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Created November 22, 2017 10:21
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Scala Case Class capabilities test example for the CodelyTV Pro Scala course πŸ‘‰
// Full repo:
package tv.codely.scala_intro_examples.lesson_09_oop
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
* In order to check all the capabilities that a case class have, just:
* * Compile it with: `scalac`
* * Inspect it with: `javap -private`
* You also have the option of running `scalac CaseClass.scala -print` in order to see the compiled version.
final class CaseClassCapabilitiesSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers {
private val randomText = "some text"
private val caseClass = CaseClass(attributeInConstruct = randomText)
"Case Class" should {
"provide an apply method in the companion object in order to construct new instances" in {
"CaseClass(attributeInConstruct = randomText)" should compile
"provide a copy method making it easier for us to deal with immutability" in {
val differentInstance = caseClass.copy(attributeInConstruct = "some different text")
differentInstance.attributeInBody shouldBe differentInstance.attributeInBody
"provide an unapply method making it easier deconstructing in pattern matching" in {
val differentInstance = CaseClass.unapply(caseClass)
differentInstance shouldBe a[Option[(_, _)]]
"provide an implemented toString method displaying all the attribtue values" in {
caseClass.toString shouldBe "CaseClass(some text,Some default value)"
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