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Last active September 22, 2017 20:24
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  • Save JamesKingdom/c771f4a24f98d7dc7f95f07cbffc6394 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JamesKingdom/c771f4a24f98d7dc7f95f07cbffc6394 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Mass retagger funciton for ID OSM editor
// select one or multiple things and ctrl+E to retag them
var context = id;
var addTags = { highway: 'residential'}; // change this as needed
//var removeTags = ['area','natural','landuse'];
function changeTags() {
if (iD.d3.event) { iD.d3.event.preventDefault(); }
var actions = [],
entities = context.selectedIDs().map(context.entity);
entities.forEach(function(entity) {
var newTags = Object.assign({}, entity.tags, addTags); // probably won't work in IE11
//removeTags.forEach(function(t) { delete newTags[t]; });
actions.push(iD.actionChangeTags(, newTags));
if (actions.length) {
actions.push('Changed a lot of tags');
context.perform.apply(context, actions);
var myKeybinding = iD.d3keybinding('changeTags').on(iD.uiCmd('⌘E'), changeTags);;
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