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Last active February 29, 2020 21:43
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Isomorphism according to Homotopy Type Theory, page 8
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Haskell2010
, TypeFamilies
, DataKinds
, PolyKinds
, RankNTypes
, TypeOperators
, TemplateHaskell
, ScopedTypeVariables
, NoStarIsType
, TypeApplications
, BlockArguments
, LambdaCase
, UndecidableInstances
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TH
-- Iso definition from HoTT page 8
-- using the fact that `exist n . P n`
-- is equivalent to `forall r . (forall n . P n -> r) -> r`
newtype a ~= b = MkIso ( forall r . (forall (f :: a ~> b)
. ( forall s . (forall (g :: b ~> a)
. Sing f -> Sing g
-> (forall (x :: a) . Sing x -> g @@ (f @@ x) :~: x)
-> (forall (y :: b) . Sing y -> f @@ (g @@ y) :~: y)
-> s) -> s) -> r) -> r)
infix 4 ~=
type Iso a b = a ~= b
isoRefl :: a ~= a
isoRefl = MkIso \a -> a \b -> b
(sing @IdSym0) (sing @IdSym0) (const Refl) (const Refl)
isoSym :: a ~= b -> b ~= a
isoSym (MkIso iso) = iso \n ->
n \f g fax fay ->
MkIso \a -> a \b -> b g f fay fax
isoTrans :: forall a b c . a ~= b -> b ~= c -> a ~= c
isoTrans (MkIso iso) (MkIso iso') =
iso \n -> n \f g fax fay ->
iso' \m -> m \f' g' fax' fay' ->
MkIso \a -> a \b -> b
(f' %.$$$ f )
(g %.$$$ g')
(\x -> case (fax x, fax' $ f %$ x) of (Refl, Refl) -> Refl)
(\y -> case (fay $ g' %$ y, fay' y) of (Refl, Refl) -> Refl)
-- helper composition function that produces a singleton of a
-- function instead of the usual (%.)
(%.$$$) :: Sing f -> Sing g -> Sing (f .@#@$$$ g)
(%.$$$) f g = SLambda \x -> f %$ g %$ x
-- If you want to get a function of type `a -> b`, just convince ghc that `Demote a ~ a` etc.
right :: forall a b . (SingKind a, SingKind b) => a ~= b -> Demote a -> Demote b
right (MkIso iso) = iso \n -> n \f _ _ _ -> fromSing f
left :: forall a b . (SingKind a, SingKind b) => a ~= b -> Demote b -> Demote a
left (MkIso iso) = iso \n -> n \_ g _ _ -> fromSing g
eqToIso :: a :~: b -> a ~= b
eqToIso Refl = isoRefl
-- Example usage:
singletons [d|
data Unit = MkUnit
unitToO :: Unit -> ()
unitToO MkUnit = ()
oToUnit :: () -> Unit
oToUnit () = MkUnit
unitIsUnit :: Unit ~= ()
unitIsUnit = MkIso \a -> a \b -> b
(sing @UnitToOSym0) (sing @OToUnitSym0) (\SMkUnit -> Refl) (\STuple0 -> Refl)
notIso :: Bool ~= Bool
notIso = MkIso \a -> a \b -> b
(sing @NotSym0)
(sing @NotSym0)
\case STrue -> Refl
SFalse -> Refl
\case STrue -> Refl
SFalse -> Refl
singletons [d|
data Nat = Z | S Nat
natReplicate :: Nat -> a -> [a]
natReplicate Z _ = []
natReplicate (S n) x = x : natReplicate n x
natLength :: [a] -> Nat
natLength [] = Z
natLength (_:xs) = S (natLength xs)
natListIso :: Nat ~= [()]
natListIso = MkIso \a -> a \b -> b
(sing @(FlipSym1 NatReplicateSym0 @@ '())) (sing @NatLengthSym0) p q
p :: Sing x -> NatLength (NatReplicate x '()) :~: x
p SZ = Refl
p (SS n) | Refl <- p n = Refl
q :: Sing y -> NatReplicate (NatLength y) '() :~: y
q SNil = Refl
q (SCons STuple0 xs) | Refl <- q xs = Refl
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