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Created June 28, 2024 18:19
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function Load-RoutingTableFromJson {
param (
if (-not (Test-Path $JsonFilePath)) {
Write-Error "JSON file not found: $JsonFilePath"
return $null
$jsonContent = Get-Content $JsonFilePath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$routingTable = @()
foreach ($route in $ {
$routingTable += @{
CIDR = $
Name = $
PrefixLength = [int]($ -split "/")[1]
# Sort the routing table by prefix length in descending order (most specific first)
return $routingTable | Sort-Object -Property PrefixLength -Descending
function Test-IPInSubnet {
param (
$ipAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse($IP)
$networkAddress = [System.Net.IPAddress]::Parse(($CIDR -split "/")[0])
$prefixLength = [int]($CIDR -split "/")[1]
$ipBytes = $ipAddress.GetAddressBytes()
$networkBytes = $networkAddress.GetAddressBytes()
if ($ipBytes.Length -ne $networkBytes.Length) {
return $false
$prefixFullBytes = [math]::Floor($prefixLength / 8)
$prefixRemainingBits = $prefixLength % 8
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $prefixFullBytes; $i++) {
if ($ipBytes[$i] -ne $networkBytes[$i]) {
return $false
if ($prefixRemainingBits -gt 0) {
$mask = [byte]((0xff -shl (8 - $prefixRemainingBits)) -band 0xff)
if (($ipBytes[$prefixFullBytes] -band $mask) -ne ($networkBytes[$prefixFullBytes] -band $mask)) {
return $false
return $true
function Test-IPInRoutes {
param (
if (-not ($IPAddress -as [System.Net.IPAddress])) {
Write-Error "Invalid IP address format."
return $null
foreach ($route in $RoutingTable) {
if ($route.CIDR -eq "") {
continue # Skip the catch-all route
if (Test-IPInSubnet -IP $IPAddress -CIDR $route.CIDR) {
return @{
IPAddress = $IPAddress
RouteName = $route.Name
CIDR = $route.CIDR
Present = $true
# If no specific route is found, check if there's a catch-all route
$catchAllRoute = $RoutingTable | Where-Object { $_.CIDR -eq "" } | Select-Object -First 1
if ($catchAllRoute) {
return @{
IPAddress = $IPAddress
RouteName = $catchAllRoute.Name
CIDR = $catchAllRoute.CIDR
Present = $true
IsCatchAll = $true
return @{
IPAddress = $IPAddress
RouteName = $null
CIDR = $null
Present = $false
function Check-IPRoute {
param (
$routingTable = Load-RoutingTableFromJson -JsonFilePath $JsonFilePath
if ($null -eq $routingTable) {
$result = Test-IPInRoutes -IPAddress $IPAddress -RoutingTable $routingTable
if ($null -eq $result) {
# This handles the case where an invalid IP address was provided
if ($result.Present) {
if ($result.IsCatchAll) {
Write-Host "The IP address $($result.IPAddress) is not present in any specific route, but matches the catch-all route: $($result.RouteName) ($($result.CIDR))"
} else {
Write-Host "The IP address $($result.IPAddress) is present in the route: $($result.RouteName) ($($result.CIDR))"
} else {
Write-Host "The IP address $($result.IPAddress) is not present in any of the routes."
# Example usage:
# $jsonFilePath = "C:\path\to\your\rt-network-prd-h-uks-01-firewall.json"
# Check-IPRoute -IPAddress "" -JsonFilePath $jsonFilePath
function Check-AllHostnames {
param (
[string]$JsonFilePath = ".\rt-network-prd-h-uks-01-firewall.json"
$hostnames = @{
foreach ($hostname in $hostnames.Keys) {
Write-Host "Checking $hostname (${hostnames[$hostname]}):"
Check-IPRoute -IPAddress $hostnames[$hostname] -JsonFilePath $JsonFilePath
Write-Host ""
# Usage:
# Check-AllHostnames
# Or if your JSON file is in a different location:
Check-AllHostnames -JsonFilePath ".\rt-network-prd-h-uks-01-firewall.json"
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