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Created September 15, 2016 00:48
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Handoff sets of Sass variables to mixin's content block
// handoff mixin variables for use inside content
$batons: () !default;
/// get the last set of variables handed-off
/// @param $baton=() map of variables
/// @example calling from inside a handoff-enabled mixin with content block
/// @mixin foo($foo, $free) {
/// // send handoff right before `@content`
/// @include handoff((
/// foo: bar,
/// free: beer
/// ));
/// @content
/// }
/// @include foo() {
/// // get handoff first thing
/// $handoff: handoff();
/// foo: map-get($handoff, foo);
/// free: map-get($handoff, beer);
/// }
@function handoff($baton) {
// pop the last set of variables and return and return
@if($baton == null) {
$batons-except-last: ();
@for $i from 1 through length($batons) {
@if $i == length($handoff) {
$last: nth($handoff, length($handoff));
@else {
$batons-except-last: append($batons-except-last, nth($batons, $i));
$batons: $batons-except-last !global;
@return $last;
// add to relay list
@if type-of($baton) == map {
$batons: append($batons, $baton) !global;
@else {
@error 'handoff parameter must be a map';
@mixin handoff($baton) {
@if type-of($baton) != map {
@error 'handoff parameter must be a map';
$_: handoff($baton);
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