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Last active December 27, 2024 13:35
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from contextlib import contextmanager
import re
import traceback
from import *
from beancount.core.prices import get_price, build_price_map
from beancount.plugins.implicit_prices import ImplicitPriceError as ImplicitPriceError_t
"""Beancount plugin to make certain prices transitive
EXAMPLE USAGE: display worth statistics in AU despite most underlying data being in USD
option "operating_currency" "AU"
include "lmba_gold-pm.beancount.txt"
plugin "beancount.plugins.implicit_prices"
plugin "_local.transitive_prices" "USD:AU"
__plugins__ = ['transitive_prices']
def transitive_prices(entries, options_map, arg):
errors = []
new_entries = list(_main(entries, options_map, arg, errors_mut=errors))
return new_entries, errors
def _main(entries, options_map, arg, *, errors_mut):
m = re.fullmatch(r'(\w+):(\w+)', arg)
if m:
commodity2 =
operating_currencies = []
raise ValueError(arg)
orig_price_map = build_price_map(entries)
for entry in entries:
yield entry
if (
isinstance(entry, Price)
and entry.currency not in operating_currencies
and entry.amount.currency == commodity2
# FIXME need to make this idempotent by adding extra check here
commodity1 = entry.currency
for commodity3 in operating_currencies:
with _beancount_catching(entry, errors_mut, ImplicitPriceError_t):
conv_1_2 = entry.amount.number
conv_2_3 = get_price(orig_price_map, (commodity2, commodity3),[1]
if conv_2_3 is not None:
conv_1_3 = conv_1_2 * conv_2_3
conv_3_2 = get_price(orig_price_map, (commodity3, commodity2),[1]
if conv_2_3 is not None:
conv_1_3 = conv_1_2 / conv_3_2
raise ValueError(f"Unable to look up {commodity1} in terms of {commodity3} because there is no intermediate entry putting {commodity2} in terms of {commodity3}")
yield Price(
amount=Amount(currency=commodity3, number=conv_1_3),
def _beancount_catching(ctx_entry, errors_into, t_bean, *, t_exc=Exception):
except t_exc as exc:
message = "\n".join(re.sub(r"\n$", "", line) for line in traceback.format_exception(exc))
errors_into.append(t_bean(ctx_entry.meta, message, ctx_entry))
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