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Last active November 25, 2020 22:19
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Comparison of basic length-indexed vectors in Haskell and Java
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, DataKinds, TypeOperators, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Dependent where
data Nat = Z | S Nat
data Vec (n :: Nat) a where
Nil :: Vec Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (S n) a
deriving instance Show a => Show (Vec n a)
type family (+) (n :: Nat) (m :: Nat) where
Z + m = m
S n + m = S (n + m)
append :: Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec (n + m) a
append Nil ys = ys
append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (append xs ys)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "\nRunning...\n"
let vec1 = Cons "a" (Cons "b" Nil)
let vec2 = Cons "c" (Cons "d" (Cons "e" Nil))
print vec1
print (append vec1 vec2)
package dependent;
import static dependent.Dependent.Nat.*;
import static dependent.Dependent.Nat.Plus.*;
import static dependent.Dependent.Vec.*;
public interface Dependent {
public static sealed interface Nat<n extends Nat> permits Z, S {
// We're using these as Nat types *and* as corresponding singletons
public static record Z() implements Nat<Z> {}
public static record S<n extends Nat>(n pred) implements Nat<S<n>> {}
public static Nat<Z> Z() {return new Z();}
public static <n extends Nat> Nat<S<n>> S(n pred) {return new S<>(pred);}
public static sealed interface Plus<n extends Nat, m extends Nat, npm extends Nat>
permits PZ, PS {
public static record PZ<m extends Nat>() implements Plus<Z, m, m> {}
public static record
PS<n extends Nat, m extends Nat, npm extends Nat>(Plus<n, m, npm> p)
implements Plus<S<n>, m, S<npm>> {}
public static <m extends Nat> Plus<Z, m, m> PZ() {return new PZ<>();}
public static <n extends Nat, m extends Nat, npm extends Nat>
Plus<S<n>, m, S<npm>> PS(Plus<n, m, npm> p) {return new PS<>(p);}
public static sealed interface Vec<n extends Nat, a> permits Nil, Cons {
public static record Nil<a>() implements Vec<Z, a> {}
public static record Cons<n extends Nat, a>(a head, Vec<n, a> tail)
implements Vec<S<n>, a> {}
public static <a> Vec<Z, a> Nil() {return new Nil<>();}
public static <a, n extends Nat> Vec<Nat.S<n>, a> Cons(a head, Vec<n, a> tail) {
return new Cons<>(head, tail);
public static <n extends Nat, m extends Nat, npm extends Nat, a> Vec<npm, a>
append(Vec<n, a> xs, Vec<m, a> ys, Plus<n, m, npm> p) {
if (xs instanceof Nil nil && p instanceof PZ pz) {
// Java thinks this is unsafe :( not sure how to fix that
return (Vec<npm, a>)ys;
} else if (xs instanceof Cons cons && p instanceof PS ps) {
// unfortunately this will allow you to call append with ps
// instead of ps.p, which would be unsafe
// I'm not sure why you can do it
return Cons(cons.head, append(cons.tail, ys, ps.p));
// other cases shouldn't be possible but Java doesn't know :(
throw new RuntimeException("Impossible");
public static void main(String[] args) {
var vec1 = Cons("a", Cons("b", Nil()));
var vec2 = Cons("c", Cons("d", Cons("e", Nil())));
// Have to construct the type level computation manually, but Java will
// make sure it is correct
// If you use a function that returns an existential containing a proof
// you might be able to avoid having to compute it manually
System.out.println(append(vec1, vec2, PS(PS(PZ()))));
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