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Created July 10, 2017 02:05
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Save JakubNei/e4741fc9c26b016854179199358ac052 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Collection of useful Unity3D extensions I've made over the years. I usually carry this to any project I work on.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// Version: 2017-07-06 (yyyy-MM-dd)
/// Many useful Unity3D extensions I've made over the years.
/// All in one class.
/// </summary>
public static class NeitriUnityExtensions
#region Vector2 extensions
public static Vector2 Closest(this IEnumerable<Vector2> vecEnum, Vector2 closestTo)
var closestDist = float.MaxValue;
var closestElem = closestTo;
foreach (var currentElem in vecEnum)
var currentDistance = currentElem.DistanceSqr(closestTo);
if (currentDistance < closestDist)
closestDist = currentDistance;
closestElem = currentElem;
return closestElem;
public static Vector2 LerpTo(this Vector2 me, Vector2 towards, float t)
return Vector2.Lerp(me, towards, t);
public static Vector2 Round(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector2(me.x.Round(), me.y.Round());
public static Vector2 Ceil(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector2(me.x.Ceil(), me.y.Ceil());
public static Vector2 Floor(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector2(me.x.Floor(), me.y.Floor());
public static float DistanceSqr(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me, UnityEngine.Vector2 other)
return (me - other).sqrMagnitude;
public static float Distance(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me, UnityEngine.Vector2 other)
return UnityEngine.Vector2.Distance(me, other);
public static float Dot(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me, UnityEngine.Vector2 other)
return UnityEngine.Vector2.Dot(me, other);
public static float Angle(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me, UnityEngine.Vector2 other)
return UnityEngine.Vector2.Angle(me, other);
public static Vector2 Divide(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me, UnityEngine.Vector2 other)
me.Scale(new UnityEngine.Vector2(1 / other.x, 1 / other.y));
return me;
public static Vector2 Multiply(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me, UnityEngine.Vector2 other)
return me;
public static Vector2 Normalized(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me)
return me.normalized;
public static float SqrMagnitude(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me)
return me.sqrMagnitude;
public static float Magnitude(this UnityEngine.Vector2 me)
return me.magnitude;
public static Vector2 Towards(this UnityEngine.Vector2 from, UnityEngine.Vector2 to)
return to - from;
public static Vector2 SetX(this Vector2 target, float newX)
target.x = newX;
return target;
public static Vector2 SetY(this Vector2 target, float newY)
target.y = newY;
return target;
public static Vector2 AddX(this Vector2 target, float addX)
target.x += addX;
return target;
public static Vector2 AddY(this Vector2 target, float addY)
target.y += addY;
return target;
javascript code to generate all the To Vector3 combinations, open Chrome web browser press f12, paste the code, press enter, done, copy paste here
var names = ["X","Y","0","1"];
var returns = ["me.x","me.y","0","1"];
var ret="\n\n";
names.forEach(function(value1, index1){
names.forEach(function(value2, index2){
names.forEach(function(value3, index3){
ret += "public static Vector3 To"+value1+value2+value3+"(this Vector2 me) { return new Vector3("+returns[index1]+", "+returns[index2]+", "+returns[index3]+"); }\n";
public static Vector3 ToXXX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.x, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToXXY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.x, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToXX0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.x, 0);
public static Vector3 ToXX1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.x, 1);
public static Vector3 ToXYX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.y, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToXYY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.y, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToXY0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.y, 0);
public static Vector3 ToXY1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, me.y, 1);
public static Vector3 ToX0X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 0, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToX0Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 0, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToX00(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 0, 0);
public static Vector3 ToX01(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 0, 1);
public static Vector3 ToX1X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 1, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToX1Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 1, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToX10(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 1, 0);
public static Vector3 ToX11(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.x, 1, 1);
public static Vector3 ToYXX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.x, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToYXY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.x, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToYX0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.x, 0);
public static Vector3 ToYX1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.x, 1);
public static Vector3 ToYYX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.y, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToYYY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.y, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToYY0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.y, 0);
public static Vector3 ToYY1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, me.y, 1);
public static Vector3 ToY0X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 0, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToY0Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 0, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToY00(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 0, 0);
public static Vector3 ToY01(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 0, 1);
public static Vector3 ToY1X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 1, me.x);
public static Vector3 ToY1Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 1, me.y);
public static Vector3 ToY10(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 1, 0);
public static Vector3 ToY11(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(me.y, 1, 1);
public static Vector3 To0XX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.x, me.x);
public static Vector3 To0XY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.x, me.y);
public static Vector3 To0X0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.x, 0);
public static Vector3 To0X1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.x, 1);
public static Vector3 To0YX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.y, me.x);
public static Vector3 To0YY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.y, me.y);
public static Vector3 To0Y0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.y, 0);
public static Vector3 To0Y1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, me.y, 1);
public static Vector3 To00X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 0, me.x);
public static Vector3 To00Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 0, me.y);
public static Vector3 To000(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
public static Vector3 To001(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
public static Vector3 To01X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 1, me.x);
public static Vector3 To01Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 1, me.y);
public static Vector3 To010(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
public static Vector3 To011(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(0, 1, 1);
public static Vector3 To1XX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.x, me.x);
public static Vector3 To1XY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.x, me.y);
public static Vector3 To1X0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.x, 0);
public static Vector3 To1X1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.x, 1);
public static Vector3 To1YX(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.y, me.x);
public static Vector3 To1YY(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.y, me.y);
public static Vector3 To1Y0(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.y, 0);
public static Vector3 To1Y1(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, me.y, 1);
public static Vector3 To10X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 0, me.x);
public static Vector3 To10Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 0, me.y);
public static Vector3 To100(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
public static Vector3 To101(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 0, 1);
public static Vector3 To11X(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 1, me.x);
public static Vector3 To11Y(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 1, me.y);
public static Vector3 To110(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
public static Vector3 To111(this Vector2 me)
return new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
#region Vector3 extensions
public static Vector3 Closest(this IEnumerable<Vector3> vecEnum, Vector3 closestTo)
var closestDist = float.MaxValue;
var closestElem = closestTo;
foreach (var currentElem in vecEnum)
var currentDistance = currentElem.DistanceSqr(closestTo);
if (currentDistance < closestDist)
closestDist = currentDistance;
closestElem = currentElem;
return closestElem;
public static Vector3 LerpTo(this Vector3 me, Vector3 towards, float t)
return Vector3.Lerp(me, towards, t);
public static Vector3 SlerpTo(this Vector3 me, Vector3 towards, float t)
return Vector3.Slerp(me, towards, t);
public static Vector3 Reflect(this Vector3 me, Vector3 byNormal)
return Vector3.Reflect(me, byNormal);
public static Vector3 Round(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector3(me.x.Round(), me.y.Round(), me.z.Round());
public static Vector3 Ceil(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector3(me.x.Ceil(), me.y.Ceil(), me.z.Ceil());
public static Vector3 Floor(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector3(me.x.Floor(), me.y.Floor(), me.z.Floor());
public static float DistanceSqr(this Vector3 me, Vector3 other)
return (me - other).sqrMagnitude;
public static float Distance(this Vector3 me, Vector3 other)
return Vector3.Distance(me, other);
public static float Dot(this Vector3 me, Vector3 other)
return Vector3.Dot(me, other);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the angle in degrees between <paramref name="from"/> and <paramref name="to"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="from"></param>
/// <param name="to"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static float Angle(this Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
return Vector3.Angle(from, to);
public static Quaternion LookRot(this Vector3 me)
if (me.sqrMagnitude > 0) return Quaternion.LookRotation(me);
return Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward);
public static Quaternion LookRot(this Vector3 me, Vector3 vectorUp)
if (me.sqrMagnitude > 0) return Quaternion.LookRotation(me, vectorUp);
return Quaternion.LookRotation(Vector3.forward, vectorUp);
public static Quaternion Euler(this Vector3 me)
return Quaternion.Euler(me);
/// <summary>
/// Divides each number of the vector. result_i = me_i / other_i
/// </summary>
/// <param name="me"></param>
/// <param name="other"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Vector3 Divide(this Vector3 me, Vector3 other)
me.Scale(new Vector3(1 / other.x, 1 / other.y, 1 / other.z));
return me;
/// <summary>
/// Multiplies each number of the vector. result_i = me_i * other_i
/// </summary>
/// <param name="me"></param>
/// <param name="other"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Vector3 Multiply(this Vector3 me, Vector3 other)
return me;
public static Vector3 Normalized(this Vector3 me)
return me.normalized;
public static float SqrMagnitude(this Vector3 me)
return me.sqrMagnitude;
public static float Magnitude(this Vector3 me)
return me.magnitude;
public static Vector3 Cross(this Vector3 me, Vector3 other)
return Vector3.Cross(me, other);
public static Vector3 Towards(this Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
return to - from;
public static Vector3 SetX(this Vector3 target, float newX)
target.x = newX;
return target;
public static Vector3 SetY(this Vector3 target, float newY)
target.y = newY;
return target;
public static Vector3 SetZ(this Vector3 target, float newZ)
target.z = newZ;
return target;
public static Vector3 AddX(this Vector3 target, float addX)
target.x += addX;
return target;
public static Vector3 AddY(this Vector3 target, float addY)
target.y += addY;
return target;
public static Vector3 AddZ(this Vector3 target, float addZ)
target.z -= addZ;
return target;
javascript code to generate all the To Vector2 combinations, open Chrome web browser press f12, paste the code, press enter, done, copy paste here
var names = ["X","Y","Z","0","1"];
var returns = ["me.x","me.y","me.z","0","1"];
var ret="\n\n";
names.forEach(function(value1, index1){
names.forEach(function(value2, index2){
ret += "public static Vector2 To"+value1+value2+"(this Vector3 me) { return new Vector2("+returns[index1]+", "+returns[index2]+"); }\n";
public static Vector2 ToXX(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.x, me.x);
public static Vector2 ToXY(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.x, me.y);
public static Vector2 ToXZ(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.x, me.z);
public static Vector2 ToX0(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.x, 0);
public static Vector2 ToX1(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.x, 1);
public static Vector2 ToYX(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.y, me.x);
public static Vector2 ToYY(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.y, me.y);
public static Vector2 ToYZ(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.y, me.z);
public static Vector2 ToY0(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.y, 0);
public static Vector2 ToY1(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.y, 1);
public static Vector2 ToZX(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.z, me.x);
public static Vector2 ToZY(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.z, me.y);
public static Vector2 ToZZ(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.z, me.z);
public static Vector2 ToZ0(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.z, 0);
public static Vector2 ToZ1(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(me.z, 1);
public static Vector2 To0X(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(0, me.x);
public static Vector2 To0Y(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(0, me.y);
public static Vector2 To0Z(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(0, me.z);
public static Vector2 To00(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(0, 0);
public static Vector2 To01(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(0, 1);
public static Vector2 To1X(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(1, me.x);
public static Vector2 To1Y(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(1, me.y);
public static Vector2 To1Z(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(1, me.z);
public static Vector2 To10(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(1, 0);
public static Vector2 To11(this Vector3 me)
return new Vector2(1, 1);
#region IEnumerable<Vector3> extensions
public static void DrawGizmos(this IEnumerable<Vector3> vectorPath)
vectorPath.DrawGizmos(new Color(0, 1F, 0, 1F));
public static void DrawGizmos(this IEnumerable<Vector3> vectorPath, Color color)
Gizmos.color = color;
var e = vectorPath.GetEnumerator();
if (!e.MoveNext()) return;
var last = e.Current;
while (e.MoveNext())
var current = e.Current;
Gizmos.DrawLine(last, current);
last = current;
public static float Length(this IEnumerable<Vector3> vectorPath)
float distance = 0;
var e = vectorPath.GetEnumerator();
if (!e.MoveNext()) return distance;
var last = e.Current;
while (e.MoveNext())
var current = e.Current;
distance += last.Distance(current);
last = current;
return distance;
#region IEnumerable<Collider> extensions
public static CollidersState GetCollidersState(this IEnumerable<Collider> colliders)
return new CollidersState(colliders);
public static void IgnoreCollision(this IEnumerable<Collider> colliders, IEnumerable<Collider> others, bool ignore)
foreach (var me in colliders)
foreach (var other in others)
UnityEngine.Physics.IgnoreCollision(me, other, ignore);
#region Quaternion extensions
static bool IsFloatSane(float f)
return !(float.IsInfinity(f) || float.IsNaN(f));
public static bool IsSane(this Quaternion me)
return me.w != 0 && IsFloatSane(me.x) && IsFloatSane(me.y) && IsFloatSane(me.z) && IsFloatSane(me.w);
public static Quaternion Inverse(this Quaternion me)
return Quaternion.Inverse(me);
#region Bounds extensions
public static Vector3[] GetCorners(this MyBounds bounds)
var boundPoint1 = bounds.min;
var boundPoint2 = bounds.max;
return new[] {
new Vector3(boundPoint1.x, boundPoint1.y, boundPoint2.z),
new Vector3(boundPoint1.x, boundPoint2.y, boundPoint1.z),
new Vector3(boundPoint2.x, boundPoint1.y, boundPoint1.z),
new Vector3(boundPoint1.x, boundPoint2.y, boundPoint2.z),
new Vector3(boundPoint2.x, boundPoint1.y, boundPoint2.z),
new Vector3(boundPoint2.x, boundPoint2.y, boundPoint1.z),
#region RectTransform extensions
public static float GetLocalHeight(this RectTransform rect)
var corners = new Vector3[4];
return Mathf.Abs(corners[0].y - corners[2].y);
public static float GetLocalWidth(this RectTransform rect)
var corners = new Vector3[4];
return Mathf.Abs(corners[0].x - corners[2].x);
#region System.Random extensions
public static Vector3 InsideUnitSphere(this System.Random random)
var result = new Vector3(random.Next(-1, 1), random.Next(-1, 1), random.Next(-1, 1));
return result.normalized;
public static Vector2 InsideUnitCircle(this System.Random random)
var result = new Vector2(random.Next(-1, 1), random.Next(-1, 1));
return result.normalized;
#region Mesh extensions
public static void RecalculateTangents(this Mesh theMesh)
int vertexCount = theMesh.vertexCount;
Vector3[] vertices = theMesh.vertices;
Vector3[] normals = theMesh.normals;
UnityEngine.Vector2[] texcoords = theMesh.uv;
if (vertices.Length <= 0 || normals.Length <= 0 || texcoords.Length <= 0) throw new System.Exception("vertices normals or uvs are empty");
int[] triangles = theMesh.triangles;
int triangleCount = triangles.Length / 3;
Vector4[] tangents = new Vector4[vertexCount];
Vector3[] tan1 = new Vector3[vertexCount];
Vector3[] tan2 = new Vector3[vertexCount];
int tri = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < (triangleCount); i++)
int i1 = triangles[tri];
int i2 = triangles[tri + 1];
int i3 = triangles[tri + 2];
Vector3 v1 = vertices[i1];
Vector3 v2 = vertices[i2];
Vector3 v3 = vertices[i3];
UnityEngine.Vector2 w1 = texcoords[i1];
UnityEngine.Vector2 w2 = texcoords[i2];
UnityEngine.Vector2 w3 = texcoords[i3];
float x1 = v2.x - v1.x;
float x2 = v3.x - v1.x;
float y1 = v2.y - v1.y;
float y2 = v3.y - v1.y;
float z1 = v2.z - v1.z;
float z2 = v3.z - v1.z;
float s1 = w2.x - w1.x;
float s2 = w3.x - w1.x;
float t1 = w2.y - w1.y;
float t2 = w3.y - w1.y;
float r = 1.0f / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
Vector3 sdir = new Vector3((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
Vector3 tdir = new Vector3((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);
tan1[i1] += sdir;
tan1[i2] += sdir;
tan1[i3] += sdir;
tan2[i1] += tdir;
tan2[i2] += tdir;
tan2[i3] += tdir;
tri += 3;
for (int i = 0; i < (vertexCount); i++)
Vector3 n = normals[i];
Vector3 t = tan1[i];
// Gram-Schmidt orthogonalize
Vector3.OrthoNormalize(ref n, ref t);
tangents[i].x = t.x;
tangents[i].y = t.y;
tangents[i].z = t.z;
// Calculate handedness
tangents[i].w = (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(n, t), tan2[i]) < 0.0f) ? -1.0f : 1.0f;
theMesh.tangents = tangents;
#region GameObject extensions
/// <summary>
/// Gets all components in the component's transfrom hiearchy
/// </summary>
/// <param name="component"></param>
/// <param name="type">Can be any interface or UnityEngine.Component</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TYPE[] GetAllComponents<TYPE>(this GameObject gameObject) where TYPE : class
gameObject = gameObject.transform.root.gameObject;
if (typeof(TYPE).IsInterface)
List<TYPE> ret = new List<TYPE>();
TYPE add;
foreach (var c in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>())
add = c as TYPE;
if (add != null) ret.Add(add);
return ret.ToArray();
else return gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<TYPE>();
/// <summary>
/// Gets first component in the component's transfrom hiearchy
/// </summary>
/// <param name="gameObject"></param>
/// <param name="type">Can be any interface or UnityEngine.Component</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static TYPE GetFirstComponent<TYPE>(this GameObject gameObject) where TYPE : class
gameObject = gameObject.transform.root.gameObject;
if (typeof(TYPE).IsInterface)
foreach (var c in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Component>())
if (c is TYPE) return c as TYPE;
return null;
else return gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<TYPE>();
public static TYPE GetOrAddComponent<TYPE>(this GameObject gameObject) where TYPE : Component
TYPE component = gameObject.GetComponent<TYPE>();
if (component == null) component = gameObject.AddComponent<TYPE>();
return component;
#region Animator extensions
public static void SetLayerWeight(this Animator animator, string layerName, float layerWeight)
for (int i = 0; i < animator.layerCount; i++)
if (animator.GetLayerName(i) == layerName)
animator.SetLayerWeight(i, layerWeight);
public static void LerpIKPosition(this Animator animator, AvatarIKGoal goal, Vector3 value, float time)
animator.SetIKPosition(goal, Vector3.Lerp(animator.GetIKPosition(goal), value, time));
public static void LerpIKPositionWeight(this Animator animator, AvatarIKGoal goal, float value, float time)
animator.SetIKPositionWeight(goal, Mathf.Lerp(animator.GetIKPositionWeight(goal), value, time));
public static void LerpIKRotation(this Animator animator, AvatarIKGoal goal, Quaternion value, float time)
animator.SetIKRotation(goal, Quaternion.Lerp(animator.GetIKRotation(goal), value, time));
public static void LerpIKRotationWeight(this Animator animator, AvatarIKGoal goal, float value, float time)
animator.SetIKRotationWeight(goal, Mathf.Lerp(animator.GetIKRotationWeight(goal), value, time));
#region Texture2D extensions
public static Texture2D ResizeKeepData(this Texture2D t, int width, int height)
int oldW = t.width;
int oldH = t.height;
Color[] pixels = t.GetPixels();
t.Resize(width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < t.width; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < t.height; y++)
var color = pixels[
(x / t.width * oldW) +
(y / t.height * oldH) * oldW
t.SetPixel(x, y, color);
return t;
private static Rect GetRectWidthHeight(this Texture2D text)
return new Rect(0, 0, text.width, text.height);
public static void CopyTo(this Texture2D source, Texture2D target, Rect targetRect)
source.CopyTo(target, targetRect, source.GetRectWidthHeight());
public static void CopyTo(this Texture2D source, Texture2D target, Rect targetRect, Rect sourceRect)
var xMin = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetRect.xMin);
var xMax = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetRect.xMax);
var yMin = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetRect.yMin);
var yMax = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetRect.yMax);
for (int x = xMin; x < xMax; x++)
for (int y = yMin; y < xMax; y++)
var u = sourceRect.xMin + x / xMax * sourceRect.width;
var v = sourceRect.yMax + y / yMax * sourceRect.height;
var c = source.GetPixelBilinear(u, v);
target.SetPixel(x, y, c);
#region Camera extensions
public static Vector3 WorldToGUIPosition(this Camera cam, Vector3 worldPos)
var p = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(worldPos);
p.y = cam.pixelHeight - p.y;
return p;
#region GameObject extensions
public static void Destroy(this GameObject gameObject)
#region Transform extensions
public static void DestroyAllChildren(this Transform transform)
foreach (Transform child in transform)
public class CollidersState
public IEnumerable<Collider> Colliders { get; private set; }
private struct ColliderEnabled
public Collider collider;
public bool enabled;
List<ColliderEnabled> state = new List<ColliderEnabled>();
public CollidersState(IEnumerable<Collider> colliders)
this.Colliders = colliders;
public void SaveState()
foreach (var c in Colliders)
if (c)
state.Add(new ColliderEnabled()
collider = c,
enabled = c.enabled,
public void RestoreState()
foreach (var s in state)
if (s.collider)
s.collider.enabled = s.enabled;
public void DisableAllColliders()
Colliders.ForEach(c => c.enabled = false);
public void EnableAllColiders()
Colliders.ForEach(c => c.enabled = true);
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