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Last active October 5, 2021 11:16
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  • Save JakubNei/62425face0f3892468c1622197566c34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JakubNei/62425face0f3892468c1622197566c34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unreal Engine Bounding 26 DOP, Implements discrete oriented polytopes (DOP for short). Is an extension of bounding box, box has 6 directions and represents 6 distances, 26 DOP has 26 directions and represents 26 distances in those directions . Has similar API as UE4's FSphere, FBox and FBoxSphereBounds.
#include "Bounding26Dop.h"
#include "Math/UnrealMathUtility.h"
#include "Containers/UnrealString.h"
#include "Logging/LogMacros.h"
#include "Engine/Polys.h"
#include "DrawDebugHelpers.h"
#include "GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformMath.h"
#include "Async/ParallelFor.h"
#include "Serialization/StructuredArchiveFormatter.h"
#include "Serialization/StructuredArchive.h"
#include "Engine/StaticMesh.h"
enum class ESplitPolygonResult
Coplanar = 0, // Polygon wasn't split, but is coplanar with plane
Front = 1, // Polygon wasn't split, but is entirely in front of plane
Back = 2, // Polygon wasn't split, but is entirely in back of plane
Split = 3, // Polygon was split into two new editor polygons
// Based on UE4's FPoly::SplitWithPlaneFast() from Polygon.cpp
template<typename TElementType, typename TAllocator>
ESplitPolygonResult SplitPolygonByPlane(const TArray<TElementType, TAllocator>& InPoly, const FPlane& Plane, TArray<TElementType, TAllocator>& OutFrontPoly)
FMemMark MemMark(FMemStack::Get());
enum class EPlaneClassification : uint8
V_FRONT = 0,
V_BACK = 1
EPlaneClassification Status, PrevStatus;
EPlaneClassification* VertStatus = new(FMemStack::Get()) EPlaneClassification[InPoly.Num()];
bool Front = false, Back = false;
EPlaneClassification* StatusPtr = &VertStatus[0];
for (int32 i = 0; i < InPoly.Num(); i++)
const float Dist = Plane.PlaneDot(InPoly[i]);
if (Dist >= 0.f)
*StatusPtr++ = EPlaneClassification::V_FRONT;
Front = true;
*StatusPtr++ = EPlaneClassification::V_BACK;
Back = true;
ESplitPolygonResult Result;
if (!Front)
if (Back) Result = ESplitPolygonResult::Back;
else Result = ESplitPolygonResult::Coplanar;
else if (!Back)
Result = ESplitPolygonResult::Front;
// Some vertices are front and some are at back of plane, this means this polygon will be split by plane
Result = ESplitPolygonResult::Split;
const FVector* V = InPoly.GetData();
const FVector* W = V + InPoly.Num() - 1;
StatusPtr = &VertStatus[0];
PrevStatus = VertStatus[InPoly.Num() - 1];
for (int32 i = 0; i < InPoly.Num(); i++)
Status = *StatusPtr++;
if (Status != PrevStatus) // Is line crossing plane ?
const FVector& Intersection = FMath::LinePlaneIntersection(*W, *V, Plane);
new(OutFrontPoly) FVector(Intersection);
if (PrevStatus != EPlaneClassification::V_FRONT)
new(OutFrontPoly) FVector(*V);
else if (Status == EPlaneClassification::V_FRONT)
new(OutFrontPoly) FVector(*V);
PrevStatus = Status;
W = V++;
return Result;
// Based on UE4's GenerateKDopAsSimpleCollision() from GeomFitUtils.cpp
void FBounding26Dop::CalculatePolygons(TArray<FBounding26Dop::FPolygon>& OutPolygons) const
for (uint8 i = 0; i < DirectionsCounts; ++i)
FBounding26Dop::FPolygon* polygon = new(OutPolygons) FBounding26Dop::FPolygon();
FVector base, axisX, axisY;
base = FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[i] * Distances[i];
FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[i].FindBestAxisVectors(axisX, axisY);
new(polygon->Vertices) FVector(base + axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX + axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
new(polygon->Vertices) FVector(base + axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX - axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
new(polygon->Vertices) FVector(base - axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX - axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
new(polygon->Vertices) FVector(base - axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX + axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
for (uint8 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; ++j)
if (i != j)
const FPlane splitPlane(FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j] * Distances[j], -FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j]);
FBounding26Dop::FPolygon Front;
switch (SplitPolygonByPlane(polygon->Vertices, splitPlane, Front.Vertices))
case ESplitPolygonResult::Back:
case ESplitPolygonResult::Split:
*polygon = Front;
//case ESplitType::Front:
//case ESplitType::Coplanar:
if (polygon->Vertices.Num() < 1)
if (polygon->Vertices.Num() < 3)
// If poly resulted in no verts, remove from array
OutPolygons.RemoveAt(OutPolygons.Num() - 1);
// Based on UE4's GenerateKDopAsSimpleCollision() from GeomFitUtils.cpp
void FBounding26Dop::CalculateVertices(TArray<FVector>& OutVertices) const
TArray<FVector> array1;
TArray<FVector> array2;
TArray<FVector>* workingPolygon = &array1;
TArray<FVector>* splitResultFront = &array2;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < DirectionsCounts; ++i)
FVector base, axisX, axisY;
base = FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[i] * Distances[i];
FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[i].FindBestAxisVectors(axisX, axisY);
new(*workingPolygon) FVector(base + axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX + axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
new(*workingPolygon) FVector(base + axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX - axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
new(*workingPolygon) FVector(base - axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX - axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
new(*workingPolygon) FVector(base - axisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX + axisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
for (uint8 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; ++j)
if (i != j)
const FPlane splitPlane(FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j] * Distances[j], -FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j]);
switch (SplitPolygonByPlane(*workingPolygon, splitPlane, *splitResultFront))
case ESplitPolygonResult::Back:
case ESplitPolygonResult::Split:
::Swap(workingPolygon, splitResultFront);
//case ESplitType::Front:
//case ESplitType::Coplanar:
if (workingPolygon->Num() < 3)
if (workingPolygon->Num() >= 3)
void operator<<(FStructuredArchive::FSlot Slot, FBounding26Dop& Self)
FStructuredArchive::FRecord Record = Slot.EnterRecord();
Record << SA_VALUE(TEXT("IsValid"), Self.IsValid);
int32 num = Self.DirectionsCounts;
FStructuredArchiveArray Array = Record.EnterArray(SA_FIELD_NAME(TEXT("Distances")), num);
for (int32 j = 0; j < Self.DirectionsCounts; j++)
FStructuredArchiveRecord RowRecord = Array.EnterElement().EnterRecord();
RowRecord << SA_VALUE(TEXT("Distance"), Self.Distances[j]);
bool FBounding26Dop::Serialize(FStructuredArchive::FSlot Slot)
Slot << *this;
return true;
FArchive& operator<<(FArchive& Ar, FBounding26Dop& Self)
if (Ar.IsLoading())
uint8 serializedByte = 0;
Ar.SerializeBits(&serializedByte, 1);
Self.IsValid = serializedByte > 0;
uint8 serializeByte = Self.IsValid;
Ar.SerializeBits(&serializeByte, 1);
for (uint8 j = 0; j < Self.DirectionsCounts; ++j)
Ar << Self.Distances[j];
return Ar;
bool FBounding26Dop::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)
Ar << *this;
return true;
void FBounding26Dop::EncompassPointsInternal(const TArray<FVector>& InPoints)
if (InPoints.Num() == 0) return;
int32 CurrentIndex = InPoints.Num() - 1;
if (!IsValid)
if (InPoints.Num() < 10)
while (CurrentIndex >= 0)
for (uint8 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; ++j)
const float dist = FVector::DotProduct(InPoints[CurrentIndex], FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j]);
Distances[j] = FMath::Max(dist, Distances[j]);
ParallelFor(DirectionsCounts, [&, CurrentIndex](int32 j) mutable
while (CurrentIndex >= 0)
const float dist = FVector::DotProduct(InPoints[CurrentIndex], FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j]);
Distances[j] = FMath::Max(dist, Distances[j]);
void FBounding26Dop::Encompass(UStaticMesh* StaticMesh)
if (
ensure(::IsValid(StaticMesh)) &&
ensure(StaticMesh->bAllowCPUAccess) &&
) {
void FBounding26Dop::Encompass(FStaticMeshRenderData* RenderData)
if (
ensure(RenderData != nullptr) &&
) {
void FBounding26Dop::Encompass(const FStaticMeshLODResources& StaticMeshLODResources)
for (uint32 i = 0; i < StaticMeshLODResources.VertexBuffers.PositionVertexBuffer.GetNumVertices(); ++i)
const FVector& vertex = StaticMeshLODResources.VertexBuffers.PositionVertexBuffer.VertexPosition(i);
void FBounding26Dop::DrawDebugLines(UWorld* World, const FMatrix& LocalToWorld, FColor const& Color, bool bPersistentLines /*= false*/, float LifeTime /*= -1.f*/, uint8 DepthPriority /*= 0*/, float Thickness /*= 0.f*/)
TArray<FPolygon> polygons;
for (const FPolygon& poly : polygons)
for (int32 i = 0; i < poly.Vertices.Num(); ++i)
FVector start = poly.Vertices[i];
FVector end = poly.Vertices[(i + 1) % poly.Vertices.Num()];
start = LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(start);
end = LocalToWorld.TransformPosition(end);
DrawDebugLine(World, start, end, Color, bPersistentLines, LifeTime, DepthPriority, Thickness);
void FBounding26Dop::ExecuteTests()
TSet<FVector> allPoints;
TArray<FPolygon> polygons;
for (const FPolygon& poly : polygons)
if (ensure(poly.Vertices.Num() >= 2))
TArray<FVector> vertices;
for (int32 i = 0; i < vertices.Num(); ++i)
FVector v = vertices[i];
FBox b1 = CalculateBoundingBox();
FBox b2 = CalculateBoundingBox(FMatrix::Identity);
ensure((b1.Max - b2.Max).Size() < 0.1f);
ensure((b1.Min - b2.Min).Size() < 0.1f);
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Math/Vector.h"
#include "Math/Sphere.h"
#include "Math/Box.h"
#include "UObject/Class.h"
#if CPP
namespace FKDopDirections
constexpr const float RCP_SQRT2 = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485f;
constexpr const float RCP_SQRT3 = 0.57735026918962576450914878050196f;
const FVector KDopDir10X[10] =
FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f,-1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f,-1.f),
FVector(0.f, RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f,-RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f, RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f,-RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2)
const FVector KDopDir10Y[10] =
FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f,-1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f,-1.f),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, RCP_SQRT2)
const FVector KDopDir10Z[10] =
FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f,-1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f,-1.f),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2, 0.f)
const FVector KDopDir18[18] =
FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f,-1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f,-1.f),
FVector(0.f, RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f,-RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f, RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f,-RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2, 0.f)
const FVector KDopDir26[26] =
FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f,-1.f, 0.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
FVector(0.f, 0.f,-1.f),
FVector(0.f, RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f,-RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f, RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(0.f,-RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, -RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, 0.f, RCP_SQRT2),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(RCP_SQRT2, -RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
FVector(-RCP_SQRT2, RCP_SQRT2, 0.f),
* Implements discrete oriented polytopes (DOP for short)
* Is an extension of bounding box, box has 6 sides and represents 6 distances, 26 DOP has 26 sides and represents 26 distances
* Has similar API as UE4's FSphere, FBox and FBoxSphereBounds
struct UTILS_API FBounding26Dop
/** Holds a flag indicating whether this 26 DOP is valid. */
bool IsValid;
/** K count, K number */
static constexpr const uint8 DirectionsCounts = 26;
/** Distances from center to side for each direction. */
float Distances[DirectionsCounts];
* Default constructor (no initialization)
FBounding26Dop() { }
* Creates and initializes a new bounding volume
* Initializes to default values
* Marks this volume as invalid
* @param EForceInit Force Init Enum.
explicit FBounding26Dop(EForceInit)
* Creates and initializes a new 26 DOP from the given set of points.
* @param Points Array of Points to create for the bounding volume.
* @param Count The number of points.
FBounding26Dop(const FVector* Points, int32 Count)
Encompass(TArray<FVector>(Points, Count));
* Creates and initializes a new 26 DOP from an array of points.
* @param Points Array of Points to create for the bounding volume.
FBounding26Dop(const TArray<FVector>& Points)
* Initializes to default values
* Marks this volume as invalid
void Init()
for (int32 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; j++)
Distances[j] = TNumericLimits<float>::Min();
IsValid = false;
* Initializes to default values
* Marks this volume as invalid
void Reset()
public: // calculate bounding volumes or vertices from this
struct FPolygon
typedef TArray<FVector, TInlineAllocator<5>> VerticesArrayType;
VerticesArrayType Vertices;
void Reset()
* Calculates polygons that represent sides of this bounding volume
void CalculatePolygons(TArray<FPolygon>& OutPolygons) const;
* Calculates most extreme vertices (points)
* May return duplicates, some vertices may come from more polygons
* Faster than CalculatePolygons
void CalculateVertices(TArray<FVector>& OutVertices) const;
* Calculates this bounding volume transformed by provided matrix
FBounding26Dop TransformBy(const FMatrix& AdjustPoints) const
TArray<FVector> points;
for (int32 i = 0; i < points.Num(); ++i)
points[i] = AdjustPoints.TransformPosition(points[i]);
return FBounding26Dop(points);
* Calculates a bounding box that encapsulates this bounding volume
FBox CalculateBoundingBox() const
if (!IsValid)
FBox result(ForceInitToZero);
result.IsValid = false;
return MoveTemp(result);
//[0] FVector(1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
//[1] FVector(-1.f, 0.f, 0.f),
//[2] FVector(0.f, 1.f, 0.f),
//[3] FVector(0.f,-1.f, 0.f),
//[4] FVector(0.f, 0.f, 1.f),
//[5] FVector(0.f, 0.f,-1.f),
return FBox(
FVector(-Distances[1], -Distances[3], -Distances[5]), // min
FVector(Distances[0], Distances[2], Distances[4]) // max
* Calculates a bounding box that encapsulates this bounding volume transformed by provided matrix
FBox CalculateBoundingBox(const FMatrix& AdjustPoints) const
if (!IsValid)
FBox result(ForceInitToZero);
result.IsValid = false;
return MoveTemp(result);
TArray<FVector> points;
for (int32 i = 0; i < points.Num(); ++i)
points[i] = AdjustPoints.TransformPosition(points[i]);
return FBox(points);
* Calculates a bounding sphere that encapsulates this bounding volume
FSphere CalculateBoundingSphere() const
if (!IsValid)
return FSphere(ForceInitToZero);
const FBox box = CalculateBoundingBox();
FSphere sphere((box.Min + box.Max) / 2, 0);
TArray<FVector> points;
for (int32 i = 0; i < points.Num(); ++i)
const float Dist = FVector::DistSquared(points[i], sphere.Center);
if (Dist > sphere.W)
sphere.W = Dist;
sphere.W = FMath::Sqrt(sphere.W) * 1.001f;
return MoveTemp(sphere);
* Calculates a bounding sphere that encapsulates this bounding volume transformed by provided matrix
FSphere CalculateBoundingSphere(const FMatrix& AdjustPoints) const
if (!IsValid)
return FSphere(ForceInitToZero);
TArray<FVector> points;
FBox box;
box.IsValid = false;
for (int32 i = 0; i < points.Num(); ++i)
points[i] = AdjustPoints.TransformPosition(points[i]);
box += points[i];
FSphere sphere((box.Min + box.Max) / 2, 0);
for (int32 i = 0; i < points.Num(); ++i)
const float Dist = FVector::DistSquared(points[i], sphere.Center);
if (Dist > sphere.W)
sphere.W = Dist;
sphere.W = FMath::Sqrt(sphere.W) * 1.001f;
return MoveTemp(sphere);
public: // equality
* Check whether two bounding 26 dops are the same within specified tolerance.
* @param Other The other bounding 26 dop.
* @param Tolerance Error Tolerance.
* @return true if bounding 26 dops are equal within specified tolerance, otherwise false.
bool Equals(const FBounding26Dop& Other, float Tolerance = KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) const
for (uint8 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; ++j)
if (FMath::Abs(Distances[j] - Other.Distances[j]) > Tolerance)
return false;
return true;
* Compares two bounding 26 dops for equality.
* @return true if the bounding 26 dops are equal, false otherwise.
bool operator==(const FBounding26Dop& Other) const
return Equals(Other);
* Compares two bounding 26 dops for inequality.
* @return true if the bounding 26 dops are not equal, false otherwise.
bool operator!=(const FBounding26Dop& Other) const
return !Equals(Other);
public: // Serializers
* Serializes the given 26 DOP from or into the specified archive.
* @param Ar The archive to serialize from or into.
* @param Other The 26 DOP to serialize.
* @return The archive.
friend FArchive& operator<<(FArchive& Ar, FBounding26Dop& Self);
bool Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
friend void operator<<(FStructuredArchive::FSlot Slot, FBounding26Dop& Self);
bool Serialize(FStructuredArchive::FSlot Slot);
* For private use only, does not set IsValid
void EncompassPointsInternal(const TArray<FVector>& InPoints);
* For private use only, does not set IsValid
void EncompassPointInternal(const FVector& Point)
if (LIKELY(IsValid))
for (uint8 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; ++j)
const float dist = FVector::DotProduct(Point, FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j]);
Distances[j] = FMath::Max(dist, Distances[j]);
for (uint8 j = 0; j < DirectionsCounts; ++j)
const float dist = FVector::DotProduct(Point, FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[j]);
Distances[j] = dist;
IsValid = true;
public: // encompass various other types and optionally transform them by FMatrix beforehand
void Encompass(const FVector& Point)
void Encompass(const FSphere& Other)
for (uint8 i = 0; i < DirectionsCounts; ++i)
const float dist = Other.W + FVector::DotProduct(Other.Center, FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[i]);
Distances[i] = IsValid ? FMath::Max(dist, Distances[i]) : dist;
IsValid = true;
void Encompass(const FSphere& Other, const FMatrix& AdjustPoints)
const FVector center = AdjustPoints.TransformPosition(Other.Center);
const float radius = Other.W * AdjustPoints.GetScaleVector().GetMax();
for (uint8 i = 0; i < DirectionsCounts; ++i)
const float dist = radius + FVector::DotProduct(center, FKDopDirections::KDopDir26[i]);
Distances[i] = IsValid ? FMath::Max(dist, Distances[i]) : dist;
IsValid = true;
void Encompass(const FBox& Other)
if (!Other.IsValid) return;
const FVector boxCorners[8] =
FVector(Other.Max.X, Other.Max.Y, Other.Min.Z),
FVector(Other.Max.X, Other.Min.Y, Other.Max.Z),
FVector(Other.Max.X, Other.Min.Y, Other.Min.Z),
FVector(Other.Min.X, Other.Max.Y, Other.Max.Z),
FVector(Other.Min.X, Other.Max.Y, Other.Min.Z),
FVector(Other.Min.X, Other.Min.Y, Other.Max.Z),
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
void Encompass(const FBox& Other, const FMatrix& AdjustPoints)
if (!Other.IsValid) return;
const FVector boxCorners[8] =
FVector(Other.Max.X, Other.Max.Y, Other.Min.Z),
FVector(Other.Max.X, Other.Min.Y, Other.Max.Z),
FVector(Other.Max.X, Other.Min.Y, Other.Min.Z),
FVector(Other.Min.X, Other.Max.Y, Other.Max.Z),
FVector(Other.Min.X, Other.Max.Y, Other.Min.Z),
FVector(Other.Min.X, Other.Min.Y, Other.Max.Z),
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
void Encompass(const FBoxSphereBounds& Other)
const FVector boxCorners[8] =
FVector(Other.BoxExtent.X, Other.BoxExtent.Y, -Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(Other.BoxExtent.X, -Other.BoxExtent.Y, Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(Other.BoxExtent.X, -Other.BoxExtent.Y, -Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(-Other.BoxExtent.X, Other.BoxExtent.Y, Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(-Other.BoxExtent.X, Other.BoxExtent.Y, -Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(-Other.BoxExtent.X, -Other.BoxExtent.Y, Other.BoxExtent.Z),
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
EncompassPointInternal(Other.Origin + boxCorners[i]);
void Encompass(const FBoxSphereBounds& Other, const FMatrix& AdjustPoints)
const FVector boxCorners[8] =
FVector(Other.BoxExtent.X, Other.BoxExtent.Y, -Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(Other.BoxExtent.X, -Other.BoxExtent.Y, Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(Other.BoxExtent.X, -Other.BoxExtent.Y, -Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(-Other.BoxExtent.X, Other.BoxExtent.Y, Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(-Other.BoxExtent.X, Other.BoxExtent.Y, -Other.BoxExtent.Z),
FVector(-Other.BoxExtent.X, -Other.BoxExtent.Y, Other.BoxExtent.Z),
for (uint8 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
EncompassPointInternal(AdjustPoints.TransformPosition(Other.Origin + boxCorners[i]));
void Encompass(const FBounding26Dop& Other)
if (!Other.IsValid) return;
for (uint8 i = 0; i < DirectionsCounts; ++i)
Distances[i] = IsValid ? FMath::Max(Distances[i], Other.Distances[i]) : Other.Distances[i];
IsValid = true;
void Encompass(const FBounding26Dop& Other, const FMatrix& AdjustPoints)
if (!Other.IsValid) return;
TArray<FVector> points;
for (int32 i = 0; i < points.Num(); ++i)
points[i] = AdjustPoints.TransformPosition(points[i]);
void Encompass(const TArray<FVector>& InPoints)
if (InPoints.Num() == 0) return;
public: // encompass mesh
void Encompass(class UStaticMesh* StaticMesh);
void Encompass(class FStaticMeshRenderData* RenderData);
void Encompass(const struct FStaticMeshLODResources& StaticMeshLODResources);
public: // convenience += operators
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const FVector& Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const FSphere& Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const FBox& Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const FBoxSphereBounds& Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const FBounding26Dop& Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const TArray<FVector>& Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(UStaticMesh* Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(FStaticMeshRenderData* Other)
return *this;
FBounding26Dop& operator+=(const FStaticMeshLODResources& Other)
return *this;
public: // convenience + operators
FBounding26Dop operator+(const FVector& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(const FSphere& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(const FBox& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(const FBoxSphereBounds& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(const FBounding26Dop& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(const TArray<FVector>& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(UStaticMesh* Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(FStaticMeshRenderData* Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
FBounding26Dop operator+(const FStaticMeshLODResources& Other)
FBounding26Dop result(*this);
return result;
public: // debug
void DrawDebugLines(UWorld* World, const FMatrix& LocalToWorld, FColor const& Color, bool bPersistentLines = false, float LifeTime = -1.f, uint8 DepthPriority = 0, float Thickness = 0.f);
void ExecuteTests();
USTRUCT(immutable, noexport, BlueprintType)
struct FBounding26Dop
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
bool IsValid;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D0;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D1;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D2;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D3;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D4;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D5;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D6;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D7;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D8;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D9;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D10;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D11;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D12;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D13;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D14;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D15;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D16;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D17;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D18;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D19;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D20;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D21;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D22;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D23;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D24;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, SaveGame)
float D25;
struct FBounding26Dop;
template<> struct TBaseStructure<FBounding26Dop>
COREUOBJECT_API static UScriptStruct* Get();
struct TStructOpsTypeTraits<FBounding26Dop> : public TStructOpsTypeTraitsBase2<FBounding26Dop>
WithIdenticalViaEquality = true, // struct can be compared via its operator==. This should be mutually exclusive with WithIdentical.
WithNoInitConstructor = true, // struct has a constructor which takes an EForceInit parameter which will force the constructor to perform initialization, where the default constructor performs 'uninitialization'.
WithZeroConstructor = true, // struct can be constructed as a valid object by filling its memory footprint with zeroes.
WithStructuredSerializer = true, // struct has a Serialize function for serializing its state to an FStructuredArchive.
WithSerializer = true, // struct has a Serialize function for serializing its state to an FArchive.
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