> putLI i >> newSimResult <$> get >>= (<$> simulate) . (:)
putLI :: Instruction -> State CPUState ()
putLI i = modify' $ \s -> s {lastIns = Just i}
putReg :: Register -> Word8 -> State CPUState ()
putReg r x = modify' $ \s@(CPUState _ _ _ _ (a,b,c,d) _) ->
let newRegs = case r of
RegA -> (x,b,c,d)
RegB -> (a,x,c,d)
RegC -> (a,b,x,d)
RegD -> (a,b,c,x)
in s {cpuRegs = newRegs}
putFlag :: Flag -> Bool -> State CPUState ()
putFlag f b = modify' $ \s@(CPUState _ _ _ (g,e,l,c) _ _) ->
let newFlags = case f of
Greater -> (b,e,l,c)
Equal -> (g,b,l,c)
Less -> (g,e,b,c)
Carry -> (g,e,l,b)
in s {flags = newFlags}
putFlags :: Ordering -> State CPUState ()
putFlags GT = putFlag Greater True >> putFlag Equal False >> putFlag Less False
putFlags EQ = putFlag Greater False >> putFlag Equal True >> putFlag Less False
putFlags LT = putFlag Greater False >> putFlag Equal False >> putFlag Less True
putOutput :: Word8 -> State CPUState ()
putOutput x = modify' $ \s -> s {output = x}
-- we jump backwards one extra step because we increment before that
jump :: Address -> State CPUState ()
jump (Address a) = modify' $ \cs@(CPUState _ ls rs _ _ _) ->
if | a == 0 -> cs {leftInss = drop 1 ls, rightInss = take 1 ls ++ rs}
| a > 127 -> let s = - (fromIntegral a - 256 - 1)
(r, l) = splitAt s ls
in cs {leftInss = l, rightInss = reverse r ++ rs}
| otherwise -> let s = fromIntegral a - 1
(l, r) = splitAt s rs
in cs {leftInss = ls ++ l, rightInss = r}
getReg :: Register -> State CPUState Word8
getReg r = cpuRegs <$> get >>= \(a,b,c,d) -> return $ case r of
RegA -> a
RegB -> b
RegC -> c
RegD -> d
getFlag :: Flag -> State CPUState Bool
getFlag f = flags <$> get >>= \(g,e,l,c) -> return $ case f of
Greater -> g
Equal -> e
Less -> l
Carry -> c
incIns :: State CPUState ()
incIns = modify' $ \s@(CPUState _ ls (r:rs) _ _ _) -> s {leftInss = r : ls, rightInss = rs}
eval :: Instruction -> State CPUState ()
eval (ConstTo r (Constant x)) = putReg r x
eval (Output r) = getReg r >>= putOutput
eval (Jump a) = jump a
eval (JumpIf f a) = evalFlag f >>= \b -> when b $ jump a
eval (CopyFromRegA r) = getReg RegA >>= putReg r
eval (Alu1 i r) = evalAlu1 i r
eval (Alu2 i r) = evalAlu2 i r
eval Halt = return ()
evalAlu1 :: Alu1Ins -> Register -> State CPUState ()
evalAlu1 i r = do
let f = case i of
Negate -> negate
Not -> complement
x <- f <$> getReg r
putReg r x
putFlags $ compare x 0
evalAlu2 :: Alu2Ins -> Register -> State CPUState ()
evalAlu2 i r = do
a <- getReg RegA
x <- getReg r
let f = flip $ case i of
Add -> (+)
ShiftLeft -> flip shiftL . fromIntegral
ShiftRight -> flip shiftR . fromIntegral
And -> (.&.)
Or -> (.|.)
Xor -> xor
let res = f a x
putReg RegA res
putFlags $ compare res 0
case i of
Add -> putFlag Carry (let sum = fromIntegral a + fromIntegral x in sum > 127 || sum < 128)
evalFlag :: Flag -> State CPUState Bool
evalFlag (OrFlag f g) = evalFlag f >>= \fb -> evalFlag g >>= \gb -> return $ fb || gb
evalFlag (NotFlag f) = not <$> evalFlag f
evalFlag f = getFlag f
newSimResult :: CPUState -> Result
newSimResult (CPUState li _ _ _ (a,b,c,d) out) = Result li [a,b,c,d] out
prettyIns :: Instruction -> String
prettyIns (ConstTo r c) = "ct" ++ prettyReg r ++ " " ++ prettyConst c
prettyIns (Output r) = "out " ++ prettyReg r
prettyIns (Jump a) = "jmp " ++ prettyAddress a
prettyIns (JumpIf f a) = "j" ++ prettyFlag f ++ " " ++ prettyAddress a
prettyIns (CopyFromRegA r) = "mov " ++ prettyReg r
prettyIns (Alu1 i r) = prettyAlu1Ins i ++ " " ++ prettyReg r
prettyIns (Alu2 i r) = prettyAlu2Ins i ++ " " ++ prettyReg r
prettyIns Halt = "halt"
prettyAlu1Ins :: Alu1Ins -> String
prettyAlu1Ins Negate = "neg"
prettyAlu1Ins Not = "not"
prettyAlu2Ins :: Alu2Ins -> String
prettyAlu2Ins Add = "add"
prettyAlu2Ins ShiftLeft = "shl"
prettyAlu2Ins ShiftRight = "shr"
prettyAlu2Ins And = "and"
prettyAlu2Ins Or = "or"
prettyAlu2Ins Xor = "xor"
prettyFlag :: Flag -> String
prettyFlag Greater = "g"
prettyFlag Equal = "z"
prettyFlag Less = "l"
prettyFlag Carry = "c"
prettyFlag (NotFlag f) = "n" ++ prettyFlag f
prettyFlag (OrFlag f g) = prettyFlag f ++ prettyFlag g
prettyAddress :: Address -> String
prettyAddress (Address a) = sign a
prettyReg :: Register -> String
prettyReg RegA = "a"
prettyReg RegB = "b"
prettyReg RegC = "c"
prettyReg RegD = "d"
prettyConst :: Constant -> String
prettyConst (Constant c) = "0x" ++ nChar '0' 2 (showHex c " ; u: ") ++ show c ++ " ; s: " ++ sign c
prettyResult :: Result -> String
prettyResult (Result li regs ls) =
lastI ++ regLine ++ regsHex ++ regsU ++ regsDec ++ regLine ++ diodes ++ line
lastI = maybe "Initial State:\n" (\i -> "Current Instruction: " ++ prettyIns i ++ "\n") li
regLine = intercalate " " (replicate (length regs) "+---------+") ++ "\n"
regsHex = mkRegs $ zipWith (\c r -> "c: " ++ nChar ' ' 4 ("0x" ++ showHex r "")) ['A'..] regs
regsU = mkRegs $ map ((" " ++) . nChar ' ' 3 . show) regs
regsDec = mkRegs $ map ((" " ++) . nChar ' ' 4 . sign) regs
mkRegs rs = "| " ++ intercalate " | | " rs ++ " |\n"
diodes = " " ++ insertSpace (nChar 'O' 8 $ showIntAtBase 2 ("O0" !!) ls "") ++
" hex: 0x" ++ showHex ls " udec: " ++ show ls ++ " sdec: " ++ sign ls ++ "\n"
insertSpace (a:b:c:d:r) = a:b:c:d:' ':r
line = replicate 80 '_'
sign :: Word8 -> String
sign (fromIntegral -> x) | x > 127 = show (x - 256)
| otherwise = show x
nChar :: Char -> Int -> String -> String
nChar c n s = replicate (n - length s) c ++ s
defaultCPU :: CPUState
defaultCPU = CPUState Nothing [] [] (False, False, False, False) (0, 0, 0, 0) 0
runCPU :: String -> IO ()
runCPU file = do
content <- lines <$> readFile file
either putStrLn (run . catMaybes) $ linesToInss content
where run is
= mapM_ (putStrLn . prettyResult) . fst . runState simulate $ defaultCPU {rightInss = is}
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= \case
[['-', o], file] | isJust option -> fromJust option file
where option = lookupOption options
lookupOption [] = Nothing
lookupOption (s:ss) | o == switch s = Just $ action s
| otherwise = lookupOption ss
_ -> getProgName >>= putStrLn . usage
usage :: String -> String
usage progName = "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " -(" ++ switches ++ ") FILE\n" ++ optionDescs
switches = intersperse '|' $ map switch options
optionDescs =
unlines $ zipWith ((++) . (" -" ++) . (:": ")) (map switch options) (map desc options)
options :: [Option]
options = [ Option 'p' "print both hexadecimal and the original assembly" printHexAndOrig
, Option 'h' "print only hexadecimal" printHex
, Option 'l' "print in Logisim ROM format" printLogisim
, Option 'r' "simulate the CPU" runCPU
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