Anyone leaving a 👍, ❤️ etc.
Paste into the Browser console on the GitHub issue page.
new Set(
$$('[aria-label="Add or remove reactions"] + [role="tooltip"]')
/** Create a mock promise whose lifecycle can be controlled */ | |
const mockPromise = (mockFn: jest.Mock) => { | |
let resolve: (_: unknown) => void | |
let reject: (_?: unknown) => void | |
let promise: Promise<unknown> | |
mockFn.mockImplementation(() => { | |
promise = new Promise((_resolve, _reject) => { | |
resolve = _resolve |
You can use a custom generateScopedName
function to generate class names, in development mode only, that are easier to read.
import path from "path";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
vite: import.meta.env.PROD
By, see also Unfollow everyone on
This took 10 minutes so is pretty rough.
import { BskyAgent } from "@atproto/api";
const from = require('/Users/foldleft/Dev/foo/bar/package.json'); | |
const to = require('./package.json'); | |
Object.entries(from.dependencies).forEach(([name, version]) => { | |
if (to.dependencies[name]) { | |
to.dependencies[name] = version; | |
} | |
}); | |
Object.entries(from.devDependencies).forEach(([name, version]) => { |
Delete all files in the current directory except for this script, lerna.json
, package.json
, pnpm-workspace.yaml
, and syncpack.config.cjs
. Also delete all empty directories except for the .git
Put this script at create-syncpack-issue-reproduction.js
in the root of the repo.
const child_process = require("child_process");
const fs = require("fs");
{ | |
"$schema": "", | |
"basics": { | |
"name": "Jamie Mason", | |
"label": "Contract Frontend Developer", | |
"image": "", | |
"email": "[email protected]", | |
"url": "", | |
"summary": "Hi,\nI'm Jamie Mason from Leeds in England and I'm a Contract Front-End Developer. I help Companies of all shapes and sizes to create accessible, performant, engaging Applications in a sustainable and maintainable manner.\n\nAbout me and what I'm looking for:\n\n💼 Front-End focused, with 24 years experience building for the web.\n💅 A Senior Designer before switching fully to Front-End Development in 2011.\n🌎 Open to remote roles in UK or EU, or hybrid in Leeds.\n⭐ Previously at Sky Sports, Sky Bet, William Hill, and others.\n👔 Contract and Freelance experience with The Premier League, Betfair, and Shell.\n😄 Pretty friendly guy.\n\nOrigina |