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Last active December 30, 2020 06:41
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Download git archive and run scripts to debloat a new Windows 10 install.
Debloat Windows 10
Download git archive and run scripts to debloat a new Windows 10 install.
1) Open powershell as administrator
2) `Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned -Force` to allow execution of scripts
3) Find the raw URL to this gist
4) `iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString("<USER>/.../debloat-windows-10.ps1")` to execute
# Download the archive for the latest updates
$url = ""
$archiveName = ""
$installDir = Join-Path $env:UserProfile "Tools\debloat-windows-10"
$archive = Join-Path $installDir $archiveName
$debloatDir = Join-Path $installDir "Debloat-Windows-10-master"
if (-not (Test-Path installDir)) {
New-Item $installDir -ItemType Directory
if(!(Test-Path $archive)) {
Write-Host "[installer.debloat-windows-10] Downloading..."
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url" -OutFile "$archive"
if(Test-Path "$archive") {
$zipfile = Get-Item "$archive"
Write-Host "[installer.debloat-windows-10] Downloaded successfully"
Write-Host "[installer.debloat-windows-10] Extracting $archive to ${installDir}..."
if (Test-Path $debloatDir) {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -Path $debloatDir
Expand-Archive $archive -DestinationPath $zipfile.DirectoryName -Force
} else {
Write-Error "[installer.debloat-windows-10] Download failed"
# Set policy before importing modules or executing scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
# Hard code module names for now
$mod_fnames = @(
$modules = @()
$moduleDir = Join-Path $debloatDir "lib"
foreach ($m in $mod_fnames) {
$modules += (Join-Path $moduleDir $m)
foreach ($mod in $modules) {
if (Test-Path $mod) {
Import-Module $mod
} else {
Write-Error "[installer.debloat-windows-10] Error missing module: $mod"
# Get scripts to run
$filenames = @(
$scripts = @()
$scriptsDir = Join-Path $debloatDir "scripts"
foreach ($f in $filenames) {
$scripts += (Join-Path $scriptsDir $f)
# Execute the scripts
foreach ($s in $scripts) {
if (Test-Path $s) {
try {
iex ((Get-Content $s) -join [environment]::newline)
} catch {
Write-Host "[installer.debloat-windows-10] Warning: Error occurred running $s"
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