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Created December 20, 2020 14:48
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AOC 2020 day 20
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables
, ViewPatterns
, LambdaCase
, BlockArguments
, StandaloneKindSignatures
, TypeOperators
, ImportQualifiedPost
, UndecidableInstances
, DerivingVia
, MultiWayIf
, TupleSections
, ConstraintKinds
, DataKinds
, FlexibleContexts
, NegativeLiterals
, RankNTypes
, AllowAmbiguousTypes
, TypeFamilyDependencies
, OverloadedLabels
, DeriveGeneric
, NamedWildCards
, TypeApplications
, DuplicateRecordFields
, DisambiguateRecordFields
, FlexibleInstances
, PatternSynonyms
, PartialTypeSignatures
, StandaloneDeriving
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveDataTypeable
, InstanceSigs
import Control.Arrow hiding ((+++), first)
import Control.Comonad.Store
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array qualified as A
import Data.Array.ST qualified as STA
import Data.Bifunctor as BF
import Data.Char
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Data
import Data.Data.Lens
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
import Data.Kind
import Data.IntMap qualified as IM
import Data.List hiding (uncons)
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Debug.Trace
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.Arr qualified (unsafeIndex, unsafeRangeSize)
import GHC.Stack
import Text.Read hiding (step, parens)
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bits.Lens
import Numeric.Lens
import Control.Monad.Combinators.Expr
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
import Text.Megaparsec
import Data.Void
-- Notes:
-- First, notice that the entire image is invariant to flipping and rotating,
-- so instead of 144!, this lowers the number of possible combinations by...
-- a factor of 8 I think? Not great.
-- But we don't need to test all combinations.
-- We just need to take all pairs of borders and record whether they (either as
-- is or with one reversed) line up.
-- Corner tiles are just those that only have two matches borders with
-- anything
-- the correct number should be 5496 - n * 15, n being the number of sea
-- monsters
type Tile = [[Bool]]
löb :: Functor f => f (f a -> a) -> f a
löb = möb fmap
möb :: (((a -> b) -> b) -> c -> a) -> c -> a
möb f x = fix \go -> f ($ go) x
parseTile :: String -> (Int, Tile)
parseTile (lines -> ('T':'i':'l':'e':' ': (reads -> [(n, _)])):grid) =
(n, map (map (== '#')) grid)
getBorders :: Tile -> [[Bool]]
getBorders tile = let tile' = transpose tile in sequence [head, last] =<< [tile, tile']
gridSize :: Int = 12
main :: IO ()
main = do
tiles <- map parseTile . init . splitOn "\n\n" <$> readFile "input"
let tileBorders :: [(Int, [[Bool]])]
tileBorders = (map . fmap) getBorders tiles
matches :: [(Int, Int, Bool, [Bool])]
matches = nub [ (i, j, rev, b)
| ((i, bs):js) <- tails tileBorders
, (j, bs') <- js
, b <- bs
, b' <- bs'
, (rev, f) <- [(True, reverse), (False, id)]
, b == f b'
corners = map (fst . head) . filter ((== 2) . length) .
groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) . nub . sort $
concat [ [(i, b), (j, b)] | (i, j, rev, b) <- matches ]
print $ product corners
let worldMap = combine . shrink . rearrange $ assignMatches matches tiles
maps = V.fromList . map V.fromList <$> orientations worldMap
monsters = maximum $ map countMonsters maps
print . subtract (monsters * length (monster (0,0))) . sum . map (sum . map fromEnum) $
countMonsters :: V.Vector (V.Vector Bool) -> Int
countMonsters world = sum . fmap (sum . fmap fromEnum) $
flip imap world \y v -> flip imap v \x _ -> hasMonster world (x, y)
hasMonster :: V.Vector (V.Vector Bool) -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
hasMonster world = all (\(x, y) -> fromMaybe False (world ^? ix y . ix x)) . monster
monster :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
monster (x, y) = map (bimap (+x) (+y)) $
map (,0) [ 18]
<> map (,1) [0, 5,6, 11,12 ,17,18,19]
<> map (,2) [ 1, 4, 7, 10 ,13, 16]
lookup' :: Eq a => a -> [(a, a, b, c)] -> [(a, b, c)]
lookup' x xs =
let f l l' = map (\t -> (t ^. l', t ^. _3, t ^. _4)) $ filter ((x ==) . view l) xs
in f _1 _2 <> f _2 _1
assignMatches :: [(Int, Int, Bool, [Bool])] -> [(Int, Tile)]
-> IM.IntMap (Tile, [(Int, Bool, [Bool])])
assignMatches matches = IM.fromList . map \(n, tile) -> (n, (tile, lookup' n matches))
orientations :: Tile -> [Tile]
orientations xs = let f = take 4 . iterate rotateDeasil in f xs <> f (transpose xs)
rotateDeasil = map reverse . transpose
shrink :: [[Tile]] -> [[Tile]]
shrink = imap \y l -> flip imap l \x -> map tail . tail . map init . init
combine :: [[Tile]] -> Tile
combine = concat . map (foldl1' $ zipWith (<>))
rearrange :: IM.IntMap (Tile, [(Int, Bool, [Bool])]) -> [[Tile]]
rearrange tileMap = (map . map) (^. _1) . möb (map . map) $ flip (map . map) coords \case
-- rotate corner until matching boundaries point towards center
(0, 0) ->
const . (,ms) . head . dropWhile topOrLeftMatches . orientations $ tile
tile :: Tile
m1, m2 :: [Bool]
ms :: [(Int, Bool, [Bool])]
(tile, ms@[(_, _, m1), (_, _, m2)]) =
head . filter ((2 ==) . length . snd) $ toList tileMap
topOrLeftMatches :: [[Bool]] -> Bool
topOrLeftMatches xs = or [ m == r
| f <- [transpose, id]
, g <- [reverse, id]
, let r = g . head . f $ xs
, m <- [m1, m2]
(x, y) -> \case
tiles ->
first (errorHead . filter (liftA2 (&&) firstRowMatches firstColMatches)
. orientations) $ tileMap IM.! tileId
ltile :: Tile
lms :: [(Int, Bool, [Bool])]
(ltile, lms) = tiles !! y !! (x - 1)
lastCol = map last ltile
ttile :: Tile
tms :: [(Int, Bool, [Bool])]
(ttile, tms) = tiles !! (y - 1) !! x
lastRow = last ttile
tileId :: Int
border :: [Bool]
(tileId, _, border) = errorHead $ if x == 0
then filter (\(view _3 -> row) -> lastRow == row || reverse lastRow == row) tms
else filter (\(view _3 -> col) -> lastCol == col || reverse lastCol == col) lms
firstColMatches :: Tile -> Bool
firstColMatches (map errorHead -> xs) = x == 0 || lastCol == xs
firstRowMatches :: Tile -> Bool
firstRowMatches (errorHead -> xs) = y == 0 || lastRow == xs
coords :: [[(Int, Int)]]
coords = [ (,y) <$> cs | let cs = [0..gridSize - 1], y <- cs ]
-- this shorter version doesn't work, can't be bothered to debug it
-- (x, y) -> \case
-- tiles ->
-- first (errorHead . filter firstColMatches
-- . orientations) $ tileMap IM.! tileId
-- where
-- f :: (forall a . [a] -> a) -> [[b]] -> [b]
-- f g | y == 0 = map g
-- | otherwise = g
-- ltile :: Tile
-- lms :: [(Int, Bool, [Bool])]
-- (ltile, lms) | y == 0 = tiles !! y !! (x - 1)
-- | otherwise = tiles !! (y - 1) !! x
-- lastCol = f last ltile
-- tileId :: Int
-- border :: [Bool]
-- (tileId, _, border) = errorHead $
-- filter (\(view _3 -> col) -> lastCol == col || reverse lastCol == col) lms
-- firstColMatches :: Tile -> Bool
-- firstColMatches (f errorHead -> xs) = x == 0 || lastCol == xs
errorHead :: HasCallStack => [a] -> a
errorHead = fromMaybe (error "here") . listToMaybe
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