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Last active November 5, 2019 07:47
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HTML Clipboard API clarification example
var btn = document.getElementById("copy-button");
btn.addEventListener("click", clickHandler, false);
btn.addEventListener("copy", copyHandler, false);
function clickHandler(e) { ClipboardEvent("copy"));
function copyHandler(e) {
e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", "Simulated copy. Yay!");
// CRITICAL: Must call `preventDefault();` to get this data into the system/desktop clipboard!!!
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med5 commented Nov 15, 2014

Hello James,
thank you for your Html clipboard example, actually I'm looking for a html5 code to copy a html code like this one:

<div id="copytext" class="highlight">
<pre><code class="language-html" data-lang="html"><span class="nt">&lt;div</span>
<span class="nt">&lt;/div&gt;</span></code></pre>

<div class="btn-group btn-group-sm">
<button id="btn1" class="btn btn-default" title="copy me" onclick="f1();">Copy</button>

my idea is to make a button, so when I click on it, this code will be copied to the clipboard and then I can copy it anywhere in Notepad for example. just for a remarque this code is in my html body.

I have tried your example but it is only working if I copy a text not a html code.

I would very grateful if you can help to resolve this specially that I'm still new in HTML5 domain.

Best regards.

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Hi, I am getting an uncaught type error: illegal constructor error when I try and use ClipboardEvent.

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cgatian commented Feb 12, 2016

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kresli commented Nov 23, 2016

You are not allowed to create constructor on ClipboardEvent in any browser but FF. Please refer to

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