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Last active October 12, 2022 19:06
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ipfw config
# This is an attempt at an ipfw config for a cluster with a master node and many
# compute nodes. The master node is acting as a gateway for the compute nodes
# in the LAN (
# A jail running on one of the compute nodes with address is to be
# accessible from the outside (using redirect_addr
# The address is an alias for the WAN
# interface that will only be used to direct traffic to this jail.
# Incoming traffic on port 44622 should be redirected to port 22 on the compute
# node with address
# No outgoing traffic is to be blocked from either the master node or the
# compute nodes.
# Ensure net.inet.ip.fw.one_pass is set to 0
cmd="/sbin/ipfw -q"
# flush existing rules
$cmd -f flush
# incoming nat
$cmd nat 1 config if $wanif \
reset \
same_ports \
unreg_only \
redirect_port tcp 44622 \
# set up loopback
$cmd add allow all from any to any via lo0
$cmd add deny all from any to
$cmd add deny ip from to any
# no restrictions on bridge0 or tun0
$cmd add allow all from any to any via bridge0
$cmd add allow all from any to any via tun0
# no restrictions on lanif
$cmd add allow all from any to any via $lanif
# catch spoofing from outside
$cmd add deny ip from any to any in not antispoof
# incoming traffic that needs nat
$cmd add nat 1 ip4 from any to me in recv $wanif
# this rule must be directly after incoming nat
$cmd add check-state
# outgoing traffic to block here
# allow all other outgoing connections by skipping processing to the outbound nat rule, 10000
$cmd add skipto 10000 tcp from any to any out xmit $wanif setup keep-state
$cmd add skipto 10000 udp from any to any out xmit $wanif keep-state
# incoming
$cmd add allow tcp from any to me 80,443,44422 in recv $wanif setup keep-state
# Rules for allowing packets to services which are listening on a LAN interface behind the NAT
$cmd add skipto 10000 tcp from any to any 44622 in recv $wanif setup keep-state
# nat for outgoing packets
$cmd add 10000 nat 1 ip4 from any to any out xmit $wanif
#$cmd add 10000 nat 1 ip4 from to any out
# allow anything else
$cmd add allow ip from any to any via $wanif
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