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Forked from bergie/
Created July 2, 2011 01:32
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Falsy Values tutorials
http = require "http"
async = require "async"
fs = require "fs"
options =
host: ""
port: 8003
path: "/"
method: "POST"
postData = (data, callback) ->
client = http.request options, (results) ->
results.setEncoding "utf-8"
content = ""
results.on "data", (ret) ->
content += ret
results.on "end", ->
callback null, content
client.write data
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
req.setEncoding "utf-8"
req.on "data", (content) ->
console.log "DATA: #{content}"
res.writeHead 200,
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
res.end "Hey there"
data = ""
start_server: (callback) ->
server.listen options.port,, ->
callback null
read_first: (callback) ->
fs.readFile "first.txt", "utf-8", (err, content) ->
data += content
callback err, content
read_second: (callback) ->
fs.readFile "second.txt", "utf-8",(err, content) ->
data += content
callback err, content
post_to_server: ["start_server", "read_first", "read_second", (callback) ->
postData data, (err, retval) ->
async = require "async"
http = require "http"
fs = require "fs"
fetchPage = (path, host, callback) ->
options =
host: host or ""
port: 80
path: path
method: "GET"
client = http.request options, (results) ->
content = ""
results.on "data", (chunk) ->
content += chunk
results.on "end", ->
callback "", content
async.parallel [
(callback) ->
fetchPage "/", null, callback
(callback) ->
fetchPage "/documentation/midcom/", null, callback
(callback) ->
fetchPage "/download/", null, callback
(callback) ->
fetchPage "/updates/", null, callback
(callback) ->
fetchPage "/midcom-login-", null, callback
], (err, results) ->
file = fs.createWriteStream "foo.txt"
results.forEach (result) ->
file.write result
# Create Express server that uses some template engine (jade, ejs,
# whatever) to render an index page
# Create a static folder
# Create a route for `/blog/id` that only accepts digits
# Create a "fake database" (array) of blogs, and use middleware to
# validate that ID is valid
# Create a view for the blog post
# Use a view partial to a preview blog posts on an index page
express = require "express"
blogPosts = [
title: "Hello, world"
content: "<p>This is my very cool blog post</p>"
title: "Second post"
content: "<p>this post is even cooler</p>"
app = express.createServer()
app.use "/images", express.static "#{process.cwd()}/images"
app.set "view engine", "jade"
app.set "view options",
layout: false
app.get "/", (req, res, next) ->
res.render "index",
posts: blogPosts
as: "post"
getBlog = (req, res, next) ->
if blogPosts[] is undefined
throw new Error "Post not found" = blogPosts[]
app.get "/blog/:id(\\d+)", getBlog, (req, res, next) ->
res.render "post",
app.listen 8003
title My blog
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/images/simple.css")
input(type="text", id="input")
button(id="send") Send
# Create a web server
# Create an HTTP client in the same file
# POST data to your server
# Output the POST data
http = require "http"
options =
host: ""
port: 8003
path: "/"
method: "POST"
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
console.log "Got request"
req.setEncoding "utf-8"
req.on "data", (content) ->
console.log "DATA: #{content}"
res.writeHead 200,
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
res.end "Hey there"
server.listen options.port,, ->
client = http.request options, (results) ->
results.setEncoding "utf-8"
results.on "data", (content) ->
console.log content
client.write "Foo bar baz"
cluster = require "cluster"
app = require("./clusterWorker").server
workers = cluster app
workers.use cluster.debug()
workers.listen 8003
express = require "express"
app = express.createServer()
app.get "/hello/:name", (req, res, next) ->
res.send "Hello, #{}"
exports.server = app
# Create an expressjs server
express = require "express"
app = express.createServer()
app.use express.logger
format: ":method :url"
app.use express.cookieParser()
# Serve two different pages based on GET parameter "page"
# Set a cookie on the client
app.get "/", (req, res) ->
if is "1"
res.cookie "foo", 1
return res.send "First page, cookie is #{}"
if is "2"
res.cookie "foo", "2"
return res.send "Second page"
res.clearCookie "foo"
res.send "Index"
# Create a redirect from /old to /new
app.get "/old", (req, res) ->
res.redirect "/new"
app.get "/new", (req, res) ->
res.send "This is the new page"
app.listen 8003
express = require "express"
app = express.createServer()
app.error (err, req, res, next) ->
if err instanceof NotFound
res.statusCode = 404
return res.end "404 not found"
next err
class NotFound extends Error
constructor: (msg) ->
@name = "NotFound" this, msg
Error.captureStackTrace @, arguments.callee
app.get "/doesntexist", (req, res, next) ->
throw new NotFound
app.get "/othererror", (req, res, next) ->
throw new Error "Something is wrong!"
app.listen 8003
# Create a middleware to detect a mobile browser and attach a boolean to the request
# Create express app that servers links to images using staticProvider
# Modify profiler to profile your app and write profile data to a log file
# Create a middleware factory that sets the HTTP expires header based on roles
express = require "express"
fs = require "fs"
app = express.createServer()
browserDetector = (req, res, next) ->
req.googled = false
if req.headers['user-agent'].indexOf("Chromium") isnt -1
req.googled = true
mFactory = (role) ->
expires = "Thu, 15 Apr 2010 20:00:00 GMT"
if role is "permanent"
expires = "Thu, 15 Apr 2150 20:00:00 GMT"
(req, res, next) ->
res.header "Expires", expires
# True monkeypatching, override console.log to capture Profiler output
originalLogger = console.log
logFile = fs.createWriteStream "profile.log"
console.log = (logVars...) ->
originalLogger logVars...
logVars.forEach (logVar) ->
logFile.write "#{logVar}\n"
app.use express.profiler()
app.use browserDetector
app.use "/images", express.static "#{process.cwd()}/images"
app.get "/permanent", mFactory("permanent"), (req, res, next) ->
res.end "This page never expires in your lifetime"
app.get "/", (req, res, next) ->
res.contentType "text/html"
res.write "<img src='/images/viking.jpg' />"
if req.googled
return res.end "You're using a Chromium"
res.end "You're a browser"
app.listen 8003
# Create an express app with routes /, /products and /services
# Create a route that captures the product id after /product and returns it in response
# Use a regex to restrict the ID param to 3 letters followed by 3-5 numbers
# Route a route using regex that matches the entire route
# Create a simple check for correct product IDs. If it fails, show a custom error page
# Use app.all() to check user permission before showing (mock) edit controls on a page
express = require "express"
app = express.createServer()
app.use express.logger
format: ":method :url"
app.get "/", (req, res) ->
res.write "Front page"
canUserEdit = ->
app.all "/products/*", (req, res, next) ->
if canUserEdit()
res.write "<button>Edit</button>"
app.get "/products", (req, res) ->
res.end "Our cool products"
findProduct = (id) ->
if id isnt "abc123"
return false
app.get "/products/:id([a-z]{3}\\d{3})", (req, res, next) ->
unless findProduct
return next()
res.end "Product #{}"
app.get "/products/:id", (req, res) ->
res.statusCode = 404
res.end "Product #{} not found"
app.get "/services", (req, res) ->
res.end "Our even cooler services"
app.get /// (.*) ///, (req, res, next) ->
console.log "Got regex route #{req.url}, forwarding"
app.listen 8003
# Create CommonJS module "fish"
# Provide functions to swim, mouthbreath, flap around
exports.swim = ->
exports.mouthBreath = ->
"doesn't know how to mouthbreath"
exports.flapAround = ->
"happily flaps around"
# Create the basic Node.js http server
# Modify it to return some other text
# Make it return HTML
# Return the user-agent
# Return different text for at least two different browsers
http = require 'http'
browserSpecific = (agent) ->
if agent.indexOf("Chromium") isnt -1
return "an Agent of Google"
"something I don't recognize"
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
res.writeHead 200,
'Content-Type': 'text/html'
'X-Powered-By': 'Coffee'
res.end "<h1>I'm learning Node</h1>
<p>And you're #{browserSpecific(req.headers['user-agent'])}"
server.listen 8003, ''
http = require "http"
# Fetch the and output to console
options =
host: ""
port: 80
path: "/"
method: "GET"
request = http.request options, (results) ->
results.setEncoding "utf-8"
results.on "data", (content) ->
console.log content
a(href: "/blog/" + indexInCollection) #{post.title}
div !{post.content}
title My blog
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/images/simple.css")
h1 My blog
!=partial("index-post", posts)
title #{title}
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/images/simple.css")
h1 #{title}
div !{content}
http = require "http"
fetchPage = (path, response, callback) ->
options =
host: ""
port: 80
path: path
method: "GET"
client = http.request options, (res) ->
response.statusCode = res.statusCode
for header, value of res.headers
response.setHeader header, value
res.on "data", (chunk) ->
response.write chunk
res.on "end", ->
callback "", response
server = http.createServer (req, res) ->
console.log "Got request #{req.url}"
fetchPage req.url, res, (err, response) ->
server.listen 8003, ""
body {
background: url("viking.jpg");
background-position: top left;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
padding-left: 300px;
padding-top: 130px;
h1 a {
color: black;
li.own {
color: #c0c0c0;
addItem = (msg, own) ->
newItem = jQuery "<li>#{msg}</li>"
if own
newItem.attr "class", "own"
jQuery("ul").append newItem
socket = new io.Socket()
socket.on "connect", ->
jQuery("#input").attr "disabled", false
socket.on "message", (msg) ->
addItem msg
socket.on "disconnect", ->
jQuery("#input").attr "disabled", true
jQuery(document).ready ->
console.log "Binding", jQuery("#send")
jQuery("#send").bind "click", ->
console.log "Send clicked"
addItem jQuery("#input").val(), true
socket.send jQuery("#input").val()
jQuery("#input").val ""
(function() {
var addItem, socket;
addItem = function(msg, own) {
var newItem;
newItem = jQuery("<li>" + msg + "</li>");
if (own) {
newItem.attr("class", "own");
return jQuery("ul").append(newItem);
socket = new io.Socket();
socket.on("connect", function() {
return jQuery("#input").attr("disabled", false);
socket.on("message", function(msg) {
return addItem(msg);
socket.on("disconnect", function() {
jQuery("#input").attr("disabled", true);
return socket.connect();
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
console.log("Binding", jQuery("#send"));
return jQuery("#send").bind("click", function() {
console.log("Send clicked");
addItem(jQuery("#input").val(), true);
return jQuery("#input").val("");
express = require "express"
io = require ""
net = require "net"
app = express.createServer()
app.use "/images", express.static "#{process.cwd()}/images"
app.set "view engine", "jade"
app.set "view options",
layout: false
app.get "/", (req, res, next) ->
res.render "chat"
app.listen 8003
forwardMessage = (msg, sender) ->
# Forward to web chat users
for clientId, clientObject of socket.clients
if clientObject isnt sender
clientObject.send msg
for client in tcpClients
if client isnt sender
client.write "#{msg}\n"
socket = io.listen app
socket.on "connection", (client) ->
client.send "Hi there"
client.on "message", (msg) ->
console.log "Got message", msg
forwardMessage msg, client
client.on "disconnect", ->
console.log "Client disconnected"
tcpClients = []
tcp = net.createServer (client) ->
client.setEncoding "utf-8"
client.on "connect", ->
tcpClients.push client
console.log "Connection from #{socket.remoteAddress}"
client.write "Hi, there\n"
client.on "data", (msg) ->
console.log "Got #{msg}"
forwardMessage msg, client
tcp.listen 3000, "localhost"
# Import "Fish" module into another file and call the methods
fish = require("./fish")
console.log require.paths
console.log "Fish #{fish.swim()}"
console.log "Fish #{fish.mouthBreath()}"
console.log "Fish #{fish.flapAround()}"
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