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Forked from bisqwit/textbox.hh
Created February 2, 2018 00:44
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Abstraction for 2-dimensional text strings with VT100 linedrawing support; and a tree structure visualizer function
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
/* textbox: Abstraction for 2-dimensional text strings, with VT100 linedrawing support */
/* Copyright (c) 2017 Joel Yliluoma - */
/* License: MIT */
/* Requires a C++17 capable compiler and standard library. */
struct textbox
static constexpr bool enable_vt100 = true;
static constexpr unsigned char u=1, d=2, l=4, r=8, nonline = ~(u+d+l+r); // bitmasks
std::vector<std::string> data;
/* Place a single character in the given coordinate. */
/* Notice that behavior is undefined if the character is in 00-1F range. */
void putchar(char c, std::size_t x, std::size_t y)
if(y >= data.size()) data.resize(y+1);
if(data[y].size() == x) data[y] += c;
else { if(data[y].size() < x) data[y].resize(x+1, ' ');
data[y][x] = c; }
/* Modify a character using a callback */
template<typename F>
void modchar(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, F&& func)
if(y >= data.size()) data.resize(y+1);
if(data[y].size() <= x) data[y].resize(x+1, ' ');
/* Put a string of characters starting at the given coordinate */
/* Note that behavior is undefined if the string contains characters in 00-1F range
* or if the string includes multibyte characters.
void putline(const std::string& s, std::size_t x, std::size_t y)
if(y >= data.size()) { data.resize(y+1); }
if(x > data[y].size()) { data[y].append(x - data[y].size(), ' '); }
std::size_t begin = 0;
for(; x < data[y].size() && begin < s.size(); ++begin, ++x)
unsigned char c = s[begin];
if(c==' ' || !c) continue;
char &tgt = data[y][x];
if(tgt==' ' || !tgt || (c&nonline)) tgt = c;
else { if(tgt&nonline) tgt=0; tgt|=c; }
if(s.size() > begin) { data[y].append(s, begin, s.size()-begin); }
/* Put a 2D string starting at the given coordinate */
void putbox(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, const textbox& b)
for(std::size_t p = 0; p <; ++p) putline([p], x, y+p);
/* Delete trailing blank from the bottom and right edges */
void trim()
for(auto& s: data)
std::size_t end = s.size();
while(end > 0 && (s[end-1]==' ' || s[end-1]=='\0')) { --end; }
while(!data.empty() && data.back().empty()) data.pop_back();
/* Calculate the current dimensions of the string */
std::size_t height() const { return data.size(); }
std::size_t width() const
std::size_t result = 0;
for(const auto& s: data) result = std::max(result, s.size());
return result;
/* Draw a horizontal line */
/* If bef=true, the line starts from the left edge of the first character cell, otherwise it starts from its center */
/* If aft=true, the line ends in the right edge of the last character cell, otherwise it ends in its center */
void hline(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t width, bool bef, bool aft)
for(std::size_t p=0; p<width; ++p)
modchar(x+p, y, [&](char& c) { if(c&nonline) c=0; if(p>0||bef) c |= l; if(aft||(p+1)<width) c |= r; });
/* Draw a vertical line */
/* If bef=true, the line starts from the top edge of the first character cell, otherwise it starts from its center */
/* If aft=true, the line ends in the bottom edge of the last character cell, otherwise it ends in its center */
void vline(std::size_t x, std::size_t y, std::size_t height, bool bef, bool aft)
for(std::size_t p=0; p<height; ++p)
modchar(x, y+p, [&](char& c) { if(c&nonline) c=0; if(p>0||bef) c |= u; if(aft||(p+1)<height) c |= d; });
/* Calculate the earliest X coordinate where the given box could be placed
* without colliding with existing content in this box. Guaranteed to be <= width().
std::size_t horiz_append_position(std::size_t y, const textbox& b) const
// Find leftmost position where box b can be appended into *this without overlap
std::size_t mywidth = width()/*, myheight = height()*/, theirheight = b.height();
std::size_t reduce = mywidth;
for(std::size_t p=0; p<theirheight; ++p)
std::size_t theirpadding = b.FindLeftPadding(p);
std::size_t mypadding = FindRightPadding(y+p);
reduce = std::min(reduce, mypadding + theirpadding);
return mywidth - reduce;
/* Calculate the earliest Y coordinate where the given box could be placed
* without colliding with existing content in this box. Guaranteed to be <= height().
std::size_t vert_append_position(std::size_t x, const textbox& b) const
// Find topmost position where box b can be appended into *this without overlap
std::size_t /*mywidth = width(), */myheight = height(), theirwidth = b.width();
std::size_t reduce = myheight;
for(std::size_t p=0; p<theirwidth; ++p)
std::size_t theirpadding = b.FindTopPadding(p);
std::size_t mypadding = FindBottomPadding(x+p);
reduce = std::min(reduce, mypadding + theirpadding);
return myheight - reduce;
/* Converts the contents of the box into a std::string with linefeeds and VT100 escapes. */
/* If enable_vt100 is false, renders using plain ASCII instead.
std::string to_string() const
std::string result;
bool drawing = false, quo = false, space = true, unstr = false;
std::string cur_attr;
constexpr const char* const linedraw = enable_vt100 ? "xxxqjkuqmltqvwn" : "|||-'.+-`,+-+++";
auto attr = [&](const char* s)
if (enable_vt100)
if(cur_attr!=s) { result += "\33["; result += s; result += 'm'; cur_attr = s; }
auto append = [&](bool v, char c)
if (enable_vt100)
const char* a = nullptr;
bool num = false;
if(v&&!drawing) { a = "0;32"; result += "\33)0\16"; drawing = v; }
else if(!v&&drawing) { a = ""; result += "\33)B\17"; drawing = v; }
if(!v && c=='"') { quo = !quo; if(quo) a = "1;34"; }
if(!v && !quo && ((c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='-')) { a = space ? "1;38;5;165" : "0;38;5;246"; num=true; }
if(!v && !quo && ((c>='a' && c<='z') || c=='_')) { a = "1;37"; }
if(!v && !quo && c>='A' && c<='Z') { a = "0;38;5;246"; }
if(!v && !quo && c=='`') { unstr = true; c = ' '; }
if(c == '\n') unstr = false;
if(unstr) a = nullptr;
if(a) attr(a);
if(!num) space = (c==' ');
result += c;
for(std::size_t h = height(), y = 0; y < h; ++y)
const std::string& s = data[y];
for(std::size_t x = 0; x < s.size(); ++x)
unsigned char c = s[x];
if(c > 0 && c < 16) append(true, linedraw[c-1]);
else append(false, c);
append(false, '\n');
return result;
std::size_t FindLeftPadding(std::size_t y) const
std::size_t max = width(), result = 0;
if(y >= data.size()) return max;
const std::string& line = data[y];
while(result < line.size() && (line[result] == ' ' || line[result] == '\0'))
{ ++result; }
return result;
std::size_t FindRightPadding(std::size_t y) const
std::size_t max = width(), position = max, result = 0;
if(y >= data.size()) return max;
const std::string& line = data[y];
while(position-- > 0 && (position >= line.size() || line[position]==' ' || line[position]=='\0'))
{ ++result; }
return result;
std::size_t FindTopPadding(std::size_t x) const
std::size_t result = 0, max = data.size();
while(result < max && (x >= data[result].size() || data[result][x] == ' ' || data[result][x] == '\0'))
{ ++result; }
return result;
std::size_t FindBottomPadding(std::size_t x) const
std::size_t result = 0, max = data.size(), position = max;
while(position-- > 0 && (x >= data[position].size() || data[position][x] == ' ' || data[position][x] == '\0'))
{ ++result; }
return result;
/* An utility function that can be used to create a tree graph rendering from a structure.
* Parameters:
* e: The element that will be rendered.
* Possibly some user-defined type that represents a node in a tree structure.
* maxwidth: The maximum width of the resulting box in characters.
* create_atom: A functor of type std::string(const ParamType&).
* It renders the given element into an 1D string.
* Note that the string must not contain multibyte characters,
* because size() will be used to determine its width in columns.
* count_children: A functor of type std::pair<ForwardIterator,ForwardIterator>(const ParamType&).
* It returns a pair of iterators representing the range of children
* for the given element.
* create_tree_graph will call itself recursively for each element in this range.
* oneliner_test: A functor of type bool(const ParamType&).
* If the result is true, enables simplified horizontal topology.
* simple_test: A functor of type bool(const ParamType&).
* If the result is true, enables very simplified horizontal topology.
* separate1st_test: A functor of type bool(const ParamType&).
* If the result is true, create_tree_graph() will always render
* the first child alone on a separate line, but the rest of them
* may get rendered horizontally.
* Topology types:
* Vertical:
* element
* ├─child1
* ├─child2
* └─child3
* Horizontal:
* element
* └─┬─────────┬─────────┐
* child1 child2 child3
* Simplified horizontal:
* element──┬───────┬───────┐
* child1 child2 child3
* Very simplified horizontal:
* element──child1
* The vertical and horizontal topologies are automatically chosen
* depending on the situation compared to the maxwidth parameter,
* and according to the constraint given by separate1st_test().
* Simplified topology will be used if oneliner_test() returns true,
* separate1st_test() returns false,
* all children fit on one line,
* and very simplified topology is not used.
* Very simplified topology will be used if oneliner_test() returns true,
* separate1st_test() returns false,
* simple_test() returns true,
* there is only 1 child,
* and it fits on one line.
template<typename ParamIt, typename ParamType, typename AtomCreator, typename ParamCountFunc,
typename OneLinerFunc, typename SimpleTestFunc, typename Separate1stParamTestFunc>
textbox create_tree_graph(const ParamType& e,
std::size_t maxwidth,
AtomCreator&& create_atom,
ParamCountFunc&& count_children,
OneLinerFunc&& oneliner_test,
SimpleTestFunc&& simple_test,
Separate1stParamTestFunc&& separate1st_test)
textbox result;
std::string atom = create_atom(e);
result.putline(atom, 0,0);
std::pair<ParamIt, ParamIt> param_range = count_children(e);
if(param_range.first != param_range.second)
std::vector<textbox> boxes;
boxes.reserve(std::distance(param_range.first, param_range.second));
for(auto i = param_range.first; i != param_range.second; ++i)
boxes.emplace_back(create_tree_graph<ParamIt>(*i, (maxwidth >= (16+2)) ? maxwidth - 2 : 16,
create_atom, count_children, oneliner_test, simple_test,
constexpr std::size_t margin = 4, firstx = 2;
std::size_t sum_width = 0;
for(const auto& b: boxes) sum_width += b.width()+margin;
bool oneliner = false;
if(oneliner_test(e) && !separate1st_test(e))
std::size_t totalwidth = 0;
for(auto i = boxes.begin(); ; )
const auto& cur = *i;
if(++i == boxes.end()) { totalwidth += cur.width(); break; }
//const auto& next = *i;
totalwidth += cur.width()/*cur.horiz_append_position(0, next)*/ + margin;
oneliner = (atom.size() + margin + totalwidth) < maxwidth;
bool simple = oneliner && boxes.size() == 1 && simple_test(e); // ret, addrof, etc.
std::size_t y = simple ? 0 : 1;
for(auto i = boxes.begin(); i != boxes.end(); ++i)
auto next = ++std::vector<textbox>::iterator(i);
const textbox& cur = *i;
unsigned width = cur.width();
std::size_t usemargin = (simple || oneliner) ? (margin/2) : margin;
std::size_t x = result.horiz_append_position(y, cur) + usemargin;
if(x==usemargin) x = oneliner ? atom.size()+usemargin : firstx;
if(!oneliner && (x + width > maxwidth || (separate1st_test(e) && i == ++boxes.begin())))
// Start a new line if this item won't fit in the end of the current line
x = firstx;
simple = false;
oneliner = false;
// At the beginning of line, judge whether to add room for horizontal placement
bool horizontal = x > firstx;
if(!oneliner && !horizontal && next != boxes.end() && !(separate1st_test(e) && i == boxes.begin()))
std::size_t nextwidth = next->width();
std::size_t combined_width = cur.horiz_append_position(0, *next) + margin + nextwidth;
if(combined_width <= maxwidth)
// Enact horizontal placement by giving 1 row of room for the connector
horizontal = true;
textbox combined = cur;
combined.putbox(cur.horiz_append_position(0, *next) + margin, 0, *next);
y = std::max(result.vert_append_position(x, combined), std::size_t(1));
if(!oneliner) ++y;
y = std::max(result.vert_append_position(x, cur), std::size_t(1));
if(horizontal && !simple && !oneliner)
// Check if there is room for a horizontal connector. If not, increase y
textbox conn;
conn.putline(std::string(1+(x-0), '-'), 0, 0);
if(result.horiz_append_position(y-1, conn) > x) ++y; else break;
y = std::max(result.vert_append_position(x, cur), y);
if(x > atom.size())
result.hline(atom.size(), 0, 1+x-atom.size(), false,false);
else if(oneliner)
unsigned cx = x, cy = y-1;
if(x > atom.size())
result.hline(atom.size(), 0, 1+x-atom.size(), false,false);
result.vline(cx, cy, 1, false,true);
else if(horizontal)
unsigned cx = x, cy = y-1;
result.vline(0, 1, 1 + (cy-1), true,false);
result.hline(0, cy, 1 + (cx-0), false,false);
result.vline(cx, cy, 1, false,true);
unsigned cx = x-1, cy = y;
result.vline(0,1, 1 + (cy-1), true,false);
result.hline(0,cy, 1 + (cx-0), false,true);
result.putbox(x, y, cur);
return result;
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