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Elixir + Phoenix Framework 1.3 + Guardian 1.0 + JWT(Refresh, Revoke, Recover) + Comeonin
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# Elixir + Phoenix Framework 1.3 + Guardian + JWT(Refresh, Revoke, Recover) + Comeonin | |
### User model bootstrap | |
Let's generate User model and controller. | |
```bash | |
mix ecto.create # create DB table | |
mix phx.gen.json Accounts User users email:string password_hash:string # scaffold users structure | |
``` | |
Now we need to create folders `lib/baxter_web/controllers/v1/` and `lib/baxter_web/views/v1/`. After that you need to move `user_controller.ex` and `user_view.ex` to these directories. | |
Don't forget to change modules name and alias. | |
- `BaxterWeb.UserController` => `BaxterWeb.V1.UserController` | |
- `BaxterWeb.UserView` => `BaxterWeb.V1.UserView` | |
Also we need to do some fixes in migration file. | |
- If you need `uuid` instead of `id` we need to add `:binary_id` field and disable native `primary_key`. | |
- If you have columns with unique values you also need to call `unique_index` method. | |
- If you need default values and not null guardians, you need to add `default` and `null` instructions. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Repo.Migrations.CreateUsers do | |
use Ecto.Migration | |
def change do | |
create table(:users, primary_key: false) do | |
add :id, :binary_id, primary_key: true | |
add :email, :string, null: false | |
add :password_hash, :string, null: false | |
timestamps() | |
end | |
create unique_index(:users, [:email]) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Let's migrate DB. | |
```bash | |
mix ecto.migrate | |
``` | |
Now we need to add users path to our API routes. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
# ... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb.V1 do | |
pipe_through :api | |
resources "/users", UserController, except: [:new, :edit] | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
### Preparing environment | |
We need to generate secret key for development environment. | |
```bash | |
mix phx.gen.secret #=> ednkXywWll1d2svDEpbA39R5kfkc9l96j0+u7A8MgKM+pbwbeDsuYB8MP2WUW1hf | |
``` | |
Guardian requires serializer for JWT token generation, so we need to create it `lib/baxter/auth/token_serializer.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer do | |
use Guardian, otp_app: :baxter | |
alias Baxter.Accounts.User | |
import Baxter.Accounts, only: [get_user!: 1] | |
def subject_for_token(%User{id: user_id}, _claims) do | |
{:ok, to_string(user_id)} | |
end | |
def subject_for_token(_, _) do | |
{:error, :reason_for_error} | |
end | |
def resource_from_claims(%{"sub" => user_id}) do | |
{:ok, get_user!(user_id)} | |
end | |
def resource_from_claims(_claims) do | |
{:error, :reason_for_error} | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Also we need authentication errors handler module. Let's create it `lib/baxter/auth/error_handler.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Auth.ErrorHandler do | |
import Plug.Conn | |
def auth_error(conn, {_type, _reason}, _opts) do | |
message = %{ | |
status: :unauthorized, | |
message: "authentication failed!" | |
} | |
send_resp(conn, 401, Poison.encode!(message)) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
After that we need to add Guardian configuration. Add `guardian` base configuration to your `config/config.exs` | |
```elixir | |
config :baxter, Baxter.Accounts.TokenSerializer, | |
issuer: "baxter", | |
secret_key: "ednkXywWll1d2svDEpbA39R5kfkc9l96j0+u7A8MgKM+pbwbeDsuYB8MP2WUW1hf", | |
ttl: {1, :days}, | |
token_ttl: %{ | |
"refresh" => {30, :days}, | |
"access" => {1, :days} | |
} | |
``` | |
Add `guardian` dependency to your `mix.exs` | |
```elixir | |
defp deps do | |
[ | |
# ... | |
{:guardian, "~> 1.0-beta"}, | |
# ... | |
] | |
end | |
``` | |
Fetch and compile dependencies | |
```bash | |
mix do deps.get, compile | |
``` | |
#### Guardian is ready! | |
### Model authentication part | |
#### User tweaks | |
Next step is to add validations to `lib/baxter/accounts/user.ex`. Virtual `:password` field will exist in Ecto structure, but not in the database, so we are able to provide password to the model’s changesets and, therefore, validate that field. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Accounts.User do | |
# ... | |
@primary_key {:id, :binary_id, autogenerate: true} | |
schema "users" do | |
field :email, :string | |
field :password, :string, virtual: true # We need to add this row | |
field :password_hash, :string | |
timestamps() | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
#### Validations and password hashing | |
Add `comeonin` dependency to your `mix.exs` | |
```elixir | |
#... | |
def application do | |
[applications: [:comeonin]] # Add comeonin to OTP application | |
end | |
# ... | |
defp deps do | |
[ | |
# ... | |
{:comeonin, "~> 4.0"}, # Add comeonin to deps | |
{:argon2_elixir, "~> 1.2"} # Add comeonin encryption algorithm to deps | |
# ... | |
] | |
end | |
``` | |
Now we need to edit `lib/baxter/accounts/user.ex`, add validations for `[:email, password]` and integrate password hash generation. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Accounts.User do | |
#... | |
def changeset(%User{} = user, attrs) do | |
user | |
|> cast(attrs, [:email, :password]) | |
|> validate_required([:email, :password]) | |
|> validate_changeset | |
end | |
defp validate_changeset(user) do | |
user | |
|> validate_length(:email, min: 5, max: 255) | |
|> validate_format(:email, ~r/@/) | |
|> unique_constraint(:email) | |
|> validate_length(:password, min: 8) | |
|> validate_format(:password, ~r/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d).*/, [message: "Must include at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one digit"]) | |
|> generate_password_hash | |
end | |
defp generate_password_hash(changeset) do | |
case changeset do | |
%Ecto.Changeset{valid?: true, changes: %{password: password}} -> | |
put_change(changeset, :password_hash, Comeonin.Argon2.hashpwsalt(password)) | |
_ -> | |
changeset | |
end | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
### API authentication with Guardian | |
Let's add headers check in our `lib/baxter_web/router.ex` for further authentication flow. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
# ... | |
pipeline :api do | |
plug :accepts, ["json"] | |
end | |
pipeline :authenticated do | |
plug Guardian.Plug.Pipeline, | |
module: Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer, | |
error_handler: Baxter.Auth.ErrorHandler | |
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, realm: :none, claims: %{typ: "access"} | |
plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource | |
plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated | |
end | |
# ... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb do | |
pipe_through :api | |
pipe_through :authenticated # restrict unauthenticated access for routes below | |
resources "/users", UserController, except: [:new, :edit] | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
### Registration | |
Now we can't get access to /users route without Bearer JWT Token in header. That's why we need to add `AuthController` and `SessionController`. It's a good time to make commit before further changes. | |
Hey we need to add some more logic registration. | |
Let's create `AuthController`. We need to create new file `lib/baxter_web/controllers/auth_controller.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.AuthController do | |
use BaxterWeb, :controller | |
alias Baxter.Accounts | |
alias Baxter.Accounts.User | |
action_fallback BaxterWeb.FallbackController | |
plug Baxter.Auth.ScrubParams, "user" # Pay attention. We need to create out own plug! | |
def sign_up(conn, %{"user" => user_params}) do | |
with {:ok, %User{} = user} <- Accounts.create_user(user_params) do | |
conn | |
|> put_status(:created) | |
|> render("sign_up.json", %{}) | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Now we need `ScrubParams` module. It should be located in `lib/baxter/auth/scrub_params.ex`. | |
This module is required to be sure that we have correct object structure in our sign_up request. | |
``` | |
defmodule Baxter.Auth.ScrubParams do | |
use BaxterWeb, :controller | |
def init(key), do: key | |
def call(conn, key) do | |
scrub_params(conn, key) | |
rescue | |
Phoenix.MissingParamError -> | |
message = %{ | |
status: "error", | |
message: "expected key \"#{key}\" to be present in params" | |
} | |
conn | |
|> put_status(:bad_request) | |
|> json(message) | |
|> halt() | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Also we need `AuthView`. So, we need to create one more file named `lib/baxter_web/views/auth_view.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.AuthView do | |
use BaxterWeb, :view | |
def render("sign_up.json", %{}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
message: "Now you can sign in using your email and password at `/api/v1/sign_in`. You will receive JWT token.\nPlease put this token into Authorization header for all authorized requests.\n" | |
} | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
After that we need to add /api/v1/sign_up route. Just add it inside of API scope. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
# ... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb do | |
pipe_through :api | |
post "/sign_up", AuthController, :sign_up | |
# ... | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
It's time to check our registration controller. If you don't know how to write request tests. You can use Postman app. Let's POST /api/v1/sign_up with this JSON body. | |
```json | |
{ | |
"user": {} | |
} | |
``` | |
We should receive this response | |
```json | |
{ | |
"errors": { | |
"password": [ | |
"can't be blank" | |
], | |
"email": [ | |
"can't be blank" | |
] | |
} | |
} | |
``` | |
It's good point, but we need to create new user. That's why we need to POST correct payload. | |
```json | |
{ | |
"user": { | |
"email": "[email protected]", | |
"password": "MySuperPa55" | |
} | |
} | |
``` | |
We must get this response. | |
```json | |
{ | |
"status": "ok", | |
"message": "Now you can sign in using your email and password at `/api/v1/sign_in`. You will receive JWT token.\nPlease put this token into Authorization header for all authorized requests.\n" | |
} | |
``` | |
### Session management | |
Wow! We've created new user! Now we have user with password hash in our DB. We need to add password checker function in `lib/baxter/accounts/user.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Accounts.User do | |
# ... | |
alias Baxter.Repo # Don't forget to add Repo alias! | |
# ... | |
# ... | |
def find_and_confirm_password(email, password) do | |
case Repo.get_by(User, email: email) do | |
nil -> | |
{:error, :login_not_found} | |
user -> | |
if Comeonin.Argon2.checkpw(password, user.password_hash) do | |
{:ok, user} | |
else | |
{:error, :login_failed} | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
Before we add `SessionController`, we need to handle `:not_found` and `:unauthorized` errors. So, let's add this to `FallbackController` module in `lib/baxter_web/controllers/fallback_controller.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.FallbackController do | |
# ... | |
def call(conn, {:error, :login_failed}), do: login_failed(conn) | |
def call(conn, {:error, :login_not_found}), do: login_failed(conn) | |
defp login_failed(conn) do | |
conn | |
|> put_status(:unauthorized) | |
|> render(BaxterWeb.ErrorView, "error.json", status: :unauthorized, message: "Authentication failed!") | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
Also we need to add "error.json" to `BaxterWeb.ErrorView` module in `lib/baxter_web/views/error_view.ex`. This part is required for correct JSON errors handling. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.ErrorView do | |
use BaxterWeb, :view | |
# ... | |
def render("error.json", %{status: status, message: message}) do | |
%{status: status, message: message} | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
It's time to use our credentials for sign in action. We need to add `SessionController` with `sign_in` actions, so just create `lib/baxter_web/controllers/v1/session_controller.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.SessionController do | |
use BaxterWeb, :controller | |
alias Baxter.Accounts.User | |
action_fallback BaxterWeb.FallbackController | |
plug Baxter.Auth.ScrubParams, "user" | |
def sign_in(conn, %{"user" => %{"email" => email, "password" => pass}}) do | |
with {:ok, user} <- User.find_and_confirm_password(email, pass), | |
{:ok, jwt, _full_claims} <- Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.encode_and_sign(user, %{}, token_type: "access"), | |
do: render(conn, "sign_in.json", user: user, jwt: jwt) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Good! Next step is to add `SessionView` in `lib/baxter_web/views/v1/session_view.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.SessionView do | |
use BaxterWeb, :view | |
def render("sign_in.json", %{user: user, jwt: jwt}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
data: %{ | |
token: jwt, | |
email: | |
}, | |
message: "You are successfully logged in! Add this token to authorization header to make authorized requests." | |
} | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Add some routes to handle sign_in action in `lib/baxter_web/router.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
use BaxterWeb, :router | |
#... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb do | |
pipe_through :api | |
post "/sign_up", AuthController, :sign_up | |
post "/sign_in", SessionController, :sign_in # Add this line | |
pipe_through :authenticated | |
resources "/users", UserController, except: [:new, :edit] | |
end | |
# ... | |
end | |
``` | |
Ok. Let's check this stuff. POST `/api/v1/sign_in` with this params. | |
```json | |
{ | |
"user": { | |
"email": "[email protected]", | |
"password": "MySuperPa55" | |
} | |
} | |
``` | |
We should receive this response | |
```json | |
{ | |
"status": "ok", | |
"message": "You are successfully logged in! Add this token to authorization header to make authorized requests.", | |
"data": { | |
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJVc2VyOjEiLCJleHAiOjE0OTgwMzc0OTEsImlhdCI6MTQ5NTQ0NTQ5MSwiaXNzIjoiQ2lhbkV4cG9ydGVyIiwianRpIjoiZDNiOGYyYzEtZDU3ZS00NTBlLTg4NzctYmY2MjBiNWIxMmI1IiwicGVtIjp7fSwic3ViIjoiVXNlcjoxIiwidHlwIjoiYXBpIn0.HcJ99Tl_K1UBsiVptPa5YX65jK5qF_L-4rB8HtxisJ2ODVrFbt_TH16kJOWRvJyJIoG2EtQz4dXj7tZgAzJeJw", | |
"email": "[email protected]" | |
} | |
} | |
``` | |
Now. You can take this token and add it to `Authorization: #{token}` header. | |
### JWT Revoke & Refresh & Verify | |
Add `guardian_db` dependency to your `mix.exs` | |
```elixir | |
defp deps do | |
[ | |
# ... | |
{:guardian, "~> 1.0-beta"}, | |
# ... | |
] | |
end | |
``` | |
Add configuration to `config/config.exs` | |
```elixir | |
config :guardian_db, GuardianDb, | |
repo: Baxter.Repo, | |
schema_name: "guardian_tokens", | |
sweep_interval: 60 | |
``` | |
Let's prepare migration file | |
```bash | |
mix ecto.gen.migration add_guardian_tokens | |
``` | |
Add this content to migration file | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Repo.Migrations.AddGuardianTokens do | |
use Ecto.Migration | |
def change do | |
create table(:guardian_tokens, primary_key: false) do | |
add :jti, :string, primary_key: true | |
add :aud, :string, primary_key: true | |
add :typ, :string | |
add :iss, :string | |
add :sub, :string | |
add :exp, :bigint | |
add :jwt, :text | |
add :claims, :map | |
timestamps() | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
To monitor expired tokens we should add GuardianDB worker to our supervision tree in `lib/baxter/application.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Application do | |
use Application | |
def start(_type, _args) do | |
import Supervisor.Spec | |
children = [ | |
supervisor(Baxter.Repo, []), | |
supervisor(BaxterWeb.Endpoint, []), | |
worker(GuardianDb.ExpiredSweeper, []) # add this line | |
] | |
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
After this we can run migrations | |
```bash | |
mix ecto.migrate | |
``` | |
Alright. Now we need to add Guardian DB callbacks `lib/baxter/auth/token_serializer.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer do | |
#... | |
# Just add these lines | |
def after_encode_and_sign(resource, claims, token, _options) do | |
with {:ok, _} <- GuardianDb.after_encode_and_sign(resource, claims["typ"], claims, token) do | |
{:ok, token} | |
end | |
end | |
def on_revoke(claims, token, _options) do | |
with {:ok, _} <- GuardianDb.on_revoke(claims, token) do | |
{:ok, claims} | |
end | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
Good! We have callbacks, so all our authorization actions are ready for implementation. Let's edit `lib/baxter_web/controllers/v1/session_controller.ex`. | |
We need to add sign_out function. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.SessionController do | |
#... | |
plug Baxter.Auth.ScrubParams, "user" when action in [:sign_in] # Action guardian should be added | |
#... | |
def sign_out(conn, _params) do | |
with token <- Guardian.Plug.current_token(), | |
{:ok, _claims} <- Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.revoke(token), | |
do: render(conn, "sign_out.json", []) | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
Oh, we have action without render function. Go to `lib/baxter_web/views/v1/session_view.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.SessionView do | |
#... | |
def render("sign_out.json", %{}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
message: "You are successfully signed out! Please receive new token to make requests." | |
} | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
We've added controller action, but we don't have route for this. Fix it in `lib/baxter_web/router.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
#... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb.V1 do | |
#... | |
pipe_through :authenticated | |
delete "/sign_out", SessionController, :sign_out # Add this line please | |
#... | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
Ok we've finished token revoke functionality. Now it's time to make commit and check our work through postman. Done? Next section. | |
What should we do next? Verification and 'Remember me' functionality. | |
First of all let's add expiration time to our `config/config.exs` | |
```elixir | |
config :baxter, Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer, | |
issuer: "baxter", | |
secret_key: "As1T7M5hXW592R/c99bV1EaVN/Klv8jf6zI/GI47ZEIyVxAjK6vgzYdRpVcYsj9kk", | |
token_ttl: %{ | |
"refresh" => {30, :days}, | |
"access" => {1, :days} | |
} | |
``` | |
Now we need to add verify callback to `Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer` in `lib/baxter/auth/token_serializer.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer do | |
#... | |
def on_verify(claims, token, _options) do | |
with {:ok, _} <- GuardianDb.on_verify(claims, token) do | |
{:ok, claims} | |
end | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
Good. Next step is to edit session controller. Open `lib/baxter_web/controllers/v1/session_controller.ex` in your favorite text editor =) | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.SessionController do | |
# Be careful, we changed some code in sign_in function | |
def sign_in(conn, %{"user" => %{"email" => email, "password" => pass}}) do | |
with {:ok, user} <- User.find_and_confirm_password(email, pass), | |
{:ok, access, _full_claims} <- Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.encode_and_sign(user, %{}, token_type: "access"), | |
{:ok, refresh, _full_claims} <- Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.encode_and_sign(user, %{}, token_type: "refresh"), | |
do: render(conn, "sign_in.json", user: user, access: access, refresh: refresh) | |
end | |
#... | |
# This code is new | |
def verify(conn, _params) do | |
with token <- Guardian.Plug.current_token(conn), | |
{:ok, claims} = Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.decode_and_verify(token), | |
do: render(conn, "verify.json") | |
end | |
def refresh(conn, _params) do | |
with claims <- Guardian.Plug.current_claims(conn), | |
refresh <- Guardian.Plug.current_token(conn), | |
{:ok, user} <- Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.resource_from_claims(claims), | |
{:ok, access, _full_claims} <- Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer.encode_and_sign(user, %{}, token_type: "access"), | |
do: render(conn, "sign_in.json", user: user, access: access, refresh: refresh) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Now we need to edit `lib/baxter_web/views/v1/session_view.ex`. | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.SessionView do | |
# Be careful, we changed some code in render function | |
def render("sign_in.json", %{user: user, access: access, refresh: refresh}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
data: %{ | |
token: jwt, | |
tokens: %{ | |
access: access, | |
refresh: refresh, | |
}, | |
email: | |
}, | |
message: "You are successfully logged in! Add this token to authorization header to make authorized requests." | |
} | |
end | |
#... | |
# This code is new | |
def render("verify.json", %{}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
message: "Your token is not expired!", | |
} | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Ok. Well, let's edit `lib/baxter_web/router.ex b/lib/baxter_web/router.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
#... | |
# We need new pipeline for 'refresh' token | |
pipeline :remember_me do | |
plug Guardian.Plug.Pipeline, | |
module: Baxter.Auth.TokenSerializer, | |
error_handler: Baxter.Auth.ErrorHandler | |
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader, realm: :bearer, claims: %{typ: "refresh"} | |
end | |
#... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb.V1 do | |
pipe_through :api | |
post "/sign_up", AuthController, :sign_up | |
post "/sign_in", SessionController, :sign_in | |
# New scope block! | |
scope "/" do | |
pipe_through :remember_me | |
get "/refresh", SessionController, :refresh | |
end | |
pipe_through :authenticated | |
get "/verify", SessionController, :verify # New code! | |
delete "/sign_out", SessionController, :sign_out | |
resources "/users", UserController, except: [:new, :edit] | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
YAY! All work related to tokens is done! | |
### Forgot password | |
Let's setup mailer | |
Add `bamboo` dependency and application to your `mix.exs` | |
```elixir | |
defp deps do | |
# ... | |
def application do | |
[ | |
mod: {Baxter.Application, []}, | |
extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :bamboo] | |
] | |
end | |
# ... | |
[ | |
# ... | |
{:bamboo, github: "thoughtbot/bamboo"}, | |
# ... | |
] | |
end | |
``` | |
Compile it. | |
```bash | |
mix do deps.get, compile | |
``` | |
Add config for `bamboo` in config/config.exs | |
```elixir | |
config :baxter, Baxter.Mailer, | |
adapter: Bamboo.LocalAdapter | |
``` | |
Now we need mailer module. `lib/baxter/mailer.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Mailer do | |
use Bamboo.Mailer, otp_app: :baxter | |
end | |
``` | |
And email module `lib/baxter/auth/email.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Auth.Email do | |
import Bamboo.Email | |
alias Baxter.Accounts.User | |
def forgot_password(%User{email: email}, magic_link) do | |
new_email( | |
to: email, | |
from: "[email protected]", | |
subject: "Baxter Password Reset.", | |
html_body: "<p>Please use the following link to <a href=\"#{magic_link}\">reset your password</a>.</p>" | |
) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
We need to add one more line to `lib/baxter_web/router.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
# pipelines | |
#... | |
forward "/sent_emails", Bamboo.SentEmailViewerPlug | |
#... | |
# scopes | |
end | |
``` | |
We need url safe base64 generator | |
Add `secure_random` dependency to your `mix.exs` | |
```elixir | |
defp deps do | |
[ | |
# ... | |
{:secure_random, "~> 0.5"}, | |
# ... | |
] | |
end | |
``` | |
Compile it. | |
```bash | |
mix do deps.get, compile | |
``` | |
Create migration for `reset_token` fields. | |
```bash | |
mix ecto.gen.migration add_password_reset_to_users | |
``` | |
Migration content | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Repo.Migrations.AddPasswordResetToUsers do | |
use Ecto.Migration | |
def change do | |
alter table(:users) do | |
add :reset_token, :string | |
add :reset_token_sent_at, :utc_datetime | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
```bash | |
mix ecto.migrate | |
``` | |
Ok. User model `lib/baxter/accounts/user.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule Baxter.Accounts.User do | |
#... | |
schema "users" do | |
field :email, :string | |
field :password, :string, virtual: true | |
field :password_hash, :string | |
field :reset_token, :string # Attention! | |
field :reset_token_sent_at, :utc_datetime # Attention! | |
timestamps() | |
end | |
#... | |
def reset_password_changeset(%User{} = user, attrs) do | |
user | |
|> cast(attrs, [:reset_token, :reset_token_sent_at]) | |
end | |
#... | |
def send_password_recovery(user) do | |
reset_params = %{ | |
reset_token: generate_reset_token(), | |
reset_token_sent_at: DateTime.utc_now() | |
} | |
{:ok, user} = | |
user | |
|> reset_password_changeset(reset_params) | |
|> Repo.update | |
magic_link = "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/reset_password/#{reset_params.reset_token}" | |
user | |
|> Baxter.Auth.Email.forgot_password(magic_link) | |
|> Baxter.Mailer.deliver_now | |
:okkj | |
end | |
defp generate_reset_token(), do: generate_reset_token(SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64) | |
defp generate_reset_token(token) do | |
case Repo.get_by(User, reset_token: token) do | |
nil -> token | |
_user -> generate_reset_token() | |
end | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Password controller - `lib/baxter_web/controllers/v1/password_controller.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.PasswordController do | |
use BaxterWeb, :controller | |
alias Baxter.Accounts | |
alias Baxter.Accounts.User | |
alias Baxter.Repo | |
action_fallback BaxterWeb.FallbackController | |
plug Baxter.Auth.ScrubParams, "user" | |
def forgot_password(conn, %{"user" => user_params}) do | |
case Repo.get_by(User, email: user_params["email"]) do | |
nil -> :user_not_found | |
user -> User.send_password_recovery(user) | |
end | |
render(conn, "forgot_password.json", %{}) | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Password view - `lib/baxter_web/views/v1/password_view.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.PasswordView do | |
use BaxterWeb, :view | |
def render("forgot_password.json", %{}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
message: "Password recovery sent to user." | |
} | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Router line - `` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
#... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb.V1 do | |
pipe_through :api | |
#... | |
post "/forgot_password", PasswordController, :forgot_password | |
#... | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
Password controller `reset password` - `lib/baxter_web/controllers/v1/password_controller.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.PasswordController do | |
#... | |
def reset_password(conn, %{"reset_token" => reset_token, "user" => user_params}) do | |
with %User{} = user <- Repo.get_by(User, reset_token: reset_token), | |
{:ok, %User{} = _user} <- Accounts.update_user(user, %{email:, password: user_params["password"]}) | |
do | |
conn | |
|> render("reset_password.json", %{}) | |
end | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
Password view - `lib/baxter_web/views/v1/password_view.ex` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.V1.PasswordView do | |
#... | |
def render("reset_password.json", %{}) do | |
%{ | |
status: :ok, | |
message: "Password successfully reset." | |
} | |
end | |
#... | |
end | |
``` | |
```elixir | |
defmodule BaxterWeb.Router do | |
#... | |
scope "/api/v1", BaxterWeb.V1 do | |
pipe_through :api | |
#... | |
post "/reset_password/:reset_token", PasswordController, :reset_password | |
#... | |
end | |
end | |
``` | |
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