- Toggle Mode: Frequency mode vs Channel modeA/B
- Toggle Side/Display: A(top) or B(bottom)BAND
- Toggle Band: 144-148MHz/VHF/2m or 420-450MHz/UHF/70cmMENU
- Handle Menu options. Duh, mostly.
From the main screen, where you pick a channel or type in a frequency, these buttons are important:
- Toggles "Reverse Mode" and displays#(key-symbol)
- Toggles transmit power between High and Low (Hold for lock!)
- Pick your memory Channel first! (range is 000-127)
- You MUST program from Frequency mode! (not channel mode)
- You MUST Program from A Side! (Top Display)
- Disable TDR/Dual Watch while programming! (Menu 7)
- Consider deleteing the channel memory before changing anything: (Menu 28)
7 - TDR - Dual Watch/monitor A and B sides at the same time Disable this!
12 - T-DCS - code for transmitting DCS
13 - T-CTCSS - Tone for transmitting CTCSS
25 - SFT-D - Repeater Shift Direction
26 - OFFSET - Repeater offset (MHz)
27 - MEM-CH - Save to memory channel
28 - DEL-CH - Delete memory channel
- 13 - Set CTCSS tone
- 25 - Set Offset direction
- 26 - Set Offset (in MHz: 70cm = 005.00, 2m = 000.600)
- 27 - Save Receive settings to memory channel
- Toggle to "Reverse Mode"- 27 - Save Transmit settings to memory channel