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defprint_onceyieldendprint_once{puts"Block is being run"}defmy_blockyield2yield3endmy_block{|parameter| puts"parameter is: #{parameter}"}defdo_something_with_blockreturn"No block given"unlessblock_given?yieldend
Proc{ |x| puts"arg: #{x}"}"Abc"#=> arg: Abcdefexplicit_block(&block)return"No block given" same as yieldendexplicit_block{puts"Explicit block called"}{|n| printn*2}# or factor=proc{|n| printn*2}# using the proc value[3,2,1].each(&factor)=>642# & ruby knows that this is a proc and not a variable.defmy_each(&block)self.length.timesdo |i|
# and now we can call our new Proc like[i])endend[1,2,3].my_each{ |i| putsi*2}# &converts the block into a proc so we treat the block as a proc inside our method.
lamb=lambda{|arg| puts"I am a lambda #{arg}"}lamb=->(arg){puts"I am a stuby lambda#{arg}"}# Procs don’t care about the correct number of arguments, while lambdas will raise an exception.# Return and break behaves differently in procs and lambdas
# map# The original array is not modified. Returns the modified array.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].map{|e| e*3}# [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30]# collect is alias for map# select# Returns a new array containing all elements of ary for which the given block returns a true value.[1,2,3,4,5].select{ |num| num.even?}#=> [2, 4]# reject# Returns an array for all elements of enum for which the given block returns false.(1..10).reject{ |i| i % 3 == 0}#=> [1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10]# inject# Combines all elements of enum by applying a binary operation(5..10).inject(:+)#=>45(5..10).inject{ |product,n| product * n}#=> 151200# product=5, n=6# product=30, n=7# product=210, n=8# product=1680, n=9# product=15120, n=10# You can also specify an initial value as parameter before the block["bar","baz","quux"].inject("foo"){|acc,elem| acc + "!!" + elem}#=>"foo!!bar!!baz!!quux" # reduce is alias for inject# find# Passes each entry in enum to block. Returns the first for which block is not false.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10].find{ |el| el / 2 == 2}#=>4# detect is alias for find# find_all# Returns an array containing all elements of enum for which the given block returns a true value.[1,2,3,4,5].find_all{ |num| num.even?}#=> [2, 4]# find_all vs select# On a hash, find_all returns an array, but select returns a hash instead of an arrayhash={a: 1,b: 2,c: 3,d: 4}hash.find_all{ |key,value| value.odd?}#=> [[:a, 1], [:c, 3]]{ |key,value| value.odd?}#=> {a:1, c:3}#pluck# It is from activesupport[{id: 1,name: "David"},{id: 2,name: "Rafael"}].pluck(:id,:name)#=> [[1, "David"], [2, "Rafael"]]
group_by returns a hash where the keys are defined by our grouping rule, and the values are the corresponding objects from our original collection.
# if the receiver does not respond to it the call returns nil rather than raising an exception.@person.try(:name)# if @person && if @person && @person.spouse && You can pass arguments and blocks to try():@manufacturer.products.first.try(:enough_in_stock?,32)# => "Yes"try!#Same as try, but raises a NoMethodError exception if the receiver is not nil and does not implement the tried method.123.try!(:upcase)# => NoMethodError: undefined method `upcase' for 123:Integer
#Same as try!account&.owner& false)account.owner.address# => NoMethodError: undefined method `address' for false:FalseClass `account && account.owner && account.owner.address# => falseaccount.try(:owner).try(:address)# => nilaccount&.owner&.address# => undefined method `address' for false:FalseClass`
address=params.dig(:account,:owner,:address)# address = params[:account].try(:[], :owner).try(:[], :address)h={foo: {bar: {baz: 1}}}h.dig(:foo,:bar,:baz)#=> 1h.dig(:foo,:zot,:xyz)#=> nilg={foo: [10,11,12]}g.dig(:foo,1)#=> 11g.dig(:foo,1,0)#=> TypeError: Integer does not have #dig methodg.dig(:foo,:bar)#=> TypeError: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer
Without arguments, rand gives you a floating point number between 0 & 1 (like 0.4836732493)
With an integer argument (rand(10)) you get a new integer between 0 & that number
With a range argument (rand(1..20)) you get an integer between the start of the range & the end of the range
# Generate an integer from 0 to 10(rand() * 10).to_irand(10)# Generate an integer from 1 to 20rand(1..20)
Percent Strings
stringA="World!"%w[Hello\n#{stringA}]=>["Hello\\n","\#{stringA}"]%W[Hello\n#{stringA}]=>["Hello\n","World!"]a="three"%i[onetwo#{a}]=>[:one,:two,:"\#{a}"]%I[onetwo#{a}]=>[:one,:two,:three]date=`date`"Tue Mar 3 13:50:57 NZDT 2020\n"echo=%x(echo `date`)#shell command=>"Tue Mar 3 13:51:13 NZDT 2020\n"# %() is shorthand for %Q%(<tr><td class="name">#{name}</td>)%Q()givesadouble-quotedstring
Nicely indented multi-line strings.
page=<<-HTML Heredocs are cool & usefulHTML# " Heredocs are cool & useful\n"#Note that this was introduced with Ruby 2.3. On older Rubies you may use String#strip_heredoc from<<~HTML Heredocs are cool & usefulHTML# "Heredocs are cool & useful\n"page=<<~HTML.strip Heredocs are cool & usefulHTML# "Heredocs are cool & useful"#<< vs <<- (or <<~)# terminating sequence must be at the very beginning of the linedeffooputs(<<TEXT) Hello!TEXTendend#interpolationtype="healthy"table="food"query=<<-SQL SELECT * FROM #{table} WHERE #{type} = trueSQL# You can disable the interpolation by surrounding the heredoc name with single quotes.doc=<<-'TIME'Current time is #{}TIMEstring=[<<ONE,<<TWO,<<THREE] the first thingONE the second thingTWO and the third thingTHREE=>["the first thing\n","the second thing\n","and the third thing\n"]