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Forked from NTag/
Created September 29, 2020 16:33
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How to install and use remote-atom


  1. Install Atom on your computer (

  2. Launch Atom, go in Preferences, then chose Install, search for "remote-atom", and install it

  3. On the distant machine:

    cd ~
    chmod +x rmate

How to use it

  1. Launch Atom on your computer
  2. Go in Packages > Remote Atom > Start Server
  3. ssh to the distant machine and add the option -R 52698:localhost:52698 (for example for me it is: ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 [email protected])
  4. On the distant machine, just do ~/rmate /path/to/my/file/i/want/to/open to open it on Atom on your computer :-)
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