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Last active April 25, 2021 17:30
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PSArm Vnet and Snet Example
# Define variables for the virtual network and subnet properties
$location = "westus2"
$name = 'prod'
$vnetName = "vnet-$name-$location-001"
$vnetPrefix = ''
# Include as many subnets as you want to create as hashtables in the array
$subnets = @(
[PsCustomObject]@{Name = 'mgmt'; Prefix = ''},
[PsCustomObject]@{Name = 'web'; Prefix = ''},
[PsCustomObject]@{Name = 'db'; Prefix = ''}
# Define the ARM resources
Arm {
# Add the virtual network resource
# Note the use of variables inline with the resource definition
Resource $vnetName -Namespace Microsoft.Network -Type virtualNetworks -ApiVersion 2020-08-01 -Location $location {
properties {
addressSpace {
addressPrefixes $vnetPrefix
# Use PowerShell's foreach to iterate through creating each subnet
foreach ($subnet in $subnets) {
subnets {
name $subnet.Name
properties {
addressPrefix $subnet.Prefix
} # End of vnet resource
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