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Last active September 29, 2022 08:27
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Install Oh-My-Zsh + iTerm2 with Solarized + System-wide console in 2017 (macOS)

Install iTerm2 with Solarized in 2017

Here is the looks and feel of your terminal once the tutorial has been applied on your system:

Install iTerm2

Using Homebrew:

$ brew cask install iterm2

Install zsh with oh-my-zsh

Oh-My-Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your ZSH configuration. It comes bundled with a ton of helpful functions, helpers, plugins, themes, and a few things that make you shout...

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Apply Solarized

Set up the theme agnoster of zsh

Open the configuration file of zsh.

$ nano ~/.zshrc

Search the line


and replace it by


Replace the default theme robbyrussell by agnoster (search the key ZSH_THEME).

Install the required fonts

We need to provide specific fonts for iTerm2 to properly handle the theme agnoster. For that purpose, we are going to install the Powerline fonts.

# Cloning
git clone

# Installation
cd fonts

# Clean up
cd ..
rm -rf fonts

Thanks to pradeepchaudharisc@Github for the trick.

Apply the newly-installed fonts

Open the preferences of iTerm2 (Ctrl+,) and click on the tab Profiles then Text and finally click on the button _Change font" to select 12pt Meslo LG S DZ Regular for Powerline.

Configure the colors set in iTerm2

Open the preferences of iTerm2 (Ctrl+,) and click on the tab Profiles then Colors and finally click on the dropdown list Color Presets.... Select the item Solarized Dark.

System-wide hotkey to show iTerm2

iTerm2 can be invoked with a system-wide hotkey at a given position on the screen. To enable that feature, open the preferences of iTerm2 (Ctrl+,) and click on the tab Keys and check Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey and Hotkey toggles a dedicated window with profile. The styling of that temrinal can be changed in the tab Profiles

Add New Terminal Here in the Finder

Install TermHere.

Further tweaking

The guide of Kevin Smets provides advanced enjoyable modifications to pimp your iTerm2.

Copy link

works perfect

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