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Last active January 1, 2016 13:19
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Save JanPokorny/8150909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TagPro Neomacro UserScript by Popcorn. Description in a comment in the code below ↓
* TagPro Neomacro | UserScript by Popcorn.
* ========================================
* Are you tired of overly complex chat macro systems? Have you forgotten whether you bound "Yes" to I or U?
* This is Neomacro -- TagPro macro system that uses arrow keys, ctrl and 0 (zero) (you use WASD to control
* the game, don't you?) to create powerful and easy-to-remember macro codes.
* 1.0 update: Redesigned some macros, be sure to take a look.
* 1.1 update: Simplified code, added more comments
* 1.2 update: Goodbye, backspace and ctrl+something!
* 1.3 update: Added special handling for direction macros. Introduced 0 (zero) as a direction-giving key.
* Added more direction macros.
* It may contain bugs. If you notice one, please leave comment below ↓↓.
* Install this UserScript by pressing the <> in the upper right corner of the code ↗
* Find the macro combinations by scrolling down the script
* (they're inside the config section, starting with "var teamMacros =", "var directionMacros ="
* and "var globalMacros =") ↓
* Enter the combination by pressing the keys one by one (←↑→↓ arrow keys and ● ctrl).
* Some combinations have aliases: for example, ←↓ is the same as ↓←, and →←→ is the same as ←→←.
* Here's the macro dictionary. It will help you remember the codes:
* Directions to enemy FC: two arrow presses, for example:
* ↑↑ Enemy FC on upper side (↑)
* ↑→ or →↑ Enemy FC on upper right (↗)
* Or a zero press:
* 0 Enemy FC in the middle (●)
* (Directions to something else see below)
* "Yes" and "No" codes are similar to head movements (shaking/nodding):
* yes ↑↓↑ or ↓↑↓
* no ←→← or →←→
* Words used in sentences:
* nouns verbs
* --------- ---------------
* I/me ↓ defend ↓
* enemy ↑ attack ↑
* trick/tactic ←
* use button →
* Indicative sentences: (noun)●(verb)
* examples: ↓●↓ I'll defend.
* ↑●← Enemy's trying to trick us!
* Questions: ●(verb)
* Be aware about ●↑ Where's enemy FC?
* examples: ●↓ Is our flag safe?
* ●← What's our plan? How many defenders?
* ●→ Is the button safe?
* Giving commands: (verb)●●
* examples: ↓●● Defend our flag!
* ←●● Trick the enemy!
* Giving directions: (noun)0(direction)
* ↑0↑↑ Enemy on top. (↑)
* ↓0↓↓ I'm coming bottom. (↓)
* ←0←↑ Upper left is safe. (↖)
* Directions to enemy FC are unprefixed, as mentioned before.
* Emotes (messages chosen randomly):
* ●●↑ happy
* ●●↓ angry
* ●●← really bad jokes
* ●●→ promote Neomacro ('Cos it's best, that's why.)
* Have fun, don't forget to report bugs, and don't ever forget t**ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD**
// ==UserScript==
// @name TagPro Neomacro
// @namespace
// @description Based on by
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author Popcorn
// @version 1.3
// ==/UserScript==
// Body of this function is injected into the HTML page
function Script()
* *
* *
// These are JS keycodes (event.keyCode) with corresponding character
// Find them here:
var buttons = {
// All generated messages are prefixed with this
var messagePrefix = "➜ ";
// Maximal interval beteween two keypresses (ms)
var keypressLimit = 1000;
// Minimal interval beteween two messages sent (ms)
var messageLimit = 300;
// All macros support random messages - for example, you can replace
// "↑↓↑": "Yes"
// with
// "↑↓↑": ["Yes", "Yeah", "Yea", "Whatever..."]
// Macros sent to your team only (the T-key chat)
var teamMacros = {
// Yes/No
"←→←": "No",
"↑↓↑": "Yes",
// Indicative sentences
"↓●↑": "I'll attack!",
"↓●↓": "I'll defend!",
"↓●←": "I'll trick the enemies!",
"↓●→": "I'll control the button!",
"↑●↑": "Enemy's attacking!",
"↑●↓": "Enemy's defending!",
"↑●←": "Enemy's trying to trick us!",
"↑●→": "Enemy's controlling the button!",
// Questions
"●↓" : "Is our flag safe?",
"●↑" : "Where is enemy FC?",
"●←" : "What's our plan? How many defenders?",
"●→" : "Who's controlling the button?",
// Commands
"↓●●" : "Defend our flag!",
"↑●●" : "Attack!",
"←●●" : "Trick the enemy!",
"→●●" : "Control the button!",
// Prefixes for giving directions. Two arrow presses indicating the direction comes after them.
// First macro is empty: it's triggered just by two arrow presses
// [Direction], [direction] and [arrow] are wildcards.
// Sent to your team only.
var directionMacros = {
"" : "Enemy FC on [direction]. ([arrow])",
"↑0" : "Enemy on [direction]. ([arrow])",
"↓0" : "I'm coming [direction]. ([arrow])",
"←0" : "[Direction] is safe. ([arrow])",
// Macros sent to everyone (Enter-key chat)
var globalMacros = {
// Positive emotions
"●●↑" : [
"We're good!",
"Dream team.",
"Well played."
// Angry emotions
"●●↓" : [
"Oh noez!",
"I've let you win this time.",
"C'mon team!",
"This made me angry."
// Bad jokes
"●●←" : [
"So game. Much flag. Many ball. Amaze.",
"I have a UDP joke for you, but I'm afraid you won't get it.",
"I'm a linguist. I love ambiguity more than most people.",
"What's green and eats nuts? Syphilis.", // by /u/EstherHarshom
"A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair.", // by /u/VinciFox
"Life without women would be a pain in the ass.", // by /u/-Minnow-
"Where did Sally go during the bombing? Everywhere.", // by /u/My_Name_Is_Not_Chris
// Use often. Very often.
"●●→" : "Neomacro! TagPro macro system.",
// Aliases for some combinations. Alias comes first, real code second.
// You can setup more aliases for a macro.
// If you setup the same alias as the macro itself (for example, "←←":"←←"), the universe will explode
var aliases = {
"→←→":"←→←", // No
"↓↑↓":"↑↓↑", // Yes
"●●●":"0" // Backwards compatibility
* *
* *
// Why would you change this?
var directions = {
"↓←": ["lower left", "↙"],
"←←": ["left", "←"],
"↑←": ["upper left", "↖"],
"↑↑": ["top", "↑"],
"↑→": ["upper right", "↗"],
"→→": ["right", "→"],
"↓→": ["lower right", "↘"],
"↓↓": ["bottom", "↓"],
"0": ["middle", "●"]
directions["←↓"] = directions["↓←"];
directions["←↑"] = directions["↑←"];
directions["→↓"] = directions["↓→"];
directions["→↑"] = directions["↑→"];
// Because the game's keypress handlers are more prioritized, they're circumvented using a dummy input
var handlerbtn = document.getElementById("macrohandlerbutton");
handlerbtn.addEventListener('keydown', keydownHandler, false);
handlerbtn.addEventListener('keyup', keyupHandler, false);
document.addEventListener('keydown', documentKeydown, false);
function documentKeydown(event)
handlerbtn.focus(); // The handler button should be always fucused
// Disables backspace and all ctrl interactions -- prevents leaving page by accident
if((event.keyCode==8 || event.ctrlKey) && !tagpro.disableControls)
return false;
// Relasing arrow key tricks TagPro to think that you relased WASD-key too, even if you didn't
// This code prevents that from happening
function keyupHandler(event)
if(event.keyCode in buttons && !tagpro.disableControls)
// Main macro keypresses handler
var lastKey = 0;
var currentMacro = "";
function keydownHandler(event)
if(!(event.keyCode in buttons) || tagpro.disableControls)
var now = new Date();
if((now - lastKey) > keypressLimit)
currentMacro = "";
lastKey = now;
currentMacro += buttons[event.keyCode];
var message = getMacro(currentMacro);
currentMacro = "";
// Utility function to get corresponding message for macro code
function getMacro(x)
function capitalize(s)
return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
function isDirectionMacro(s)
return s.substring(0,s.length-2) in directionMacros && s.substring(s.length-2, s.length) in directions;
function getDirectionMacro(s)
var direction = directions[s.substring(s.length-2, s.length)];
return select(directionMacros[s.substring(0,s.length-2)])
.replace(/\[Direction\]/g, capitalize(direction[0]))
.replace(/\[direction\]/g, direction[0])
.replace(/\[arrow\]/g, direction[1]);
return {text:getDirectionMacro(x), global:0};
// When array is supplied, return random message - ideal to add variety to your messages
function select(x)
if(typeof x == "object")
return x[Math.floor(Math.random()*x.length)];
return x;
if(x in teamMacros)
return {text:select(teamMacros[x]), global:0};
if(x in globalMacros)
return {text:select(globalMacros[x]), global:1};
if(x in aliases)
return getMacro(aliases[x]);
return false;
// This functions does what expected - sends a chat message
var lastMessage = 0;
function chat(chatMessage)
var now = new Date();
var timeDiff = now - lastMessage;
if (timeDiff > messageLimit)
message: messagePrefix + chatMessage.text,
lastMessage = new Date();
else if (timeDiff >= 0)
setTimeout(chat, messageLimit - timeDiff, chatMessage);
// This dummy input will handle macro keypresses
var btn = document.createElement("input"); = 0; = "absolute"; = "-100px"; = "-100px"; = "macrohandlerbutton";
// Create a script node holding this source code
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute("type", "application/javascript");
script.textContent = '(' + Script + ')();';
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johnny popcorn think ur funny lil faggot cunt i willl fuckin egg u nob

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