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Last active January 9, 2025 21:28
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  • Save JamesMessinger/5d31c053d0b1d52389eb2723f7550907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JamesMessinger/5d31c053d0b1d52389eb2723f7550907 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
VSCode GitHub Markdown Theme

GitHub Markdown Theme for Visual Studio Code

This CSS stylesheet allows you to preview markdown files in VSCode using GitHub's mardown theme. This CSS was taken directly from the official GitHub Markdown repo. I replaced their top-level .markdown-body class with the body tag so it would work in VSCode, and added styling for the html tag to match GitHub's fixed-width container.


  1. Copy the CSS file to your computer
    Copy the github-markdown.css file below to your computer. You can put it anywhere you want, but I chose to put it in the same folder as my VSCode settings file.

  2. Edit your VSCode settings
    If you want to use this theme for all of your projects, then edit your User Settings file. If you just want to use this theme for a specific project, then edit that project's .vscode/settings.json file instead. Either way, you're going to add the following setting to the file:

    "markdown.styles": ["file:///Users/{your_username}/Library/Application%20Support/Code/User/github-markdown.css"]

    If you put the github-markdown.css file in your VSCode settings folder, then just replace {your_username} in the path above. If you put the file somewhere else, then replace the whole path, but make sure you use the file:// prefix, and URL-encode any spaces or special characters in the path (for example, spaces become %20).

  3. Restart VSCode
    This step isn't always necessary, but sometimes VSCode doesn't detect the change to the markdown.styles setting. A restart always works.

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border-bottom-color: #eee;
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Velocet commented Mar 8, 2017

Great! Very smart solution and exactly what i was looking for 👍

I would suggest one small addition: add zoom: 50%; to the html selector so the rendered md won't get blown up. I know it's a dirty hack but it works very well.

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No matter what I try I can't get VS Code to be able to open the CSS file.
I have this in my settings file:

  "markdown.styles": [

When I open a markdown preview in VS Code I get a popup that says "Could not load 'markdown.styles'".
I can copy the file URL from above and paste it in a web browser and it opens it fine.
Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

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gusbemacbe commented Apr 5, 2018

@mvolkmann, report it to Microsoft's issues at their Github repository of VSCode. It is a bug.

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VAggrippino commented Apr 20, 2018

Root cause: We now restrict the markdown preview to only loading resources inside the current workspace for security reasons. Workaround is to move the css file into your workspace or publish the css as a markdown extension extension

microsoft/vscode#45260 (comment)

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more dirty hacks, point it right at the raw file, preferably your own version of the file:

  "markdown.styles": [

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For example, to load a stylesheet called Style.css at the root of your current workspace, use File > Preferences > Settings to bring up the workspace settings.json file and make this update:

// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.
    "markdown.styles": [

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mjbvz commented Jun 13, 2018

This extension provides github styling for the markdown preview. No setup or configuration required

Using markdown.styles as described in this gist is no longer supported. You can still use css files from inside a workspace however

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stevenlis commented Dec 26, 2020

Thanks for providing this. I'm sorry that I don't know much about css. I'm trying to change the inline code text color. I've tried to adjust a few places but none of them worked.

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