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Created April 28, 2012 15:10
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; 0x42c-kernel memory.dcpu
; April 24th, 2012
; Licensed with the MIT license.
; Contains subroutines for memory management.
; Arguments: A -> the pointer to the first block of allocated memory
sub a, 2 ; user gives the first allocated word, header is two words back
set [a], 0xffff ; free memory
set push, a
add a, 1
set b, [a]
add a, b
add a, 2 ; next header
ife [a], 0xffff
set pc, free_merge_forward
set a, peek
sub a, 1
ifg a, userspace_memory
set pc, free_check_backwards_continue
set pc, free_end
ife [a], 0x0 ; if previous footer is empty
set pc, free_end
set b, [a]
set a, b
ifn [a], 0xffff
set pc, free_end
set peek, a ; the previous push is unnecesary
add a, 1
set b, [a]
add a, b
add a, 2
set pc, free_merge_forward ; no need to check since we already know there's a blob of free memory there
set [a], 0x0
add a, 1
set b, [a]
set c, b ; previous block length
set [a], 0x0
add a, b
ifn a, userspace_memory_end
add a, 1 ; footer of this block
set b, pop
set push, b ; we'll need it at the end
set [a], b
set a, b
add a, 1
set b, [a]
add b, c
add b, 3 ; considering overhead
set [a], b
set pc, free_end
set a, pop
set pc, pop
; Arguments: A -> Number of words. B -> Owner of memory.
; Returns: (A == 0) -> unable to allocate memory. (A != 0) -> pointer to the allocated memory
set push, i
set i, userspace_memory
ife [i], 0xffff
set pc, malloc_found_free
add i, 1
add i, [i]
add i, 2
set pc, malloc_loop
ife i, userspace_memory ; beginning
set pc, malloc_allocate
add i, 1
ife [i], a
set pc, malloc_prepare
ifg [i], a
set pc, malloc_check_overhead
add i, 1
add i, [i] ; size of block
set pc, malloc_loop
set push, b
set b, [i]
sub b, a
ifg b, 3 ; plenty of space for overhead
set pc, malloc_check_end
sub i, 1
set b, pop
set [i], b ; it isn't worth dividing the space
set push, i
set pc, malloc_end
set b, pop
set pc, malloc_prepare
sub i, 1
set pc, malloc_allocate
set push, i
set push, i
set [i], b
add i, 1
set [i], a
add i, 1
add i, a
set b, pop
set [i], b ; header pointer
add i, 1
set a, i
set b, userspace_memory_end
jsr kernel_set_initial_blocks
set pc, malloc_end
set a, pop
add a, 2 ; real start of memory
set i, pop
set pc, pop
set push, b
set [a], 0xffff ; owner of free mem
add a, 1
sub b, a
set [a], b ; space available
set b, pop
sub a, 1
set [b], a
set pc, pop
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