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Created October 21, 2015 19:00
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""" Scraping with xpath
Here's a basic demo on how I scraped a page using xpath to get specific pieces of info.
While I've only accessed a few single pieces of info on the page, xpath can also
get you a list of all the elements that meet a specific path, and will return them as
a list or iterable.
A tool you might like for debugging your xpath expressions is: xpath-helper
import wget
import lxml.html as lh
url = ''
# I find it helpful to download the page before scraping, because
# when you're working out the scraper details, you need to load the
# page a lot of times.
filename = 'download_page.html', out=filename)
doc = lh.parse(filename)
acknowledgements_str = doc.xpath("""//*[@id="main-content"]
acknowledgements = [s.strip() for s in filter(None, acknowledgements_str.splitlines())]
timeline_strs = doc.xpath("""//*[@id="main-content"]
/h4[text()[contains(.,"Disclosure Timeline")]]
timeline = filter(None, [s.strip() for s in timeline_strs])
cve = doc.xpath('//*[@id="main-content"]/ul[1]/a')[0].text_content()
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